541 research outputs found

    Early Mobilization And Functional Mobility Training For A Patient With Triple Vessel Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: A Case Report

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    Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is a widely used procedure (200,000 annual cases in the US)1 in individuals with Coronary artery disease (CAD). CAD is a build-up of plaque in the blood vessels that supply the heart, which can result from diabetes, smoking, and a vast number of other conditions. The procedure involves harvesting blood vessels (usually autografts of the patient’s saphenous vein) and surgically attaching them to the aorta and the poorly perfused area of the heart, bypassing the damaged vessels. Early mobility is now the standard of care in physical therapy (PT) practice following CABG, however some clinicians prefer to wait until the patient has left the Intensive care unit (ICU) to provide services.https://dune.une.edu/pt_studcrposter/1175/thumbnail.jp

    Early Mobilization And Functional Mobility Training For A Patient With Triple Vessel Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: A Case Report

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    Background and Purpose: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the buildup of plaque in coronary blood vessels and is the most common type of heart disease in the United States. Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is an invasive surgical procedure used to provide alternate blood supply to cardiac tissue in individuals with CAD using autografts. The goals of the surgery are often to prolong life, reduce symptoms, improve functioning, and improve vocational status. The purpose of this case report was to document the outcomes of a physical therapy (PT) plan of care for a complex patient after undergoing CABG. Case Description: The patient was a 70-year-old male with evident CAD and many comorbidities including type II diabetes mellitus with peripheral neuropathy, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), current tobacco use disorder, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), obstructive sleep apnea, and chronic pain who underwent triple vessel CABG at a Veterans Affairs Hospital in Palo Alto, CA. A PT plan of care was implemented and based around the principles of early mobilization and functional mobility training. Outcomes: Following five sessions, the patient progressed from being unable to attempt any transfers/ambulation to completing all basic transfers and ambulating independently without an assistive device at discharge. He was discharged to home with no complications at two-week follow-up. Discussion: A PT plan of care that included early mobilization and functional mobility training appeared to be beneficial in timely hospital discharge for a patient post-CABG with many comorbidities. Future research that examines the effects of each comorbidity on CABG outcomes may improve the understanding of the specific needs of these patients

    Harry Potter and the Religious Right: An in-depth look at the Christian undertones in J.K. Rowling\u27s series

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    This thesis involves an investigation of the Christian elements in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter book series. Methods and procedures included researching right wing religious responses to the Harry Potter series through media outlets. Each book was read and analyzed in response to religious objections. The series was explicated and studied for religious themes and ideas. The claims of the witchcraft content in the series were researched and expounded upon. Supplementary readers were used, and commentators were relied upon for certain cited ideas. The findings of this thesis are that fringe religious groups who oppose the Potter series are misinformed in their objections. In conclusion, Rowling\u27s series supports many Christian ideas and serves as edifying literature to readers

    Treatment of Knee Synovitis from Psoriatic Arthritis with Platelet Rich Plasma Injection

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    Psoriatic arthritis has been known to cause many inflammatory clinical features, including synovitis. In the past, synovitis has been primarily treated with NSAIDs, corticosteroid injections, and synovectomy when needed. This case report outlines a 49-year-old female with synovitis caused by psoriatic arthritis who did not respond to conventional treatment options and was apprehensive to surgery. She was offered a platelet rich plasma (PRP) injection as alternative therapy to a synovectomy. This case explores the use of PRP injections as a potential treatment modality for patients with synovitis caused by psoriatic arthritis. This patient was able to show improvement in her symptoms after the use of the platelet rich plasma injection

    Beauty and the Flirt: Male Physical Attractiveness and Approaches to Relationship Initiation

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    This multi-study investigation explored how women evaluate men’s approach strategies. In Study 1, 330 participants generated 546 verbal strategies used in courtship initiation. Strategies were rated on three dimensions that define relationships: affiliation, dominance, and explicitness. Affiliation and explicitness were related to strategy flirtatiousness. In Study 2, 361 females participated in an experiment that explored the effects of four approach strategies used by an attractive or unattractive man on conversation continuance and future interaction. Attractive men using inviting, playful, and less annoying messages were most successful. Study 3 (N = 398) replicated Study 2 using different approach strategies, and also demonstrated male attractiveness, affiliation and explicitness inform message flirtatiousness and influence courtship outcomes. Results suggest approach strategy, but not male attractiveness, influence perceived first date goals

    Modulation of the Callinectes sapidus Cardiac System by Serotonin

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    The heart of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, is a simple central pattern generator-effector system. The 9 neuron cardiac ganglion (CG), embedded within the cardiac muscle, sets the basic rhythm of the heart. The activity of the CG is modulated by both neuronal (via cardioregulatory fibers) and hormonal signals (via the pericardial organs). Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and dopamine have previously been identified as the neurotransmitters of two of the three cardioregulatory fibers and are both present in the pericardial organs (PO). In this study, we used immunohistochemistry to determine the distribution of the biogenic amine, Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine) in the central nervous system of the blue crab. Serotonin-like immunoreactivity (5-HT-li) was observed in cells in the brain and thoracic ganglion and in fibers within the brain-thoracic connectives. 5-HT-li fibers projected via segmental nerve 1 towards the PO. Multiple branching fine caliber fibers and varicosities expressed 5-HT-li within the PO. 5-HT-li was not observed in the dorsal nerve or CG. Serotonin induced both positive chronotropic and inotropic effects in isolated heart preparations at concentrations consistent with hormonal signaling. The 5-HT-li distribution and cardiac responsiveness to serotonin both suggest a possible cardiomodulatory role for serotonin in the heart of the blue crab

    Strategic misrepresentation in online dating: The effects of gender, self-monitoring, and personality traits

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    Enhancing Big Ideas Through Regional Planning: Cross-Jurisdictional \u27Value Added\u27 in Washington State

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    This paper argues that enhancing multi-jurisdictional planning - i.e. regionalism in various forms -- should be at the center of how we ameliorate most of our major developmental challenges. Put another way, efforts to improve the planning profession’s contribution to concerns like “climate action,” “economic development,” “social equity,” “local government capacity,” and so on, all require more attention to stronger regional planning processes. The paper is divided into three sections. In the first section, we develop the over-arching theme that experiments in regionalism longer refer to significant institutional-structural reforms - in particular, to consolidation or centralization of planning authority -- but instead to far less threatening, more politically viable, and also less ambitious efforts to build incremental, horizontal collaborations that frequently lack much formal authority because they rely heavily on voluntary reciprocity. We then turn to a lengthy discussion of five different regional planning experiences in Washington State: (1) efforts by the Yakima Council of Governments to making homelessness a “cross-cutting” regional issue; (2)Walla Walla’s efforts to strengthen regional watershed planning; (3) a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the Columbia River Gorge Commission; (4) a critical reflection on the importance of tribes in regional planning and possible future dynamics in the Whatcom-La Connor-Swinomish area; and (5) a discussion of recent efforts in the Olympia-Thurston County to coordinate local climate action through enhanced regional collaborations. The final section of the paper recapitulates the main ideas and offers preliminary suggestions as we move forward

    Socio-Ecological Interactions Promote Outbreaks of a Harmful Invasive Plant in an Urban Landscape

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    Urban landscapes often harbour organisms that harm people and threaten native biodiversity. These landscapes are characterized by differences in socioeconomic context, habitat suitability and patch connectedness. Identifying which spatial differences enable outbreaks of pests, pathogens and invasive species will improve targeted control efforts. We tested hypotheses to explain the distribution and demography of puncturevine Tribulus terrestris, a human-dispersed invasive plant in Boise, a city in the western United States. We hypothesized an increase in puncturevine infestations near low-valued properties with a high proportion of bare ground, the species\u27 preferred microhabitat, that are well connected on the urban road network. To test these hypotheses, we collected data on the abundance, emergence and persistence of reproductive plants in transects spanning \u3e100 km of our study city. We then used hierarchical Bayesian models to evaluate the impacts of spatial covariates on puncturevine distribution and demography. Bare ground cover consistently increased abundance, emergence and persistence of puncturevine, indicating the overarching importance of suitable establishment sites for this invasive species. Property value had the strongest impact on puncturevine abundance and was the most important main effect in the model for puncturevine emergence. In both models, lower-valued properties had a higher risk of puncturevine occurrence. The effects of road network connectivity depended on bare ground cover, with the highest predicted abundance and emergence of puncturevine in patches with low connectivity on the road network and high bare ground cover. Understanding these relationships will require data that can disentangle seed dispersal from establishment limitations

    The Assistant Clinical Research Coordinator Program: A Pathway for Recruitment in Radiation Oncology

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    PURPOSE: Recruiting prospective physicians to radiation oncology can be challenging, because of limited familiarity with the field. The Assistant Clinical Research Coordinator (ACRC) program can help provide trainees early exposure to radiation oncology. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The ACRC program involves hiring a college graduate to provide administrative and research support for faculty members. The program was developed with our institution\u27s clinical trials office, which provided guidance on regulatory compliance and training. A structured selection process identifies top candidates, and a rigorous onboarding process ensures smooth transitions between ACRCs. We report characteristics and outcomes of ACRC employees and surveyed them to assess their program experience using a Likert scale. RESULTS: From 2005 to 2023, the ACRC program paired 73 ACRCs with faculty. Most faculty (68%) are currently supported by ACRCs. In 2023, 113 applications were received for 4 positions. ACRCs have contributed to research publications (293 as coauthors and 43 as first authors) and taken on leadership roles in the department. Most program alumni have attended medical school (34 of 64 program graduates; 53%). Eight have chosen to specialize in radiation oncology (13%; 2 applying into radiation oncology, 1 in residency, and 5 attendings). Of the 25% of alumni who responded to our survey, 77% responded that the mentorship provided by the ACRC program was very or extremely effective in guiding their academic development. All respondents rated the research opportunities as good or excellent, and 77% rated the clinical experience opportunities as good or excellent. Most (77%) reported that the ACRC program had substantial or significant influence on their choice of career path. CONCLUSIONS: The ACRC program provides an opportunity to address recruitment challenges in radiation oncology by offering early exposure to the field, clinical research skills, and mentorship. With the strong interest in our job posting this year, there is potential to expand this program to other institutions
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