4 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Laju Pengeringan terhadap Perubahan Fisiologi BENIH Avicennia Marina (Forsk.) Vierh.

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    The Effect of Drying Rate on Physiological Changes in Seed of Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh.ABSTRACT. Avicennia marina seed has been classified a highly recalcitrant that need the right handling for maintaining seed viability. The objective og this study was to investigate physiological, biochemical, anatomical changes at various drying rate, fast, medium and slow drying. Seed moisture content, germination percentage, speed of germination, index of vigor, time to reach 50% germination, electrolyte leachates, oligosaccharide content were determined, and anatomical of embryonic axes was observed at various times durng desiccation. The result of the experiment show that the moisture content of A. marina seed was 60.75-64.67% at shedding. Time to reach the lowest moisture content (32-33%) at fast, medium and slow drying were 6, 10 and 14 days, respectively. First and final count in germination test were 13 and 22 days. Critical moisture content of seed based on time to reach 50% viability (P50) were 37.25, 43.28, and 45.92% for fast, medium and slow drying, respectively. The critical moisture content based on speed of germination were 36.51, 42.47, and 45.01% for fast, medium and slow drying, respectively

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Pupuk Organik Cair Super Bionik dan Varietas Kacang Tanah terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil

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    Effect of Organic Liquid Fertilizer and Peanut Variety on the Growth and YieldABSTRACT. The objective of this study were to investigate several varieties and liquid organic fertilizer on the growth at the yield of peanut of the tsunami affected area and also to identify the interaction between the two factors. The research was conducted at the Lamnyong river flood plain which is located at west sector of Komplek Pelajar Mahasiswa (KOPELMA) Darussalam – Banda Aceh from March to Mei 2009. Randomized completely block design with two factor was used on this experiment using three replications. The first factor was peanut variety (i.e. Singa, Kuala Batee and Tangse), and the second factors was Super Bionik fertilizer concentrations (i.e. 0 cc; 0.9 cc; 1,8 cc /225cc). The variety significantly influenced the plants height on 45 days after planting, the amount of ginofore, the plant wet weight, and 100 seed weight, however the variety not significantly influenced other parameters (i.e. the amount of the branches at 45 days after planting, the total pods, and the amount of full pod). The result showed that Super Bionic concentrations not significantly influenced all parameters observed, and no interactions between the variety and the fertilizer concentration occurred on the parameters observed

    Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Tumpangsari Tomat (Lycopersicum Esculentum Mill.) dan Bawang Merah (Allium Esculentum L.) melalui Kobinasi Jarak Tanam dan Konsentrasi Pupuk Hayati

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    . The objective of study were to determine the effective row-spacing and concentration of biofertilizer on growth and yield of intercropping tomato and onion. The result showed that the row spacing have significant effect on height of tomato tree at 10 and 55 DAP, amount of fruit and total weight of per tomato plant. Their were significant interaction between row spacing and concentration of biofertilizer on height at 55 DAP and average weight of fruit per plant of tomato. The row spacing 60 cm x 60 cm and 0% of biofertilizer gave the highest height of tomato tree at 55DAP and row spacing 70 cm x 60 cm with 2% biofertilizer gave heaviest average of weight of tomato fruit per plant