104 research outputs found

    Workplace Counselling in Indonesia

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    Workplace counselling is aimed at providing support for the physical and mental welfare of employees. This effort will have impact on increasing productivitiy and work performance of employees so that as the end result the company will get a better profit. Good impressions for the company will also be gathered because workplace counselling can be seen as the manifestation of company responsibilities, legally and ethically. Employees will respect the company when employees are viewed as potential assests that need to be developed optimally. In practice, the concepts mentioned previously seem different. A survey conducted on 26 small-and-middle-size companies in Java, which handle various fields, found that most of the companies have not provided optimal efforts on workplace counselling. Some reasons identified were related to the time and cost effieciencies, and employees’ suspicion to the division in the company, which handles workplace counselling, will function as the company’s tool for making pressures on employees. The culture of Indonesian people and current situation in Indonesia, which coloured by ‘distrustful’ apparently influence this fenomena. Some companies, which have started to provide facilities for workplace counselling, mostly a middle-size company, have not been functioning the facilities due to the lack of publicity and popularity regarding workplace counselling. Suggestions made for the companies in regards to providing workplace counselling

    Professionalism as Organizational Culture: Initial steps in Change Management

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    In the global era of highly dynamic and competitive, the organization should be ready with the changes that occur at any time, along with the rhythm of accelerating change and driven by advances technology. Fundamental strengths in the field of continuous productivity improvement, cost reduction, innovative, and efficient operation of the traditional ways are taken in order to compete. But this power is not enough, because to win the competition companies must focus not only on various operational strategies, but also on the strength of its human resources. Structuring the organization's culture is also required, given the magnitude of the influence exerted on human behavior that work in it. Rapid changes also force the organization to adjust its culture, by emphasizing professionalism as a key advantage, as motivation to achieve a certain standard that must be owned by any person to be effective. Professionalism was chosen to be the first step for organizational changes in accordance to the organization condition. This study is an action research in an organization, with the stages of the pre-assessment, assessment, and intervention, using the method of observation, interviews, focus group discussions, and training. Of the 119 employees who filled out a questionnaire on pre-assessment stage, 16 people in the section heads position were selected for the focus group discussion on the stage of assessment, up to a training session on the stage of the intervention. Quantitative analysis with Wilcoxon test indicates an increase conceptual understanding of professionalism as an organizational culture. Further interventions required to touch the affective aspect as well as the skills improvement, in order to form professionalism in the real sense

    Personality Traits Model of An Entrepreneur

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    Entrepreneurship is one of the driver of a country's economic development. Entrepreneur is one who can take the initiative of business opportunities by combining elements of capital and existing resources and to benefit from these efforts. Various disciplines trying to explain the problems of entrepreneurship, including economics, sociology, and psychology. One of the psychological thinking contribution is to highlight the personality characteristics needed by an entrepreneur to achieve success. We do understand that success in any field is not only supported by the factor of intelligence alone, but must also be supported by another important factor such as personality factors. Personality factors which are usually studied in many research is the personality traits. This paper tries to study some of the previous research on the personality traits of an entrepreneur, especially female entrepreneur. 14 female entrepreneurs, 9 of them are members of east Java IWAPI, were interviewed. This study found a picture of characteristics of entrepreneurs that are able to make them success. Summary and conclusion of these studies will be described in a model of personality characteristics of an entrepreneur. The model is expected to be a reference for future studies as well as guidelines for practitioners


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    Strategi pemasaran merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam pengendalian perusahaan. Unsur harga menjadi isu yang relevan ,di antara berbagai unsur dalam strategi pemasaran, bila dikaitkan dengan kondisi ekonomi nasional yang sedang menghadapi krisis saat ini. Dengan kata lain faktor harga menjadi salah satu masalah utama yang harus dipertimbangkan oleh marketer Tulisan berikut akan membahas khusus mengenai strategi penetapan harga, dengan mengetengahkan salah satu model dari Harper W. Boyd, Jr & Orville C. Walker, Jr. (1982). Dipilihnya model ini mengingat kelengkapan dari faktorfaktor yang relevan untuk dipertimbangkan oleh perusahaan/produsen sebelum terjadinya keputusan penetapan harga. Idealnya model ini digunakan ketika untuk pertama kalinya suatu perusahaan/produsen menetapkan harga produknya, namun dalam prakteknya model inipun dapat dijadikan acuan setiap kali direncanakan adanya perubahan harga. Model ini menyarankan diperhitungkannya dua faktor utama dalam penetapan harga, yakni faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor internal terdiri dari tujuan perusahaan, strategi bauran pemasaran, biaya, dan organisasi. Sedangkan faktor eksternal mencakup sifat pasar dan permintaan, persaingan, dan faktor lingkungan lainnya. Secara spesifik model ini membahas berbagai pengaruh dan kendala dalam penetapan harga, yang mencakup strategi perusahaan dan strategi pemasaran, karakteristik pasar sasaran, produk, kompetitor, pengaruh lingkungan dan juga merinci langkah-langkah dalam penetapan harga

    Pembentukan Program Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja : Studi kasus di Perusahaan X

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    Program Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja (Quality of Work-life) merupakan salah satu intervensi dalam pengembangan dan perubahan organisasi yang peduli terhadap kesejahteraan karyawan, kepuasan kerja. kepuasan dalam area kehidupan di luar kerja, dan kepuasan terhadap keseluruhan hidup, kebahagiaan pribadi dan kesejahteraan subyektif. Dengan terangkatnya martabat dan kesejahteraan seluruh anggota organisasi, termasuk pekerja dan manajemen, diharapkan pada akhirnya akan mengarah pada peningkatan produktivitas dan kinerja. Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja lebih merupakan praktek dan kebijakan yang menentukan lingkungan organisasi, sedangkan operasionalisasi dari konstruk tersebut dapat terwujud dalam bentuk intervensi pengembangan organisasi (organizational development) maupun manajemen perubahan (change management). Pembentukan program ini dilakukan secara customized, yakni menyesuaikan dengan kondisi spesifik organisasi, dengan menekankan pada proses dan dinamika antara orang-orang yang terlibat di dalamnya. Konstruk yang digunakan adalah dari European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Condition (EWON, 2002) yang menyebutkan adanya 5 (lima) aspek yang terkait dengan kualitas kehidupan kerja, yakni kesehatan dan kesejahteraan (health and well-being), keamanan kerja (job security), kepuasan kerja (job satisfaction), pengembangan kompetensi (competency development), dan keseimbangan antara kehidupan kerja dan pribadi (work and non-work life balance). Penelitian ini menggunakan action research design, yakni riset di mana peneliti dan subjek penelitian bersama-sama berpartisipasi, yang secara keseluruhan membutuhkan waktu 3 (tiga) tahun. Saat ini penelitian telah berjalan pada tahun kedua, dengan serangkaian program yang dirancang sesuai dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja di perusahaan X.. Pada tahun pertama dilakukan kegiatan pemetaan cluster sebagai kondisi awal (base line data) dari organisasi dan pembuatan rancangan program Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja, serta pembuatan beberapa modul pelatihan dan pengembangan, sesuai dengan hasil pemetaan yang diperoleh. Pada tahun kedua dilakukan beberapa intervensi, berupa sosialisasi, pelaksanaan pelatihan dan pengembangan, pelaksanaan pengembangan dan perubahan organisasi (organizational development, change management), serta pembuatan sistem, seperti system penggajian dan rancangan pembentukan pusat pelatihan maupun pusat konsultasi. Evaluasi proses secara keseluruhan dilakukan pada tengah dan akhir tahun penelitian bersama seluruh tim peneliti yang terlibat

    Quality of Work –life Dosen dan Tenaga Administrasi

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    Perguruan tinggi adalah salah satu “pabrik” penghasil tenaga kerja yang bersifat padat karya, sehingga sebagian besar anggaran belanja organisasi terserap untuk membiayai tenaga kerja manusianya. Efektivitas kinerja banyak tergantung dari tenaga dosen dan tenaga administrasi, maka perhatian terhadap sumber daya manusia sudah selayaknya menjadi hal yang utama dalam dunia pendidikan tinggi, salah satunya adalah dari sisi kualitas kehidupan kerjanya. Kualitas kehidupan kerja dirumuskan sebagai pertemuan antara identitas peran karyawan dan sumber daya kerja. Dimensi yang digunakan sebagai dasar teoritik pengukuran dalam penelitian ini adalah dari European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EWON, 2002) yang membagi kualitas kehidupan kerja menjadi lima dimensi, yakni kesehatan dan kesejahteraan (health and well-being), keseimbangan antara kehidupan kerja dan kehidupan pribadi (the balance between work and non-work life), kepuasan kerja (job-satisfaction), kenyamanan kerja (job security), dan pengembangan kompetensi (competence development). Survey menggunakan kuesioner disebarkan ke tiga fakultas di suatu perguruan tinggi. Jumlah responden 167 orang, terdiri dari 99 dosen dan 68 tenaga administrasi, yang diambil dengan teknik incidental sampling. Data diolah dengan menggunakan teknik statistik deskriptif. Dari survey ini dapat diketahui bagaimana gambaran dari kualitas kehidupan kerja di perguruan tinggi tersebut sebagai acuan bagi manajemen perguruan tinggi guna menindak lanjutinya dengan program-program yang dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup dosen dan tenaga administrasi, kenyamanan dalam bekerja, yang berdasarkan berbagai penelitian terdahulu erat kaitannya dengan peningkatan kinerja organisasi


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    Personal selling as a promotional activity has its own characteristics in its approach, which provides services that satisfy consumers in a more personal way. A salesperson is the primary contact point for the customer both before and after the purchase. Under these conditions, the salesperson controls the level of service quality delivered and is overwhelmed with enormous responsibilities in conveying service offerings. Salespeople involved in the marketing of complex services often perform the role of “relationship manager”. On the other hand he or she is expected to reach the sales target, which is sometimes conflicted to the other roles. To be able to cope with an increasingly demanding competitive market, the company needs a professional sales force, who is capable of producing a good performance. Sales performance research over the last 70 years has been characterized by various attempts to link sets of constructs to the overall performance of the selling activity.The purpose of this research is to investigate a predictive model of relationships between role stress, personality, and job performance. Personality in question are job satisfaction, self-efficacy, and emotional intelligence. Data retrieved using survey and interview methods, and the relationship between research variables tested by using analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on the variance component or partial least square (PLS). Questionaire was filled by 114 agents of a life insurance company operating in East Java. From 9 hypotheses proposed, it was found that there were two significant relationships, i.e the relationship between role ambiguity and self-efficacy and the relationship between role ambiguity and emotional intelligence

    Organizational Health as A Corporate Culture and Foundation of Organizational Development

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    Culture is a field of many interacting forces, as a stream of human activities involving ideas, behaviors, norms, and manifestations of many kinds in which everyone is enmeshed day by day. Cultures involve norms and values, and they usually have quite long durations in time. Sudden change is possible but rare. An organization indeed can embrace joy and health, while overcoming the potentially conflicting experiences of work and joy as a corporate culture. Work need not be a burden, and the attainment of positive pleasure and a sense of daily vitality constitute reachable goals. Building a joyful organization, as worldwide experience shows, is a counterintuitive exercise. But having the experience of joy in the organizational context, organizational health is related to success, as well as being a strong foundation of organizational development. This concept considers a balance among objectives and examines the numerous ‘‘diseases’’ of organizations. There are some criteria for organizational health and the diseases that arise when some functionality is consistently missing. These include customer exploitation, aggressive approaches to the environment, alienation, shortsightedness, and workaholism. Symptoms include self-centered leadership, isolation, and insensitivity—all of which frustrate organizational health. it builds on a sound theoretic base for understanding human behavior.The executives play a distinguished role in creating a healthy and joyful organization. The following is a research on the organizational health in an institution , associated with organizational development efforts to meet the era of globalization in general and especially AEC. This is a survey research using observation and interviews as the method, and analyzed by quantitative and qualitative method. Guidelines interview derived from the criteria of diseases in organization. There were 8 participants from 4 sub division. The results showed the tendency of several diseases such as bureaucracy, suboptimizing , risk avoidance , stagnation , and joylessness . It is concluded that the organization is relatively quite healthy , but there are still some potential diseases that needs to be prevented from spreading. It is suggested that the organization should review the organizational structure , increasing the development and coaching of employees , and giving the product knowledge to the employees. Further research needs to be done for the review of item checklist , use of research methods that are more varied , and the increasing number of participants


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    Pembahasan tentang Quality of Work Life (QWL) pertamakalinya dilakukan pada tahun 1972 dalam suatu konperensi internasional di Los Angeles yang kemudian dibukukan dan diedit oleh Louis Davis dan Albert Cherns (dalam Wyatt dan Wah, 2001, merujuk Davis & Cherns, 1975). Pada saat itu terdapat keyakinan yang kuat bahwa pengalaman kerja juga dapat mendorong tumbuhnya sikap positif dan perasaan memiliki dari pekerja serta membentuk masyarakat yang lebih humanis. Menurut Cherns (1978, dalam Wyatt dan Wah, 2001) istilah QWL merupakan perpaduan antara perspektif structural maupun perspektif system dan perilaku organisasi di satu pihak dan perspektif hubungan interpersonal, hubungan sesama manusia , dan gaya supervisi di pihak lain. Dicatat juga kemungkinan bahwa Mills pada tahun 1978 mencantumkan istilah QWL ke dalam the vocabulary of unions and management (dalam Wyatt dan Wah, 2001, merujuk Mills, 1978). Masih menurut Wyatt dan Wah (2001) konsep QWL telah diterima dengan baik di Amerika Utara, Eropa, dan Jepang sebagai sebuah pendekatan manajerial yang memberikan penghargaan dan kepedulian yang lebih besar kepada demokratisasi dan humanisasi dalam bidang pekerjaan, termasuk juga penerimaan pandangan bahwa dengan QWL, maka produktivitas tenaga kerja menjadi lebih meningkat
