1,577 research outputs found

    Implementasi Metode Breadth First Search DanVikor pada Aplikasi Diagnosa Kerusakan Hardware Komputer

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    Kerusakan pada komputer memiliki berbagai macam kerusakan dari kerusakan ringan maupun berat yang menyebabkan banyak service center yang banyak dibuka. Akan tetapi seiring banyaknya service center yang dibuka, banyak pula service center yang melakukan penipuan pada pelanggan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut dibangunlah aplikasi yang digunakan dalam pencarian diagnosa kerusakan komputer yang menggunakan metode breadth first search dan vikor. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan uji coba aplikasi dengan menggunakan metode black box. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa algoritma Breadth First Search dapat melakukan proses pencarian solusi melalui pemilihan gejala-gejala yang ada, kemudian metode Vikor dapat melakukan proses rating untuk merekomendasi solusi yang akan dilakukan oleh user dengan tingkat keberhasilan 99% sesuai dengan rekomendasi ahl

    Effect of intellectual capital and entrepreneurial orientation on innovation performance of manufacturing SMEs: mediating role of knowledge sharing

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    Purpose: Manufacturing sectors are identified to be of the foremost importance expected to increase Malaysia's GDP contribution to the Eleventh Malaysia Plan (11th MP). The present study aims to examine the effects of intellectual capital and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) on knowledge sharing in manufacturing SMEs. The impact of intellectual capital and EO on firms' innovation performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is accordingly investigated by considering knowledge sharing as the mediator. Design/methodology/approach: The data were collected via a questionnaire consisting of the owners or top managers of 121 manufacturing SMEs in Malaysia. Partial least square (PLS) was used to analyze the obtained data. Findings: Results indicated that human capital, as well as external relational capital, has a positive correlation with both knowledge sharing and innovation performance mediated by knowledge sharing. It was also shown that knowledge sharing has a significant impact on firm innovation performance. Interestingly, structural capital, internal relational capital and (EO) did not significantly impact knowledge sharing and innovation performance. However, all of these elements are important to influence the firm's innovation performance. Practical implications: The study contributes to the literature on intellectual capital, entrepreneurial orientation, knowledge sharing and innovation through developing and testing the possible connections among them. The finding of this study will provide owners and top managers in manufacturing SMEs insight into the variables improving firm innovation performance. Originality/value: This study provides a basis for researchers to reach more mounting evidence about the practice of knowledge sharing and innovation performance among manufacturing SMEs in Malaysia

    Human Resource Outsourcing: Lesson From Multinational Enterprises

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    This paper examines the consequence of the organization internalization on the practice of human resource (HR) outsourcing among manufacturing organizations. The assumption is that HR outsourcing is perceived as an innovative practice and that multinational enterprise (MNEs) will employ this practice more than local organizations. The data was gathered from survey questionnaires of 232 manufacturing organizations. Of the sample, 113 organizations engaged with HR outsourcing, and 71 are MNEs that partially outsource their HR functions. The findings reveal that HR outsourcing among MNEs is used to a greater extent than local organizations. A significant difference is found in the extent of outsourcing payroll, benefits, training and recruitment between MNEs and in local organizations

    Pengaruh Kebiasaan di Rumah terhadap Perilaku Siswa Kelas X di Sekolah

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    This research aims to explain the influence of student habit in home with behavior of students class X in MAN Model 1 Bandar Lampung. The problem of this research is how the influence of habit in home with behavior of student in school. Data collecting technique is descriptive correlational method. Population of this research counted 398 students, so that taken sample counted 10% that is counted 40 students.. Data analysis technique use chi kuadrat. Based on the data examination and analysis, it obtained value C=0,66 and value Cmaks=1. This means that there is a strong relationship between the habits of students at home with the behavior of students in school.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh kebiasaan siswa terhadap perilaku siswa kelas X di sekolah pada siswa-siswi MAN 1 Model Bandar Lampung. Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengaruh kebiasaan di rumah terhadap perilaku siswa di sekolah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif korelasional. Populasi pada penelitian ini berjumlah 398 orang siswa yang tersebar dalam 10 kelas. Peneliti hanya mengambil 10% dari jumlah total populasi 398 yaitu 40 orang. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Chi Kuadrat. Berdasarkan pengujian dan analisis data diperoleh nilai C= 0,66 dan nilai Cmaks= 1. Artinya terdapat hubungan yang kuat, antara kebiasaan di rumah dengan perilaku siswa di sekolah

    Use of plants in healthcare: a traditional ethno-medicinal practice in rural areas of southeastern Bangladesh

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    This is an electronic version of an article published in International Journal of Biodiversity Science & Management, Volume 5, Issue 1 March 2009 , pages 41 - 51 . International Journal of Biodiversity Science & Management is available online at http://www.informaworld.com/openurl?genre=journal&issn=1745-1590This study considered traditional ethno-medicinal practices of rural people of Feni district, Bangladesh, focusing on their utilization of medicinal plants and associated indigenous knowledge. Ninety households were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Plant resources are used to treat 26 different ailments ranging from simple cuts to diabetes. In total, 46 medicinal plants are as used, of which a third are trees. Homesteads are the primary source and few medicinal plants are cultivated. Aboveground plant parts are most used, particularly leaves. The diverse patterns of use of different medicinal plant parts shows the considerable indigenous knowledge of rural people and is generally widely available.ArticleInternational Journal of Biodiversity Science & Management. 5(1):41-51 (2009)journal articl

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Penjadwalan Dan Reservasi Untuk Penggunaan Private Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing is a new technology that is being hotly discussed by experts in information technology. Cloud computing technology is here to address the challenge of more efficient computing technologies. So an idea has come about to build a cloud system in the Petra Christian University's computer laboratory. However implementing the cloud could interfere with the use of existing lab. The application aims to help the user manage the cloud system to run according to the desired schedule.The application development involved evaluation on the scheduling system, enhancement on the filter scheduler to accommodate a time schedule, and creation of the web-based user interface to manage the time schedule (in the form of a calendar).The application can restrict the OpenStack's instance deployment only on the time schedule allowed by the system administrator. In addition, the system scheduler has negligible latency (overhead), so that it will not affect the system scheduler's performance

    Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Pelanggan Dengan Integrasi Service Quality (Servqual) Dan Quality Function Deployment (Qfd)

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    Intensitas persaingan dan jumlah pesaing menuntut setiap Perusahaan termasuk Swalayan KPRI UB untuk selalu memperhatikan keinginan pelanggan serta berusaha memenuhi apa yang mereka harapkan. Tujuan dari metode servqual, IPA, dan QFD dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi dan harapan pelanggan, memperoleh atribut yang masuk dalam kategori kritis, serta rekomendasi yang dapat diberikan untuk memperbaiki kualitas pelayanan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan atribut pada dimensi tangible, yaitu pencahayaan ruangan swalayan yang terang memiliki memiliki tingkat persepsi 2,57 dan tingkat harapan 4,17 sehingga atribut tersebut memiliki nilai gap negatif terbesar, yaitu -1,6, berdasarkan analisis metode IPA terdapat 8 atribut kualitas pelayanan yang masuk dalam kategori kritis dan harus diperbaiki. Rekomendasi berdasarkan prioritas utama yang perlu ditingkatkan dan dikembangkan terlebih dahulu berdasarkan metode QFD adalah pendayagunaan lampu yang tersedia di swalayan, melakukan re-layout tata letak ruangan swalayan, dan peningkatan daya listrik di KPRI UB, hal tersebut dilakukan terlebih dahulu karena pada atribut pencahayaan ruangan swalayan yang terang memiliki nilai normalized raw weight tertinggi berdasarkan analisis QFD yaitu sebesar 0,1352 atau 13,52% dari keseluruhan nilai normalized raw weight pada house of quality

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Risiko Reksadana Saham

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    The purpose of this research is to inflation, ihsg, tingkat suku bunga take the influence risk mutual fund companies stock price in Bapepam-LK on 2009-2012. Sampling this researce are quantified by using purposive sampling method and the criterias spesifically based only on 36 companies.Hypothesises in this researce are tested by using analysis. From the result, inflation have significant influences risk mutual fund, ihsg, and tingkat suku bunga didnt give either significant and positive influence to risk mual fund, R square in this research show on 0.325 which mean that the variation of risk mutual fund can be explained inflation, ihsg, tingkat suku bunga in amount of 32.5% while the remaining influence is determined by another variable outside this research.Keywords: risk mutual fund, inflation, ihsg , risk free rat

    Penentuan Strategi Manajemen Berdasarkan Analisis Performance Prism Dan Swot (Studi Kasus Travel Avatar Magetan)

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    Untuk menghadapi persaingan pelayanan jasa travel yang kian ketat, Perusahaan harus memberikan pelayanan yang baik terhadap konsumen, begitu juga dengan Travel Avatar Magetan sebagai salah satu penyedia jasa transportasi di Magetan. Dilatar belakangi oleh target Travel Avatar yang tidak tercapai pada tahun 2013, maka diperlukan penelitian untuk mengevaluasi kinerja Perusahaan dan menentukan strategi yang tepat agar Perusahaan dapat terus bersaing dengan kompetitor yang ada. Penelitian ini menggabungkan metode Performance Prism sebagai pengukur kinerja dan analisis SWOT (Strenghts, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) sebagai penentu strategi yang tepat. Peneliti menggunakan KPI (Key Performance Indicator) sebagai dasar pengukur kinerja Perusahaan. Dengan menggunakan OMAX (Objective Matrix) dan Traffic Light System, dapat diketahui aktivitas-aktivitas Perusahaan mana saja yang tergolong dalam kategori merah, kuning dan hijau. Hasil dari pengukuran kinerja dan brainstorming yang dilakukan kemudian dikategorikan ke dalam faktor internal sebagai Strengths dan Weakness serta faktor eksternal sebagai Opportunities dan Threats. Selanjutnya akan diperoleh strategi Perusahaan yang baru berdasarkan analisis tersebut. Hasil rancangan sistem pengukuran kinerja diperoleh 3 stakeholder yaitu investor, customer dan employee serta teridentifikasi 16 KPI. Berdasarkan perhitungan dengan menggunakan metode OMAX diperoleh kinerja keseluruhan Perusahaan sebesar 7,72. Dari Traffic Light System dapat diketahui 8 KPI masuk dalam kategori hijau, 5 KPI masuk dalam kategori kuning, dan 3 KPI masuk dalam kategori merah. Sedangkan dari analisis SWOT yang dilakukan SO, ST, WO dan WT. Strategi SO merekomendasikan untuk penambahan jadwal keberangkatan dan melakukan kerja sama dengan dealer kendaraan bermotor, strategi ST merekomendasikan untuk memberikan promo atau potongan harga, strategi WO merekomendasikan untuk melakukan laporan keuangan dan management review yang rutin dan terjadwal melakukan pelatihan dan pengembangan bagi karyawan serta strategi WT merekomendasikan untuk memberikan fasilitas customer service bagi pelanggan, memberikan promo dan memberikan fasilitas tambahan pada pelanggan.

    On the Error Probability of Cognitive RF-FSO Relay Networks over Rayleigh/EW Fading Channels with Primary-Secondary Interference

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    Free space optical (FSO) communication has emerged to provide line of sight connectivity and higher throughput over unlicensed optical spectrums. Cognitive radio (CR), on the other hand, can utilize the radio frequency (RF) spectrum and allow a secondary user (SU) to share the same spectrum with the primary user (PU) as long as the SU does not impose interference on the PU. Owing to the potential of these emerging technologies, to provide full spectrum efficiency, this paper focuses on the mixed CR RF-FSO transmission scheme, where RF communication is employed at one hop followed by the FSO transmission on the other hop in a dual-hop decode-and-forward (DF) configuration. To quantify the performance of the propose
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