262 research outputs found

    Achievement of AC Voltage Traceability and Uncertainty of NIS, Egypt through Capabilities of NIST, USA

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    This paper describes the methodology used to achieve the AC voltage traceability and the associated uncertainty in National Institute for Standards (NIS), Egypt via the capabilities of National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), USA.  The methodology includes the use of the thermal voltage converters (TVCs) and micropotentiometers (µPots) via a new automated calibration system for determination of the AC-DC Differences at different frequencies.  To confirm the results of this process, a bilateral comparison with NIST was organized through a set of (TVCs) to cover the range from 1 V to 200 V at frequencies of 55 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz and 200 kHz.  The comparison results associated with the uncertainty analysis are also discussed in this paper.  For low values of AC voltage, new three µPots were fabricated at NIST to establish the traceability from 50 mV to 200 mV at frequencies from 20 Hz to 1 MHz. The converters used in this work are also modeled then simulated using LT-spice/SwCAD III simulator. Keywords: electrical measurements, thermal voltage converter, micropotentiometer, modelling and electrical simulation, uncertainty analysis, bilateral comparison

    Analisis Yuridis Terhadap Pembatalan Dan Pencabutan Sertipikat Hak Pengelolaan Yang Didalamnya Terdapat Alas Hak Kepemilikan Atas Tanah Orang Lain (Studi Putusan Nomor 37 Pk/tun/2013)

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    The problems of the research were what were the Judge' considerations in settling the case in the Verdict of the PK (Judicial Review) No. 37 PK/TUN/2013, how the legal efforts of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I, and how the execution of the Verdict of the PK No.37 PK/TUN/2013 was. In order to find the answers to the problems, this research was descriptive analytical. The Judge's considerations in the Verdict of the PK No.37 PK/TUN/2013 regarding the annulment and revocation of the certificate was in line with the procedure. The legal efforts that could be made by PT. Pelindo I (Persero) was applying for the establishment that the invalidation was nonexecutable, making remeasurement of the land and making resistance. The Verdict of PK No. 37 PK/TUN/2013 regarding the annulment and revocation of the certificate of Management Rights No.1/1993 belonging to PT.Pelindo I (Persero) could not be executed (non-executable)

    Struktur Bahasa Nias

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    *** *** Bibliografi hlm.xiii, 121 hlm. :il. ;21 cm

    Estetika Komodifikasi Pada Budaya Adu Zatua Nias Selatan-Sumatera Utara

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    Penelitian mengenai komodifikasi budaya pada adu zatua di Nias Selatan ini, membahas tentang perkembangan modifikasi bentuk dan fungsi budaya adu zatua. Adu zatua pada awalnya adalah benda ritual kepercayaan suku Nias yang bersifat sakral. Memasuki tahun 2000-an muncul reproduksi adu zatua yang menjadi benda sekuler dan bersifat profan. Sebagai salah satu bentuk karya seni rupa kuno di Nias, adu zatua telah memberikan sumbangan dokumentasi citra visual terhadap budaya tradisi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana modifikasi bentuk, nilai dan fungsi pada budaya adu zatua, sehingga dapat menghasilkan konsep estetika perspektif komodifikasi budaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif interpretatif dengan pendekatan estetika Adorno. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budaya adu zatua pada masa lampau sengaja direproduksi kembali sebagai bentuk objek benda budaya Nias dalam pariwisata budaya. Nilai sakral pada adu zatua berubah menjadi nilai profan yang bersifat sekuler. Fenomena adu zatua pada masa sekarang dipicu minat wisatawan akan cenderamata khas budaya Nias. Minat konsumen akan bentuk-bentuk yang praktiks menjadikan modifikasi pada adu zatua dan dampaknya bersifat komersial

    Analisis Penyebab Unclaimed Berkas Bpjs Pasien Rawat Inap Di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia (RSU Ipi) Medan

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    Pending atau sering disebut dengan unclaimed yang artinya tidak terklaim atau tertunda. Hal ini disebabkan terdapat kasus yang ditatalaksanakan di rumah sakit tersebut diragukan kesimpulan medisnya karena ketidakcocokan atau ketidaklengkapan data-datanya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis penyebab unclaimed berkas BPJS pasien rawat inap berdasarkan identifikasi input dan proses. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan fenomenologi. Waktu penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Februari-Juli 2018 di RSU Imelda Pekerjaan Indonesia Medan. Populasi yaitu rekam medis BPJS rawat jalan yang dipending pada bulan Februari-Juli 2018 sebanyak 490 berkas. Sampel diambil secara proposional stratified random sampling yang berjumlah 83 berkas. Informan kunci berjumlah 6 orang yang terdiri dari 1 orang kepala ruangan BPJS RSU IPI,3 orang  petugas koder BPJS RSU IPI dan 2 orang petugas administrasi BPJS. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi. Untuk analisis data dirangkum secara deskriptif melalui reduksi data, penyajian dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penyebab unclaimed berkas BPJS pasien rawat inap di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia (RSU IPI) Medan adalah jumlah SDM, sarana, teknologi, perencanan berupa ketersediaan SOP, dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan 83 berkas BPJS yang terpending ada 45% berkas BPJS dikarenakan dari kesalahan pengkodingan, 22% dikarenakan dari indikasi medis dan 33% dikarenakan  administrasi. Disarankan untuk pihak rumah sakit agar menambah jumlah SDM, perbaikan terhadap sarana dan teknologi, perencanaan dan evaluasi sehingga dapat menurunkan jumlah unclaimed berkas BPJS pada rumah sakit

    Penerapan Sanksi Denda Tilang Bagi Pelanggar Lalu Lintas Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan di Wilayah Hukum Kepolisian Resor Kota Pekanbaru

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    In Law No. 22 of 2009 on Road Traffic and Transport has strictly regulated the way the use of the vehicle must comply with the rules that have been specified, but in reality there are often encountered people who use vehicles not based on existing regulations. The provisions concerning the application of penalties against any violators ticketed and lintassecara has clearly stipulated in the law. Problems drawn from this paper is the application of financial penalties First How ticketed for traffic violators based on Law Number 22 Year 2009 regarding traffic and road transport in the jurisdiction in Pekanbaru City Police?, Second What are the obstacles faced in the implementation of sanctions speeding ticket fines for traffic violations based on law Number 22 Year 2009 regarding traffic and road transport in the jurisdiction in Pekanbaru City Police Third ?, How dilakukakan efforts to overcome the obstacles that arise in the application of sanctions for violators of traffic ticket fines based on the law law Number 22 Year 2009 on road traffic and transportation in the jurisdiction of City Police Pekanbaru? This type of research can be classified this type of research legal sociology, because law research in this study the authors directly conduct research on the location or place studied in order to provide a complete and clear picture of the problem was conducted on the examined. This research is done law Pekanbaru City Police, collection techniques in this study with interview, questionnaire, and the study of literature. First application of penalties for violation traffic ticket based on Law Number 22 Year 2009 on Road Traffic and Transportation apparently this has not been effective in the show from a number of traffic violations that are still high. The second obstacle in the application of financial penalties ticketed ineffective implementation of the speeding ticket fines indicate that the number of speeding ticket fines are still in the low category, causing no deterrent effect to traffic violators. Third attempt to overcome the high level of traffic violations in the jurisdiction of the Pekanbaru City Police conduct counseling on the importance of traffic rules to the public. My advice to the need to increase public awareness of the law and the application of tougher sanctions, especially regarding Traffic regulations


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    Objective: Propranolol Hydrochloride (PHCL) is used for the treatment of hypertension and angina pectoris; however it has two major problems; short biological halfâ€life and low bioavailability, so the aim of the present work was to develop PHCL mucoadhesive microsphere to prolong the residence time at the absorption site, therefore, increase the bioavailability.Methods: PHCL microspheres were prepared by ionotropic gelation method using nature polymers. Factorial design (33) was used to develop PHCL mucoadhesive microspheres, the independent factors used were polymer type (Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (Na CMC), and Hydroxyl propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), Carpobol 940), cross-linking type (calcium chloride, zinc chloride and barium chloride) and the concentration of Chitosan (0.5, 1, 1.5 %w/v). The developed microspheres were physicochemical characterized. The selected formula was selected for mucoadhesive test and in vivo study on human volunteers.Results: The results revealed that the PHCL mucoadhesive microspheres have good flowability, the mean particle sizes ranged from 541 to 815 µm and the entrapment efficiency ranged from 35.6% to 69.53%. The selected PHCL microspheres showed spherical particles with a rough surface and exhibited a slow release over 8h. The pharmacokinetic data of selected PHCL microspheres showed prolonged Tmax, decreased Cmax and AUC0–∞ value of 926.21±40.74ng. h/ml indicating improved relative bioavailability by144.93% compared with marketed tablets.Conclusion: PHCL microspheres were successfully prepared by ionic gelatin method that retards the release and enhances the oral bioavailability.Keywords: Propranolol HCL, Microspheres, Ionic gelation method, Chitosan, Relative bioavailabilit

    Implementation of Critical Threshold Concept in Clinical Transplantation: A New Horizon in Distance Learning

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    Background: While variations in medical practice are a norm and each patient poses a multitude of challenges, many clinicians are not comfortable in dealing with unexpected complex issues even though they may have enough knowledge as demonstrated by passing a number of tricky certifying (or exit) examinations. One reason for the lack of self-efficacy, even if being endowed with good knowledge, is that we are not good in learning from errors. A regular reflective practice offers superb learning opportunities when a clinician is “stuck in a mire”. Difficult clinical situations warrant a flexible and, at the same time, an evidence-based approach to ensure that crucial decision-making process is correct and efficient. Each clinical case offers a great opportunity to reinforce these “threshold concepts”, however, not everyone of us is “blessed” with these crucial not-so-difficult-to-acquire skills so necessary to be a life-long learner. The faculty of this course (a totally on-line MSc in Transplant Sciences) aims for unceasing engagement with students in order to facilitate them to negotiate through “stuck places” and “tricky bends” in their own work place. This course, not just meant for knowledge transfer, provides a platform that allows participants (the students and faculty) to learn from each other’s experience by using “e-blackboard”. The mainstay of this course are twofold: (a) Emphasis on achieving critical decision-making skills, (b) Regular feedback to allow reflective practice and, thereby, constantly learning from errors and reinforcing good practices. The aim of this article is to assess the performance of educators and how well the “ethos of critical threshold” has been accepted from the perspective of students. Methods: The critical thresholds of each chapter in 4 modules of this totally on-line course were defined to a razor-sharp precision. Learning objectives of learning activity were defined to achieve constructive alignment with critical threshold. We employed level 1, 2, 4 and 5 of Kirkpatrick pyramid, (a) for the evaluation of performance of educators of program, and (b) to evaluate the acceptance of this non-traditional format in clinical medicine education by postgraduate 80 students in 22 countries.Results: Students’ survey (Kirkpatrick level 1) was done only for module 1 of cohort 1 reported students’ satisfaction rate of 93%. Excluding a total of 12 drop-outs in 2 modules (n=10 in first cohort’s module 1, and n=2 in module 2), as many as 93% of students of first cohort passed module. Nine out of 60 registrants of module 1 in 2nd cohort took recess for one year requesting to join back as a part of 3rd cohort commencing one year later, all 51 who continued passed though 3 of them had to resit. All those who passed module 1 (both cohorts) and 2 (1st cohort) registered for their respective next module (return on investment Kirkpatrick level 5). Conclusion: For a successful model in distance learning in clinical transplantation it is imperative for the students to accomplish well defined “critical-decision making” skills. In order to learn critical thresholds, a regular feedback is integral to learning from reflective practice. This course equips the students to develop skills of negotiating “sticky mire”, as obvious from perceived high return of investment
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