3 research outputs found

    Studi Isu Keamanan Jaringan Pada Facebook

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    Facebook merupakan salah satu  media jejaring sosial yang terlaris di Indonesia bahkan di dunia. Jejaring sosial ini digunakan untuk berinteraksi dengan relasi, teman, berbagi foto, dan bahkan untuk mengembangkan bisnis. Pada paper penelitian ini akan dibahas isu keamanan yang bisa mengancam pada Facebook. Serangan yang bisa mengancam keamanan data pribadi pada Facebook antara lain phising, clickjacking, dan link scam. Dalam paper ini akan dianalisis cara kerja serangan dan penanganan serta pencegahan yang dapat dilakukan terhadap serangan ini.Kata Kunci : Facebook, phising, clickjacking, link sca

    Deploying and Evaluating OF@TEIN Access Center and Its Feasibility for Access Federation

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    For the emerging software-defined infrastructure, to be orchestrated from so-called logically centralized DevOps Tower, the shared accessibility of distributed playground resources and the timely interaction among operators and developers are highly required. In this paper, by taking OF@TEIN SDN-Cloud playground as a target environment, we discuss an access center effort to address the above requirements. In providing the developer presence via the proposed access center, the inherent heterogeneity of internationally dispersed OF@TEIN resources is setting a unique challenge to cope with the broad spectrum of link bandwidths and round-trip delays. The access capability of deployed access center is experimentally verified against a wide range of access network conditions, which would be extended for futuristic access federation with appropriate identity management and resources abstraction for multiple developers and operators