77 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Characterization of PVA-Enzyme/GA/PPy/ PVC-KTpClPB-o-NPOE Indicator Electrodes, XRD Analysis, FTIR and Variable Signal Analysis

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    This study aims to synthesize and characterize PVA-Enzyme/GA/PPy/PVC-KTpClPB-o-NPOE indicator indicator electrodes, XRD and FTIR analysis and variable signal analysis for urea sensors. The method used is biosensor potentiometry with urease enzyme immobilization technique which analytes urea. Modify 6 mg of enzyme from the amount of 1 drop and 3 drops in 0.5 mL (50% water: 50% ethanol) in PVA solution and o-NPOE plasticizer in PVC-KTpClPB. The indicator electrode is designed in multi-membrane, namely PVA-Enzyme/GA/PPy/PVC-KTpClPB-o-NPOE. PPy was dissolved in H2SO4 at a concentration of 8 M. Modification of PVA-Enzyme/(GA 2.9%)/PVC-KTpClPB-(o-NPOE 61%) was carried out in one layer each. The number of enzyme drops to see the difference in the intensity of the XRD diffraction spectrum and the difference in the transmittance of the FTIR spectrum from the indicator electrode with multi membrane modified PPy with H2SO4 denoted H2SO4-1 and H2SO4-3, respectively. The best results were obtained on the indicator electrode with the notation H2SO4-

    Manufacture and Characterization of PVA-Enzyme/GA/PANI-HCl or PANI-p-toluentsulfonate/PVC-KTpClPB-o-NPOE Indicator Electrode Membranes, Analysis, XRD, SEM-EDX and FTIR

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    This research aims at the synthesis and characterization of indicator electrode membranes consisting of PVA-Enzyme/GA/PANI/PVC-KTpClPB-o-NPOE, urea analyte. PANI-HCl and PANI-p-toluensulfonate conducting polymers, 61% and 66% o-NPOE plasticizer variations in PVC-KTpClPB, as well as urease enzyme activity in one or three drops of 0.5 mL PVA (50% water: 50% ethanol). The biosensor potentiometric method was used with the technique of immobilizing the urea enzyme which is the urea analyte. The multi-membrane indicator electrode is PVA-Enzyme/GA/PANI/PVC-KTpClPB-o-NPOE, PANI dissolved in HCl and p-toluensulfonic acid respectively at a concentration of 6 M and 2 M. Each membrane on the indicator electrode is coated with one time. Results of XRD analysis of the spectrum pattern of the PANI-HCl indicator electrode with intensities of 4400 a.u, 1386 a.u, 1724 a.u with a 2theta angle of 28.6 degrees, PANI-p-toluensulfonate with intensities of 10940 a.u, 9194 a.u, 5312 a.u with a 2theta angle of 18.2 degrees. SEM-EDX analysis showed differences in the morphology of the o-NPOE plasticizer of 61% and 66% as well as an increase in cps/eV from the number of drops of the urease enzyme, one drop was lower than three drops. FTIR analysis shows an increase in transmittance by PANI towards PPy. Analysis of the properties of a multi-membrane indicator electrode with one layer of the best sample is PANI-p-toluensulfonat

    Characterization of PVA-Enzyme Coated Indicator Electrodes GA coated again with PVC-KTpClPB-o-NPOE UV-Vis analysis, variable signal analysis, sensor sensitivity and SEM-EDS

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    This study aims to characterize the phosphate buffer and urease enzymes through UV-Vis and SEM-EDS absorbance spectra using tungsten as an indicator electrode. The method used is a potentiometric biosensor with urease enzyme immobilization technique for urea analyte. A small detection range of 10-5-10-4M has been studied with PVA-enzyme coated indicator electrodes coated with PVC-KTpClPB. On this basis, the researchers increased the detection range by analyzing glutaraldehyde (GA) mixed with PVA-enzyme and o-NPOE mixed with PVC-KTpClPB. The best results of GA mixed PVA-enzyme at GA2.9% UV-Visible analysis. The best results were PVA-enzyme coated indicator electrodes coated with GA coated again with PVC-KTpClPB-o-NPOE SEM-EDS analysis on PVA-enzyme samples 3x coated with GA 1x and PVC-KTpClPB-o-NPOE 1x with o-NPOE variation of 61% and 66%

    Characterization of PVA-Enzyme Coated Indicator Electrodes GA coated again with PVC-KTpClPB-o-NPOE SEM-EDS, FTIR and XRD analysis

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    This study aims to characterize the tungsten-urea analyte indicator electrode. The method used is biosensor potentiometry with urease enzyme immobilization technique. This indicator electrode was coated with PVA-enzyme coated with glutaraldehyde (GA) 2.9% coated with PVC-KTpClPB- o-NPOE with o-NPOE variation of 61% and 66%. Characterization of coated indicator electrodes using SEM-EDS, FTIR and XRD analysis. A1-4 61% indicator electrode sample coated PVA-enzyme 1x coated with glutaraldehyde (GA) 2.9% 1x coated PVC-KTpClPB- o-NPOE 1x, with o-NPOE 61%. A3-4 61% indicator electrode sample coated PVA-enzyme 3x coated with glutaraldehyde (GA) 2.9% 1x coated PVC-KTpClPB- o-NPOE 1x, with o-NPOE 61%. Likewise, the reasoning of samples A1-4 66% and A3-4 66%. There are four indicator electrodes made with the notation A1-4 61%, A1-4 66%, A3-4 61% and A3-4 66%. The best results were obtained at the indicator electrode sample A1-4 61%, contributing to the urea sensor of the potentiometer cel

    The Use of Tungsten in Potentiometry to Detect Pospat Baffer and Urease Enzyme

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    This study aims to characterize phosphate buffer and urease enzymes through the absorbance spectrum of UV-Vis and FTIR using tungsten as the indicator electrode. The method used in this research is the biosensor potentiometric method carried out in the Laboratory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Medan and the Beacukai Belawan Medan laboratory. The absorbance characterization of electrolyte solutions in various compositions using UV-Vis showed that phosphate buffer solution 0.001 M pH 7.5+KCl 0.001 M + urea 0.001 M+3 drops urease enzyme had the highest absorbance compared to electrolyte solutions with phosphate buffer and urea content. Likewise, the FTIR results showed the same thing where phosphate buffer solution was 0.001 M pH 7.5 + KCl 0.001 M + urea 0.001 M + 3 drops urease enzyme had the highest% T (transmission) pattern of phosphate buffer solution and urea. The urease enzyme in this study functions as a catalyst. Based on UV-Vis and FTIR characterization, it was concluded that the phosphate buffer solution of 0.001 M pH 7.5+KCl 0.001 M + urea 0.001 M + 3 drops of urease enzyme was the best

    Synthesis and Characterization of PVA-Enzyme/GA/PANI-HCl Indicator Membrane Electrodes; PANI-p-toluentsulfonic acid/PVC-KTpClPB-o-NPOE, SEM-EDX, XRD and FTIR Analysis

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    Research has been carried out on the indicator electrode PVA-Enzyme/GA-2.9%/PPy+Sulfonic Acid/PVC-KTpClPB-o-NPOE, the amorphous spectral pattern is greatly reduced for variations of the enzyme 0.6 g in 0.5 mL (50% water + 50% alcohol) . PVA-Enzyme/GA-2.9%/PPy+Sulfonic Acid/PVC-KTpClPB-o-NPOE indicator electrode, denoted As-1. Analysis of the linear curve of the As-1 sample with a sensitivity of 41.56 mV/decade, a detection range of 10-4 - 10-1 M and a detection limit of 10-4 M, R2 = 97.51 %. To increase the sensitivity, detection range, detection limit and confidence level of R2. Indicator electrodes were made with variations of the urease enzyme on PVA and o-NPOE variations on PVC-KTpClPB 61% and 66% and replacement of PANI conductive polymer. PANI conductive polymer was dissolved in hydrochloric acid HCl denoted PANI-HCl and p-toluensulfonic acid is denoted by PANI-p-toluensulfonic acid. SEM analysis shows that the morphology of S3 is greater than that of S2. Analysis of the cps/eV EDX voltage range is greater than S3 to S2. Analysis of the XRD intensity spectrum pattern on the 2theta diffraction angle is greater than S3 to S2. Likewise, the analysis of the %Transmittance FTIR spectrum pattern for wave numbers S3, S6, S8 is higher than S2. The best result according to material analysis is S3.

    The relationship between Shari’ah Supervisory Board and Zakat disclosure among Islamic banks in Malaysia

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    The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on the relationship between Shari’ah Supervisory Board (SSB) and Zakat disclosure in the financial statement of Islamic banks in Malaysia. It is based on the hypothesis that SSB relates positively to Zakat disclosure.The design of the paper is based on stakeholder theory and agency theory.Both of the theories discussed the need on the part of Islamic banks as the agent to stakeholders to provide sufficient information about the operation of the banks.The information which is communicated through the financial statements will assist the stakeholders in their decision making processes. Discussion in this paper attempts to shed lights on the importance of SSB in enhancing disclosure on Zakat.For SSB to be able to do that, we review literature on the education background of members (Islamic and non-Islamic) and size (number of members) of SSB. This paper is a conceptual paper with the aim of contributing towards a better understanding of the local reporting framework for Zakat and the paper also attempts to clarify that the Zakat structure in Malaysia is unique therefore foreign standard may not be appropriate for local adoption

    Natural Frequency of Lightweight Composite Slabs Based On Experimental Study and Numerical Modelling

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    Recently, lightweight composite slabs have become increasingly popular. Lightweight composite slabs are an innovation that provides a better and more convenient construction method for floor systems. Under dynamic loads, lightweight composite slabs may experience meagre inertia forces due to poor stiffness or low mass. Compared to conventional composite slabs, lightweight composite slabs are 40% lighter and more susceptible to structural resonance. Therefore, the vibration behaviour must be controlled to avoid discomfort issues. This study investigates the natural frequency of lightweight composite slabs through experimental study and numerical modelling. In the experimental study, lightweight composite slabs were prepared for the hammer-impact test. The slab thickness ranges from 100 mm to 200 mm. In numerical modelling, lightweight composite slabs were modelled in SAP2000 using a unique technique called the simplified equivalent plate model. The effective material properties were derived from the rule of mixtures and depend exclusively on elastic properties with strength characteristics. The results of the experimental study and numerical modelling agree positively. The natural frequency decreased with slab thickness, signifying that the natural frequency is dominated by mass rather than stiffness. Overall, the natural frequency of lightweight composite slabs is around 27.23Hz to 31.45Hz

    Natural Frequency of Lightweight Composite Slabs Based On Experimental Study and Numerical Modelling

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    Recently, lightweight composite slabs have become increasingly popular. Lightweight composite slabs are an innovation that provides a better and more convenient construction method for floor systems. Under dynamic loads, lightweight composite slabs may experience meagre inertia forces due to poor stiffness or low mass. Compared to conventional composite slabs, lightweight composite slabs are 40% lighter and more susceptible to structural resonance. Therefore, the vibration behaviour must be controlled to avoid discomfort issues. This study investigates the natural frequency of lightweight composite slabs through experimental study and numerical modelling. In the experimental study, lightweight composite slabs were prepared for the hammer-impact test. The slab thickness ranges from 100 mm to 200 mm. In numerical modelling, lightweight composite slabs were modelled in SAP2000 using a unique technique called the simplified equivalent plate model. The effective material properties were derived from the rule of mixtures and depend exclusively on elastic properties with strength characteristics. The results of the experimental study and numerical modelling agree positively. The natural frequency decreased with slab thickness, signifying that the natural frequency is dominated by mass rather than stiffness. Overall, the natural frequency of lightweight composite slabs is around 27.23Hz to 31.45Hz
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