104 research outputs found

    Indeks Pembangunan Manusia Indonesia

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    : Human Development Index of Indonesia. This paper models the behavior of Human Development Index (HDI). Independent variables included in the model are Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Income Tax (PPN), a dummy variable on government decentralization, a dummy variable on the 1997 economic crisis, and a dummy variable on the 2008 crisis. The paper finds that GDP and PPN significantly influence IPM both in the short run and in the long run. The Error Correction Model (ECM) estimation finds that the crises of 2008 influences IPM, while the crises in 1997 and government decentralization do not influence HDI

    Effects of Work Motivation, Competence and Compensation on Agent Performance Through Job Satisfaction: Study at Prudential Life Assurance in Makassar

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work motivation, competence and compensation on agent performance through job satisfaction at Prudential Life Assurance, and to see whether job satisfaction acts as an intervening variable. The population of this study is a Prudential Life Assurance agent consisting of 8 branch offices in Makassar with a total sample of 90 agents. Data collection is done through questionnaires using simple random techniques. The collected data is then analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with PLS 2.0 as a data processing software. From the results of this study found: (1) work motivation has a non-significant effect on job satisfaction but has a significant effect on agent performance, (2) competence has a significant influence on job satisfaction and agent performance, (3) compensation has a significant effect on job satisfaction and agent performance, (4) job satisfaction has no significant effect on agent performance, (5) work motivation, competence and compensation have no significant effect on agent performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable

    Pengaruh Over Eksitasi Pada Transformator Distribusi Di Gardu Induk Serpong Terhadap Penuaan Isolasi Kertas Ditinjau Dari Sisi Termal

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    Distribution of electricity to consumers through some process that begins from power plants to substations supplied (sub-station), then lowered into the substation -a low-voltage distribution substations. The distance is too far between the point on the voltage distribution in particular between the IBT to the parent distribution substation secondary voltage drop triggers, It is as well as on the distance between new or IBT IBT cilegon Gandul to trigger serpong substation secondary voltage drop at substation serpong.To stabilize the voltage of the secondary to the primary voltage on distribution transformer tap changer operation. Problems arise when the tap changer to operate too much will lead to the over-excitation of the distribution transformer. The side effects of the over-excitation also trigger an increase in temperature of the thermal transformer, so the effect on the components within it, is no exception to the isolation of paper inthe process of thermal temperature rise is accelerating aging insulating paper it self. The exixtence of aging insulating paper must be accompanied by the estimated number of clear that the replacement of aging insulating paper on time, so it requires the calculation of accurate data on the thermal temperature kenaiakan to aging transformer paper insulation

    Implementasi Kebijakan Remunerasi Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) Di Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Malang

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    The remuneration policy is a policy issued by the central government to give awards to civil servants on the professionalism of the work done. Remuneration is based on performance appraisal that is the target of employee and workplace behavior. This study aims to describe and analyze the implementation of the remuneration policy to improve the performance of civil servants at the Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Malang, and to describe and analyze the factors that affect the implementation of the remuneration policy to improve the performance of civil servants at the Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Malang. The results showed that the implementation of the remuneration policy at the Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Malang can improve the performance of civil servants because the remuneration is based on the workload and responsibilities of employees. There are supporting factors and obstacles in the implementation of remuneration policies that affect the policy implementation process

    Kesalahan Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia pada Surat Kabar di Kabupaten Sumbawa

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    Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah kesalahan penggunaan kaidah ejaan, diksi, dan kalimat bahasa Indonesia pada koran di Kabupaten Sumbawa. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif. Metode ini digunakan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia pada surat kabar di Kabupaten Sumbawa. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan dianalisis dengan metode komparatif interpretatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan bahasa Indonesia pada koran di Kabupaten Sumbawa sudah cukup baik dari aspek ejaan, diksi, dan kalimat. Namun, masih terdapat beberapa kesalahan yang berkaitan dengan ketiga aspek tersebut. Dari segi ejaan, kesalahan yang ditemukan di antaranya kesalahan penulisan huruf kapital, pemakaian tanda hubung (-), pemakaian kata depan, dan pemakaian tanda baca. Dari segi penggunaan kata, kesalahan yang ditemukan di antaranya penggunaan kata asing yang tidak mengikuti kaidah penulisan kata asing. Dari segi kalimat, kesalahan yang ditemukan di antaranya adalah terdapat beberapa kalimat yang struktur kalimatnya belum lengkap

    Penerapan Teknik Ocr (Optical Character Recognition) Pada Aplikasi Terjemahan Kitab Fiqih Safinah An-naja Menggunakan Readiris

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    Safinah An-Naja adalah kitab fiqih dasar yang banyak dikaji di pesantren-pesantren salafiyyah. Di pondok pesantren Hidayatul Islamiyah Karawang, kitab ini sudah mulai di-digitalisasi dengan cara menyalin kitab tersebut ke dalam word-processor dan disimpan kedalam arsip. Kesulitannya adalah proses penginputan yang lama dan penulisan terjemahannya disimpan pada arsip terpisah. Pada penelitian ini akan dibuat sebuah aplikasi berbasis web yang dapat mengelola ayat-ayat beserta terjemahan kitab safinah an-naja sehingga pengguna dapat membaca dan mencari ayat dan terjemahan dengan mudah. Untuk mempermudah proses penginputan ayat ke dalam aplikasi digunakan software ReadIRIS yang mengimplementasikan metode OCR (optical character recognition) sehingga pengelola dapat dengan mudah memindai berkas agar langsung dapat dimasukkan ke dalam aplikasi. Aplikasi ReadIRIS ini nantinya juga diuji agar diketahui kondisi ideal pada saat memindai berkas kitab agar hasilnya optimal
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