621 research outputs found

    The Geometry Of Hemi-Slant Submanifolds of a Locally Product Riemannian Manifold

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    In the present paper, we study hemi-slant submanifolds of a locally product Riemannian manifold. We prove that the anti-invariant distribution which is involved in the definition of hemi-slant submanifold is integrable and give some applications of this result. We get a necessary and sufficient condition for a proper hemi-slant submanifold to be a hemi-slant product. We also study this type submanifolds with parallel canonical structures. Moreover, we give two characterization theorems for the totally umbilical proper hemi-slant submanifolds. Finally, we obtain a basic inequality involving Ricci curvature and the squared mean curvature of a hemi-slant submanifold of a certain type locally product Riemannian manifold

    On conformal curves in 2-dimensional de sitter space

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    In this paper, we examine the pseudo-spherical curves, which are equivalent to each other under the conformal maps preserving a fixed point in the de Sitter 2-space, by using the Clifford algebra Cl 2,1. Also, we find the parametric equations of de Sitter loxodromes.No sponso

    Some results on p-shape curvatures of non-lightlike space curves

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    In this paper, we obtain some findings for a non-null curve parameterized by spherical arc length. We investigate the relationship between a non-null curve with p-shape curvatures and pseudospherical curves on S21 and H2(−1). We introduce the concept of similar helix in Minkowski 3-space E31. Besides, we explicitly determine the parametrizations of all non-lightlike self-similar curves by using the pseudo-spherical curves in E31.No sponso

    Similar and self-similar curves in minkowski n-space

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    In this paper, we investigate the similarity transformations in the Minkowski n-space. We study the geometric invariants of nonnull curves under the similarity transformations. Besides, we extend the fundamental theorem for a non-null curve according to a similarity motion of En1. We determine the parametrizations of non-null self-similar curves in En1. .No sponso

    Microstructural Characterization and Deformation of X10CrAlSi24 Sheet Material Applied V-Bending Process

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    This study used X10CrAlSi24 (1.4762) sheet material, which is widespread in bending processes of the energy sector. During bending of X10CrAlSi24 (1.4762) sheet materials, cracking and tearing occur due to these materials’ brittleness at room temperatures. To avoid this phenomenon, bending was carried out by applying normalization treatments at 800 ºC, 850 ºC, 900 ºC and 950 ºC. V-bending processes were performed at three different bending angles (30º, 60º, 90º) and by a 4.5 mm punch tip radius. V-bending processes were carried out without leaving the punch on the material, and crushing of the punch on the sheet material sectional area was allowed. As a result of the bending processes, spring-go occurred in the 30º and 60º bending applications, whereas spring-back occurred in the 90º bending applications. The formation mechanism of capillary cracks (depending on deformation) due to internal stress especially at low temperatures was introduced by the microstructural characterization of the specimens


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    This article analyzes the performance of the Justice and Development Party (JDP) in areas of economy, politics, public administration and social policy since its introduction to the government in 2002. The research conducted for this purpose show that the JDP has been highly successful in all these areas. In economy, the JDP has recorded an economic growth rate over 5 % with a sizable increase in the GDP per capita from around 3000 USDs to over 11000 USDs. Successive reform packages brought fundamental changes in areas of human rights, Kurdish issue and civil-military relations. With all the legal changes introduced on political party closure; freedom of belief, conscience and thought; civil and criminal law; and social and cultural rights, the JDP has proved to be a party of human rights and democracy. Particularly the ability of the JDP to persuade the PKK to quit arms as part of a peace process negotiated has been appreciated by all domestic and international actors. In public administration, the JDP has made a strong commitment to change traditional ways in favor of governance model which incorporates the state, civil society and individuals to the processes of decision making and implementation. The JDP’s record of performance in social policy was not less than any of these with the huge budget and new programs allocated for health, education, social security, employment and social benefits.Bu makale 2002’de hükümete geldiğinden bu yana Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi’nin (AK Parti) ekonomi, siyaset, kamu yönetimi ve sosyal politika sahalarında gösterdiği performansı incelemektedir. Yapılan araştırmalar AK Parti’nin bütün bu sahalarda çok başarılı olduğunu göstermektedir. AK Parti’nin 2002’den bu yana devam eden iktidarlar silsilesi döneminde ekonomide ortalama % 5 üzeri bir büyüme kaydedilmiş ve kişi başına düşen milli gelir 3000 USD civarından 11000 USD civarına yükselmiştir. Birbiri ardına meclisten geçirilen reform paketleri insan hakları, Kürt meselesi, ordu-siyaset ilişkisi vs gibi sahalarda çok önemli değişiklikleri hayata geçirmiştir. Parti kapatma; inanç, vicdan ve düşünce özgürlüğü; medeni hukuk ve ceza hukuku; sosyal ve kültürel haklar gibi konularda hayata geçirilen reformlarla AK Parti bir insan hakları ve demokrasi partisi olduğunu kanıtlamıştır. Ayrıca yürütülen barış süreci neticesinde PKK’nın silah bırakmayı kabul etmesiyle AK Parti ulusal ve uluslararası camianın beğeni ve takdirini kazanmıştır. Yerel yönetimler sahasında geleneksel yönetim anlayışından devlet, sivil toplum ve bireyleri yerel yönetimlerde karar alma ve uygulama süreçlerine dahil etme gayesini taşıyan yönetişim anlayışına geçişe doğru ciddi başarılar kaydedilmiştir. AK Parti’nin sosyal politika sahasındaki performansıysa sağlık, eğitim, sosyal güvenlik, istihdam ve sosyal yardımlar için tahsis edilen devasa bütçe ve programlarla diğerlerinden geri kalmamıştır

    On the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a lorentzian rotation matrix by using split quaternions

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    In this paper, we examine eigenvalue problem of a rotation matrix in Minkowski 3 space by using split quaternions. We express the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of a rotation matrix in term of the coefficients of the corresponding unit timelike split quaternion. We give the characterizations of eigenvalues (complex or real) of a rotation matrix in Minkowski 3 space according to only first component of the corresponding quaternion. Moreover, we find that the casual characters of rotation axis depend only on first component of the corresponding quaternion. Finally, we give the way to generate an orthogonal basis for 31 by using eigenvectors of a rotation matrix.No sponso