4 research outputs found

    Investigating the complex story of one ditch — A multidisciplinary study of ditch infill provides insight into the spatial organisation within the oppidum of Bibracte (Burgundy, France)

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    Seemingly empty spaces in various archaeological settings have left many unanswered questions. This paper focuses on the appearance, maintenance and possible function of a large empty area situated at the summit plateau of the Iron Age oppidum Bibracte in France. Multidisciplinary research of the infill of the ditch that delimited this area in the 1st century BC has provided evidence on the primary function and the formation processes of the structure itself, and for the reconstruction of the appearance, maintenance and function of the area it enclosed. The results allow us to gain insight into a variety of topics, including the role of trees, hygiene measures and waste management strategies at this urbanised hilltop centre. This paper demonstrates that multi-proxy analyses provide detailed insight into the function of archaeological features in a local environmental context and the potential of such approaches in archaeology.U domněle prázdných(nezastavěných) míst v archeologickém kontextu je řada nezodpovězených otázek. Článek se zaměřuje na vzhled, způsob udržování a možnou funkci velkého prázdného prostoru v době železné v rámci vrcholového plateau oppida Bibracte ve Francii. Multidisciplinární přístup k výzkumu výplně příkopu, který tento prostor vymezoval v 1. století př. Kr., poskytl doklady o primárním využití a vzniku výplně v příkopu a dále k rekonstrukci vzhledu, managementu a funkce území, které jej obklopovalo. Výsledky nám umožňují vhled do řady témat, včetně role stromů, úrovně hygieny a nakládání s odpadem v urbanizovaném prostředí oppida. Článek prokazuje důležitost multi-proxy přístupu pro řešení funkce archeologických objektů v lokálním environmentálním kontextu a potenciál tohoto přístupu v archeologii

    Faecal detection of the lungworms Crenosoma vulpis and Angiostrongylus vasorum and serological detection of A. vasorum in dogs from the Czech Republic

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    Dogs are definitive hosts for the lungworms Crenosoma vulpis and Angiostrongylus vasorum. Intermediate hosts are gasteropoda (Mollusca). In the past, lungworms in dogs were rarely identified in the Czech Republic and in neighbouring countries. A total of 253 dogs were sampled for faecal analysis performed by the Baermann method for isolation of first stage larvae (L1) of lungworms. A total of 193 serum samples were collected and analysed by ELISA for the detection of a circulating antigen and specific antibodies against A. vasorum. All dog owners were asked to fill out a questionnaire. Nine dogs (4.7%, 95% Confidence Interval, CI: 2.2–8.7%) were positive for the A. vasorum circulating antigen, seven dogs (3.6%, CI: 1.5–7.3%) had specific antibodies against A. vasorum; of these, three animals (1.6%, CI: 0.3–4.5%) were positive for both ELISAs. Most of them were under the age of three years. Only three of 13 seropositive dogs were not healthy, namely, in one dog vomitus was observed and two dogs were pyretic. Faecal samples of 5 dogs were positive for C. vulpis L1 (2.0%, CI: 0.6–4.6%). Angiostrongylus vasorum L1 were found in the faecal sample of one dog (0.4%, CI: 0.01–2.2%). This study illustrates the wide-spread occurrence of lungworms in the Czech Republic. Disease awareness of lungworms among animal owners and veterinarians should be implemented