88 research outputs found

    S4 Flavor Model of Quarks and Leptons

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    We present an S4S_4 flavor model to unify quarks and leptons in the framework of the SU(5) GUT. Three generations of 5ˉ\bar 5-plets in SU(5) are assigned 313_1 of S4S_4 while the first and the second generations of 10-plets in SU(5) are assigned to be 2 of S4S_4, and the third generation of 10-plet is to be 111_1 of S4S_4. Right-handed neutrinos are also assigned 2 for the first and second generations and 111_1 for the third generation, respectively. Taking vacuum alignments of relevant gauge singlet scalars, we predict the quark mixing as well as the tri-bimaximal mixing of neutrino flavors. Especially, the Cabbibo angle is predicted to be 15∘15^{\circ} in the limit of the vacuum alignment. We can improve the model to predict observed CKM mixing angles.Comment: 11 pages, talked at the 16th Yukawa International Seminar, Particle Physics beyond the Standard Mode

    Like-sign dimuon asymmetry of B0 meson and LFV in SU(5) SUSY GUT with S4 flavor symmetry

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    The like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry of the BB meson, which was reported in the D\O Collaboration, is studied in the SU(5) SUSY GUT model with S4S_4 flavor symmetry. Additional CP violating effects from the squark sector are discussed in Bs−BˉsB_s-\bar B_s mixing process. The predicted like-sign charge asymmetry is in the 2σ\sigma range of the combined result of D\O and CDF measurements. Since the SUSY contributions in the quark sector affect to the lepton sector because of the SU(5) GUT relation, two predictions are given in the leptonic processes: (i) both BR(μ→eγ){\rm BR}(\mu \to e \gamma) and the electron EDM are close to the present upper bound, (ii) the decay ratios of τ\tau decays, τ→μγ\tau \to \mu\gamma and τ→eγ\tau \to e \gamma, are related to each other via the Cabibbo angle λc\lambda_c: {\rm BR}(\tau \to e\gamma)/{\rm BR}(\tau \to \mu\gamma)\sime \lambda_c^2. These are testable at future experiments.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figures, a footnote and references are adde

    Slepton Mass Matrices, mu -> e gamma Decay and EDM in SUSY S4 Flavor Model

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    We discuss slepton mass matrices in the S4S_4 flavor model with SUSY SU(5) GUT. By considering the gravity mediation within the framework of supergravity theory, we estimate the SUSY breaking terms in the slepton mass matrices, which contribute to the μ→e+γ\mu \rightarrow e + \gamma decay. We obtain a lower bound for the ratio of μ→eγ\mu\rightarrow e\gamma as 10−1310^{-13} if mSUSYm_{\text{SUSY}} and m1/2m_{1/2} are below 500GeV. The off diagonal terms of slepton mass matrices also contribute to EDM of leptons. The predicted electron EDM is around 10−29−10−2810^{-29}-10^{-28}cm. Our predictions are expected to be tested in the near future experiment.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Tri-bimaximal Mixing and Cabibbo Angle in S4 Flavor Model with SUSY

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    We present a flavor model of quarks and leptons with the non-Abelian discrete symmetry S4S_4 in the framework of the SU(5) SUSY GUT. Three generations of 5ˉ\bar 5-plets in SU(5) are assigned to 3{\bf 3} of S4S_4 while the first and second generations of 10-plets in SU(5) are assigned to 2{\bf 2} of S4S_4, and the third generation of 10-plet is assigned to 1{\bf 1} of S4S_4. Right-handed neutrinos are also assigned to 2{\bf 2} for the first and second generations and 1′{\bf 1}' for the third generation. We predict the Cabibbo angle as well as the tri-bimaximal mixing of neutrino flavors. We also predict the non-vanishing Ue3U_{e3} of the neutrino flavor mixing due to higher dimensional mass operators. Our predicted CKM mixing angles and the CP violation are consistent with experimental values. We also study SUSY breaking terms in the slepton sector. Our model leads to smaller values of flavor changing neutral currents than the present experimental bounds.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, some references are added, with minor modificatio

    Studies on Parathion Poisoning Part 3. Parathion poisonig in Experimental Anemias

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    In the rabbits with bleeding anemia, the red cell cholinesterase was inhibited following subcutaneous injection of 10 mg/kg parathion as in the cases of normal rabbits, while the recovery of red cell cholinesterase was faster and greater than that of the normal, and moreover, it was estimated to be above the normal value. Changes of serum cholinesterase activity was the same as those of red cell cholinesterase. On the contrary, in the rabbits with anemia induced by repeated injections of bezol, slower recovery of red cell cholinesterase was observed, but the serum cholinesterase activity was similar to that of the control. In both these anemic cases, almost no difference in LD(50) of parathion could be detected

    Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetries in Particle Physics

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    We review pedagogically non-Abelian discrete groups, which play an important role in the particle physics. We show group-theoretical aspects for many concrete groups, such as representations, their tensor products. We explain how to derive, conjugacy classes, characters, representations, and tensor products for these groups (with a finite number). We discussed them explicitly for SNS_N, ANA_N, T′T', DND_N, QNQ_N, Σ(2N2)\Sigma(2N^2), Δ(3N2)\Delta(3N^2), T7T_7, Σ(3N3)\Sigma(3N^3) and Δ(6N2)\Delta(6N^2), which have been applied for model building in the particle physics. We also present typical flavor models by using A4A_4, S4S_4, and Δ(54)\Delta (54) groups. Breaking patterns of discrete groups and decompositions of multiplets are important for applications of the non-Abelian discrete symmetry. We discuss these breaking patterns of the non-Abelian discrete group, which are a powerful tool for model buildings. We also review briefly about anomalies of non-Abelian discrete symmetries by using the path integral approach.Comment: 179 pages, 8 figures, section 15 is changed, some references are adde

    Quark mixing from Delta(6N^2) family symmetry

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    We consider a direct approach to quark mixing based on the discrete family symmetry Delta (6N^2) in which the Cabibbo angle is determined by a residual Z_2 times Z_2 subgroup to be ∣Vus∣=0.222521|V_{us}|=0.222521, for NN being a multiple of 7. We propose a particular model in which unequal smaller quark mixing angles and CP phases may occur without breaking the residual Z_2 times Z_2 symmetry. We perform a numerical analysis of the model for N=14N=14, where small Z_2 times Z_2 breaking effects of order 3% are allowed by model, allowing perfect agreement within the uncertainties of the experimentally determined best fit quark mixing values.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1403.439

    Resonant growth of stellar oscillations by incident gravitational waves

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    Stellar oscillation under the combined influences of incident gravitational wave and radiation loss is studied in a simple toy model. The star is approximated as a uniform density ellipsoid in the Newtonian gravity including radiation damping through quadrupole formula. The time evolution of the oscillation is significantly controlled by the incident wave amplitude hh, frequency ν\nu and damping time τ\tau. If a combination hντ h \nu \tau exceeds a threshold value, which depends on the resonance mode, the resonant growth is realized.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for the publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Neutrino masses and mixing from S4 flavor twisting

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    We discuss a neutrino mass model based on the S4 discrete symmetry where the symmetry breaking is triggered by the boundary conditions of the bulk right-handed neutrino in the fifth spacial dimension. While the symmetry restricts bare mass parameters to flavor-diagonal forms, the viable mixing angles emerge from the wave functions of the Kaluza-Klein modes which carry symmetry breaking effect. The magnitudes of the lepton mixing angles, especially the reactor angle is related to the neutrino mass patterns and the model will be tested in future neutrino experiments, e.g., an early (late) discovery of the reactor angle favors the normal (inverted) hierarchy. The size of extra dimension has a connection to the possible mass spectrum; a small (large) volume corresponds to the normal (inverted) mass hierarchy.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures; added references for section
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