14 research outputs found

    Values, attitudes, and goals of future Hungarian food engineers

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    Over the last few decades Hungarian higher education has been radically transformed, and this transformation was implemented to counter the backwardness that previously plagued the education system. Agricultural education in particular was part of this transformation process, which included the disciplines of food science and related technology. This attempt at transformation yielded only a partial success; student numbers shot up, but there was no subsequent general improvement in the efficiency of higher education. This article is based on two surveys carried out in 1997 and 2007. The students’ values can be characterised as pluralistic and heterogenous. Based on longitudinal research, a shift can be seen toward materialistic and hedonistic values. The motivation for choosing the Faculty of Food Science is varied in nature, mirroring the food industry’s often critical current situation. High schools’ professional orientation is weak. Although the Faculty’s Budapest location is attractive, in the long run this is not sufficient to replace carefully planned promotional work. By structural equation modelling a significant relationship can be proven between the students’ values, their types of knowledge, and their expectations for future types of work.higher education policy, human resource management, food science education, social psychology, empirical research, Agribusiness, Labor and Human Capital,

    The application of multivariate statistical methods for understanding food consumer behaviour

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    Understanding consumer behaviour is a necessary precondition for a targeted communication strategy. The behaviour is a complex phenomenon and research needs to undertake a rigorously apply sophisticated methods. This article entails the combined utilisation of categorical principal component analysis and cluster analysis to determine the major, relatively homogenous consumer groups and this is coupled with confirmatory factor analysis and structural model building to understand consumer behaviour, based on Fishbein and Ajzent’s theoretic model.Categorical principal component analysis, cluster analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, consumers’ segmentation, structural model building, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,


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    The poster analyses some characteristic features of Hungarian food –trade communication. It is obvious, that the communication is often misleading, and tries to follow some trends, without a well-defined strategy. In last years we seen an increasing importance of food supplements

    Fenntarthatósågi irånyzatok összehasonlítåsa

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    A kĂŒlönbözƑ fenntarthatĂłsĂĄgi irĂĄnyzatok összehasonlĂ­tĂĄsakor feltƱnt bizonyos tĂ©nyezƑk hiĂĄnya vagy kezelĂ©sĂŒk hĂĄttĂ©rbe szorulĂĄsa. EzekbƑl kiindulva megĂĄllapĂ­thatĂł, hogy: Egyik irĂĄnyzat sem foglalkozik behatĂłan a nĂ©pessĂ©g szĂĄmĂĄval, az emberi populĂĄciĂł globĂĄlis mĂ©retĂ©vel. Pedig az IPAT-formula logikĂĄjĂĄbĂłl kĂ©rlelhetetlenĂŒl következik az az összefĂŒggĂ©s, hogy a földi környezetre gyakorolt emberi hatĂĄs nagysĂĄga a nĂ©pessĂ©g szĂĄmĂĄtĂłl is fĂŒgg. EzĂ©rt a fenntarthatĂłsĂĄggal kapcsolatos eddigi tudomĂĄnyos munkĂĄkbĂłl hiĂĄnyolhatĂł a nĂ©pesedĂ©ssel valĂł összefĂŒggĂ©sek kimunkĂĄlĂĄsa Ă©s figyelembevĂ©tele. MegfelelƑ intĂ©zkedĂ©sek nĂ©lkĂŒl ezĂ©rt elkĂ©pzelhetƑ, hogy a jövƑben a környezeti hatĂĄst legjobban a nĂ©pesedĂ©s hatĂĄrozza meg. A fenntarthatĂł fejlƑdĂ©s eredeti irĂĄnyzatĂĄnak a jövƑ generĂĄciĂłkra vonatkozĂł tĂ©tele nincs elĂ©ggĂ© kidolgozva. EbbƑl a tĂ©telbƑl ugyanis logikailag levezethetƑ az a pĂ©nzĂŒgyi mutatĂł, amely az egyes orszĂĄgok eladĂłsodĂĄsĂĄnak maximĂĄlisan megengedhetƑ mĂ©rtĂ©kĂ©t fejezi ki. E mutatĂł talĂĄn hasznos lehetett volna a jelenlegi gazdasĂĄgi vilĂĄgvĂĄlsĂĄg megelƑzĂ©sĂ©ben, de mĂ©g mindig segĂ­thet a jövƑbeni esetleges krĂ­zisek elkerĂŒlĂ©sĂ©ben. Ugyancsak megszĂ­vlelendƑ a jövƑre nĂ©zve a jelenlegi generĂĄciĂłn belĂŒli tĂĄrsadalmi-gazdasĂĄgi kĂŒlönbsĂ©gek szabĂĄlyozĂĄsĂĄnak Ă©s rĂ©szleges kiegyenlĂ­tĂ©sĂ©nek kĂ©rdĂ©se, amely problĂ©ma orszĂĄgonkĂ©nt Ă©s nemzetközi viszonylatban is felmerĂŒl. A hatfĂ©le irĂĄnyzat közĂŒl a nemnövekedĂ©si paradigma foglalkozik kiemelten ezzel a kĂ©rdĂ©ssel. A problĂ©ma az EurĂłpai UniĂłn belĂŒl is aktuĂĄlis, mivel a tagĂĄllamok közötti ĂłriĂĄsi gazdasĂĄgi kĂŒlönbsĂ©gek fenntarthatatlanok Ă©s gĂĄtjĂĄvĂĄ vĂĄlhatnak a tovĂĄbbi integrĂĄciĂłnak. A problĂ©ma enyhĂ­tĂ©sĂ©t a magyar Nemzeti FenntarthatĂł FejlƑdĂ©si StratĂ©gia is elƑirĂĄnyozza. A kĂŒlönbözƑ irĂĄnyzatok mögött nemcsak a diszciplĂ­nĂĄk eltĂ©rƑ felfogĂĄsai, hanem egymĂĄssal ellentĂ©tes vĂ©lemĂ©nyek Ă©s gazdasĂĄgi Ă©rdekek feszĂŒlnek. Emiatt fontos, hogy a gyakorlati cselekvĂ©s kerĂŒljön elƑtĂ©rbe, s ilyen helyzetben a kis lĂ©pĂ©sek taktikĂĄjĂĄnak alkalmazĂĄsa cĂ©lszerƱ, a kis hatĂłsugarĂș eredmĂ©nyeknek is örĂŒlni kell. ÉrthetƑ Ă©s megfontolandĂł ezĂ©rt LĂĄng IstvĂĄn ĂĄllĂĄsfoglalĂĄsa: „akinek nem tetszik ez a szĂł, hogy fenntarthatĂł fejlƑdĂ©s 
 hasznĂĄljon mĂĄs kifejezĂ©st, de Ă©rtsen egyet azzal, hogy cselekedni szĂŒksĂ©ges
”. -------------------------------------------------- While studying different versions of sustainability described in the literature we have noticed the absence or neglect of some factors. Based on these remarks we have drawn some conclusions. Neither version of sustainability deals in a detailed way with the number of people, that is with the size of the global human population. Considering the logic of the IPAT formula it is clear that the degree of human impact on the earth will depend also on population size. Therefore, treating of population growth can be an omission from earlier papers discussing sustainability problems. Without proper measures it can even be possible that the magnitude of future human impact will be determined mostly by population growth. Within the Brundtland version of sustainability the thesis of impact on future generations was not fully utilised. Namely, from this thesis a financial index could have been derived for expressing the maximal allowable rate of indebtedness for each country. This index perhaps could have been useful in preventing the present economic crisis and definitely would be beneficial in the future. Regulation and partial equalisation of social and economic differences are also worth bearing in mind both within countries and in an international perspective. From the six sustainability versions in the paradigm of degrowth was this question treated with an emphasis. It is a timely problem in the European Union as well, because the huge income differences among its member states are not sustainable and may hinder their further integration. Behind the versions of sustainability we could identify dissimilar interpretation of disciplines or contradictory economic interests and opinions. Therefore it is important to focus on practical activity, and in such a situation it is rational to proceed in smaller steps, appreciating minor results as well

    Az Ă©lelmiszer-ipari vÃ¥llalkozÃ¥sok környezeti teljesítmĂ©nye Ă©s a pĂ©nzĂƒÂŒgyi eredmĂ©nyek

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    KutatÃ¥sunk cĂ©lja fĂ©nyt deríteni arra, hogy a vÃ¥llalkozÃ¥sok környezeti teljesítmĂ©nye befolyÃ¥solja-e pĂ©nzĂƒÂŒgyi teljesítmĂ©nyĂƒÂŒket, tovÃ¥bbÃ¥ az, hogy milyen szerepet jÃ¥tszik ebben a mĂ©dia, hogyan vÃ¥ltozott az elmÃÂșlt idÅ‘szakban a vÃ¥llalkozÃ¥sok zöld erÅ‘feszítĂ©seinek megítĂ©lĂ©se? MegÃ¥llapítható, hogy azokban a vÃ¥llalkozÃ¥sokban, amelyekben a mĂ©dia Ă©s a befektetÅ‘k környezeti teljesítmĂ©nyĂƒÂŒket kedvezÅ‘en ítĂ©lik meg, magasabbak a megtĂ©rĂƒÂŒlĂ©si (ROE) mutatók, mint azokban, amelyeknek környezeti teljesítmĂ©nyĂ©t nem ítĂ©lik meg pozitívan. A magyarorszÃ¥gi tÃ¥rsadalomban a nem anyagi Ă©rtĂ©kek irÃ¥nti Ă©rzĂ©kenysĂ©g Ă©s a környezettudatossÃ¥g alacsony szintű. A tÃ¥rsadalmi Ă©rtĂ©krendben alÃ¥rendelt szerepet jÃ¥tszó környezetvĂ©delmi gondolkozÃ¥sra – reklÃ¥mĂ©rtĂ©k híjÃ¥n – a mĂ©dia mĂ©rsĂ©kelten hat. Ez a tendencia azonban, ha lassan is, de vÃ¥ltozik. --------------------------------------------- The purpose of our research was to assess whether the environmental performance of businesses affects their financial performance, and if yes, to what extent. What role do media play, and how has the perception of green efforts made by businesses changed in recent times? It was concluded that companies whose environmental performance was judged to be better by media and the investors had higher ROE indicators than companies whose performance was perceived to be less positive. In the Hungarian society, sensitivity to non-materialistic values is low, and environmental awareness is poor. The effect of media on environmental concepts, which are at the lower end of the range of values recognised by the society, is limited, as they represent little advertising value. This tendency, however, is slowly changing.környezet, Ă©lelmiszeripar, mĂ©dia, imÃ¥zs, environmental, food industry, media, Environmental Economics and Policy, Marketing,


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    The poster analyses some characteristic features of Hungarian food –trade communication. It is obvious, that the communication is often misleading, and tries to follow some trends, without a well-defined strategy. In last years we seen an increasing importance of food supplements.media analysis, statistics, Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty, Health Economics and Policy,

    Interests and goals in the agricultural higher education system of Hungary – a methodological approach

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    In recent decades the Hungarian intelligentsia, both political and governmental, emphasised the importance of higher education in socio-economic modernisation. At the same time, after nearly twenty years of system-transition we have to see that the ambitious goals of reforms in many cases have been turned into their opposite. This paper analyses the key actors and their strategies in the higher education system, highlighting the most important obstacles to development based on a multi-actor strategy model, based on institutional economy and principle-agent theory. The results show considerable divergence in force and interest-structure of different actors. As a consequence of relationship of forces it has been shown that, without steadfast governmental policy, long-term commitment for development and active participation of the business sector in innovation, there seems to be only a rather limited possibility for upgrading the agricultural higher education system

    Az Ă©lelmiszer-ipari vĂĄllalkozĂĄsok környezeti teljesĂ­tmĂ©nye Ă©s a pĂ©nzĂŒgyi eredmĂ©nyek

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    KutatĂĄsunk cĂ©lja fĂ©nyt derĂ­teni arra, hogy a vĂĄllalkozĂĄsok környezeti teljesĂ­tmĂ©nye befolyĂĄsolja-e pĂ©nzĂŒgyi teljesĂ­tmĂ©nyĂŒket, tovĂĄbbĂĄ az, hogy milyen szerepet jĂĄtszik ebben a mĂ©dia, hogyan vĂĄltozott az elmĂșlt idƑszakban a vĂĄllalkozĂĄsok zöld erƑfeszĂ­tĂ©seinek megĂ­tĂ©lĂ©se? MegĂĄllapĂ­thatĂł, hogy azokban a vĂĄllalkozĂĄsokban, amelyekben a mĂ©dia Ă©s a befektetƑk környezeti teljesĂ­tmĂ©nyĂŒket kedvezƑen Ă­tĂ©lik meg, magasabbak a megtĂ©rĂŒlĂ©si (ROE) mutatĂłk, mint azokban, amelyeknek környezeti teljesĂ­tmĂ©nyĂ©t nem Ă­tĂ©lik meg pozitĂ­van. A magyarorszĂĄgi tĂĄrsadalomban a nem anyagi Ă©rtĂ©kek irĂĄnti Ă©rzĂ©kenysĂ©g Ă©s a környezettudatossĂĄg alacsony szintƱ. A tĂĄrsadalmi Ă©rtĂ©krendben alĂĄrendelt szerepet jĂĄtszĂł környezetvĂ©delmi gondolkozĂĄsra – reklĂĄmĂ©rtĂ©k hĂ­jĂĄn – a mĂ©dia mĂ©rsĂ©kelten hat. Ez a tendencia azonban, ha lassan is, de vĂĄltozik. --------------------------------------------- The purpose of our research was to assess whether the environmental performance of businesses affects their financial performance, and if yes, to what extent. What role do media play, and how has the perception of green efforts made by businesses changed in recent times? It was concluded that companies whose environmental performance was judged to be better by media and the investors had higher ROE indicators than companies whose performance was perceived to be less positive. In the Hungarian society, sensitivity to non-materialistic values is low, and environmental awareness is poor. The effect of media on environmental concepts, which are at the lower end of the range of values recognised by the society, is limited, as they represent little advertising value. This tendency, however, is slowly changing

    Values, attitudes, and goals of future Hungarian food engineers

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    Over the last few decades Hungarian higher education has been radically transformed, and this transformation was implemented to counter the backwardness that previously plagued the education system. Agricultural education in particular was part of this transformation process, which included the disciplines of food science and related technology. This attempt at transformation yielded only a partial success; student numbers shot up, but there was no subsequent general improvement in the efficiency of higher education. This article is based on two surveys carried out in 1997 and 2007. The students’ values can be characterised as pluralistic and heterogenous. Based on longitudinal research, a shift can be seen toward materialistic and hedonistic values. The motivation for choosing the Faculty of Food Science is varied in nature, mirroring the food industry’s often critical current situation. High schools’ professional orientation is weak. Although the Faculty’s Budapest location is attractive, in the long run this is not sufficient to replace carefully planned promotional work. By structural equation modelling a significant relationship can be proven between the students’ values, their types of knowledge, and their expectations for future types of work

    Interests and goals in the agricultural higher education system of Hungary – a methodological approach

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    In recent decades the Hungarian intelligentsia, both political and governmental, emphasised the importance of higher education in socio-economic modernisation. At the same time, after nearly twenty years of system-transition we have to see that the ambitious goals of reforms in many cases have been turned into their opposite. This paper analyses the key actors and their strategies in the higher education system, highlighting the most important obstacles to development based on a multi-actor strategy model, based on institutional economy and principle-agent theory. The results show considerable divergence in force and interest-structure of different actors. As a consequence of relationship of forces it has been shown that, without steadfast governmental policy, long-term commitment for development and active participation of the business sector in innovation, there seems to be only a rather limited possibility for upgrading the agricultural higher education system.institutional economics, MACTOR, policy analysis, social bargaining, stakeholder analysis, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,