55 research outputs found

    Hazai kórházi antibiotikum-alkalmazás az elmúlt két évtizedben (1996–2015) | Antibiotic use in the Hungarian hospitals in the last two decades (1996–2015)

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    Absztrakt Bevezetés: A bakteriális rezisztencia közegészségügyet fenyegető probléma, amely mérsékelhető, lassítható megfelelő antibiotikum-alkalmazással. Célkitűzés: A hazai fekvőbeteg-ellátás szisztémás antibiotikum-felhasználásának bemutatása. Módszer: A kórházi antibiotikum-felhasználási adatokat az Egészségügyi Világszervezet anatómiai-terápiás-kémiai rendszere szerint osztályozták és a Defined Daily Dose metodika szerint kvantifikálták. A standardizálás kórházi betegforgalmi mutatókra, valamint – a nemzetközi összehasonlítás végett – populációra történt. Eredmények: A fekvőbetegszektor antibiotikum-felhasználása az elmúlt 20 évben mennyiségileg kiegyenlített volt (22,4 ± 1,5 DDD/100 ápolási nap), mintázata folyamatos változáson ment keresztül. Megfigyelhettük a parenteralis készítmények alkalmazásának emelkedését (1996-ban 26,4%, 2015-ben 41,6%). Kiemelendő a felhasználás összetételének homogenizálódása az amoxicillin-klavulánsav térnyerése miatt, a fluorokinolon (2,3 vs. 4,2 DDD/100 ápolási nap) és a harmadik generációs cefalosporinfelhasználás (1,0 vs. 2,9 DDD/100 ápolási nap) jelentős emelkedése, valamint a szűk spektrumú penicillinek kiszorulása. Következtetés: A hazai kórházi antibiotikum-felhasználás mennyiségileg alacsony. Ez, illetve a felhasználás mintázatában tapasztalt, nemzetközi mércével is alátámasztott alul- vagy felülreprezentált felhasználás okának és indokoltságának megítélése további vizsgálatot igényel. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(46), 1839–l846. | Abstract Introduction: Growing bacterial resistance threatens public health, which can be tempered by prudent antibiotic use. Aim: To quantify systemic antibacterial use in Hungarian hospitals. Method: Consumption data were analysed using the Anatomical-Therapeutic-Chemical – Defined Daily Dose (ATC/DDD) methodology. Data were standardized for patient turnover and also for population to enable international benchmarking. Results: Hospital antibiotic use was quite constant (22.4 ± 1.5 DDD/100 patient-days), but its composition changed substantially. The use of parenteral products rose gradually (in 1996 26.4% and in 2015 41.6%). The pattern of use was homogenised due to the headway of co-amoxiclav use. A substantial increase of fluoroquinolone (2.3 vs. 4.2 DDD/100 patient-days) and third generation cephalosporin (1.0 vs. 2.9 DDD/100 patient-days) use was detected. In parallel the use of narrow spectra penicillins diminished. Conclusion: Hungarian hospital antibiotic use is low. The causes and the justification of this low use together with the internationally outstanding use of certain antibacterials should be addressed in future studies. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(46), 1839–1846

    Fatal cases of disseminated nocardiosis: challenges to physicians and clinical microbiologists – Case report

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    Despite the development in the identification of Nocardia spp., common challenges exist in the laboratory diagnosis and management of nocardiosis. We report two cases of disseminated nocardiosis in a patient with hematologic disorder and in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus, where the cooperation between various specialists was essential to set up the adequate diagnosis of disseminated nocardiosis

    Szabályozott hatóanyag-felszabadulású antibiotikumokat tartalmazó biológiai hordozók alkalmazása csonthiányok pótlására = Application of biological carrier systems containing antibiotics with controlled drug delivery in bone grafting

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    A kutatás gyógyszerészeti alapkutatásból, gyógyszerészeti technológiai részből, mikrobiológiai értékmérésből, majd állatkísérletekből állt. A gyógyszerészeti munka eredményeként olyan gyógyszerhordozó rendszert lehetett létrehozni, ami in vitro körülmények között alkalmas volt antibiotikum kiáramlás biztosítására kontrollált körülmények között, megfelelően hosszú ideig, MIC (minimális gátlási koncentráció) feletti koncentrációban. A hatóanyag leadási görbék megfeleltek az előzetes hypothesisben felállított normáknak. A mikrobiológiai értékméréssel igazolni lehetett a rendszer antimikróbás hatását. Állatkísérletekben bizonyítást nyert, hogy a gyógyszer hordozó rendszer alkalmas arra, hogy csontörleményhez kevere antimikróbás hatást fejtsen ki, és ne gátolja a csont beépülését a gazda szervezetbe. Az antibiotikumot kibocsátó gyógyszerhordozó rendszer és a csontőrlemény antibiotikummal való impregnálás módszere szabadalmi oltalom alá kerül a projekt keretén belül. | The project consists of basic pharmaceutical research, pharmaceutical technology, microbiologic investigations and animal experiments. The result of the research was a drug carrier system, which was suitable for antibiotic drug release with a controlled release rate over a longer period of time, above the MIC (minimally inhibitory concentration) value. The release curves revealed characteristics of the previously determined hypothesis. The microbiologic examinations proved the in vitro results in terms of antimicrobial effect of the drug delivery system. In a rabbit osteomyelitis model we could show the antimicrobial effect and the osteointegration without any limit with the novel developed drug delivery system. Intellectual property of the developed antibiotic carrier system was subject of copyright

    Hospital Antibiotic Consumption before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Hungary

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    The aim of this study was to assess antibiotic use in the Hungarian hospital care sector during and before the pandemic. Aggregated systemic antibiotic (ATC: J01) utilisation data were obtained for the 2010–2021 period. Classifications and calculations were performed according to the WHO ATC/DDD index and expressed as DDD per 1000 inhabitants and per day (DID), DDD per 100 patient-days (DHPD) and DDD/discharge. A linear regression (trend analysis) was performed for the pre-COVID years (2010–2019) and a prediction interval was set up to assess whether the pandemic years’ observed utilisation fit in. Antibiotic utilisation was constant in DID before and during the pandemic (2019: 1.16; 2020: 1.21), while we observed a substantial increase in antibiotic use when expressed in DDD per 100 patient-days (2019: 23.3, 2020: 32.2) or DDD/discharge (2019: 1.83, 2020: 2.45). The observed utilisation level of penicillin combinations; first-, third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins; carbapenems; glycopeptides; nitroimidazoles and macrolides exceeded the predicted utilisation values in both pandemic years. Before the pandemic, co-amoxiclav headed the top list of antibiotic use, while during the pandemic, ceftriaxone became the most widely used antibiotic. Azithromycin moved up substantially on the top list of antibiotic use, with a 397% increase (2019: 0.45; 2020: 2.24 DHPD) in use. In summary, the pandemic had a major impact on the scale and pattern of hospital antibiotic use in Hungary

    Early procalcitonin kinetics and appropriateness of empirical antimicrobial therapy in critically ill patients: a prospective observational study

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    PURPOSE: The purpose was to investigate the value of procalcitonin (PCT) kinetics in predicting the appropriateness of empirical antimicrobial treatment in critically ill patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective observational study recruited patients in whom empirical antimicrobial therapy was started for suspected infection. Biochemical and physiological parameters were measured before initiating antimicrobials (t0), 8 hourly (t8, t16, t24), and then daily (day2-6). Patients were grouped post hoc into appropriate (A) and inappropriate (IA) groups. RESULTS: Of 209 patients, infection was confirmed in 67%. Procalcitonin kinetics were different between the IA (n = 33) and A groups (n = 108). In the IA group, PCT levels (median [interquartile range]) increased: t0= 2.8 (1.2-7.4), t16= 8.6 (4.8-22.1), t24= 14.5 (4.9-36.1), P< .05. In the A group, PCT peaked at t16 and started to decrease by t24: t0= 4.2 (1.9-12.8), t16= 6.99 (3.4-29.1), t24= 5.2 (2.0-16.7), P< .05. Receiver operating characteristic analysis revealed that a PCT elevation greater than or equal to 69% from t0 to t16 had an area under the curve for predicting inappropriate antimicrobial treatment of 0.73 (95% confidence interval, 0.63-0.83), P< .001; from t0 to t24, a greater than or equal to 74% increase had an area under the curve of 0.86 (0.77-0.94), P< .001. Hospital mortality was 37% in the A group and 61% in the IA group (P= .017). CONCLUSIONS: Early response of PCT in the first 24 hours of commencing empirical antimicrobials in critically ill patients may help the clinician to evaluate the appropriateness of therapy

    Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Ambulatory Care Antibiotic Use in Hungary: A Population-Based Observational Study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions have potentially impacted the use of antibiotics. We aimed to analyze the use of systemic antibiotics (J01) in ambulatory care in Hungary during two pandemic years, to compare it with pre-COVID levels (January 2015–December 2019), and to describe trends based on monthly utilization. Our main findings were that during the studied COVID-19 pandemic period, compared to the pre-COVID level, an impressive 23.22% decrease in the use of systemic antibiotics was detected in ambulatory care. A significant reduction was shown in the use of several antibacterial subgroups, such as beta-lactam antibacterials, penicillins (J01C, −26.3%), and quinolones (J01M, −36.5%). The trends of antibiotic use moved in parallel with the introduction or revoking of restriction measures with a nadir in May 2020, which corresponded to a 55.46% decrease in use compared to the previous (pre-COVID) year’s monthly means. In general, the systemic antibiotic use (J01) was lower compared to the pre-COVID periods’ monthly means in almost every studied pandemic month, except for three months from September to November in 2021. The seasonal variation of antibiotic use also diminished. Active agent level analysis revealed an excessive use of azithromycin, even after evidence of ineffectiveness for COVID-19 emerged