17 research outputs found

    Impact of the cylone of November 1978 on fishing activities at Rameswaram

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    Rameswaram Island is located in the south east coast of Tamil Nadu lying in between the Indian main land and Sri Lanka and bounded by Palk Bay on the north and the Gulf of Mannar on the southThe cyclone lasted for about 12 hours starting from noon. It was very intense for about 2 1/2 hours between 5 and 7.30 P.M. The velocity of the wind was about 120 km per hour. In the beginning of January 1979 considerable progress in fishing activities was observed with about 300 boats going out for fishing. The boats that got damaged during cyclone period were attended to by a heavy influx of carpenters, mechanics and other labour force from the mainland. This has accelerated the repair works and improved the fishing activities within a short period and as stated earlier, by the end of March '79 the fishing activities in the island have been restored

    Overview of marine fish landings in India during 2005 - 2006

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    The estimated all India total marine fish landings during the year 2006 was 2.71 million t compared to 2.30 million t in 2005 which showed 18.1% increase The sector-wise contributions in 2005 were, 69.5%, 25.9% and 4.6% by the mechanised, motorised and non-motorised sectors respectively and in 2006 it was 71.1%, 24.1% and 4.8% respectively (Table 1). Trawl nets, gillnets, dol/bagnets and seine nets are the important gears operating along the Indian coasts

    Marine fisheries of the north-west coast of India during 2008

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    The north-west coast hitherto referred as NWC consists of two major coastal states of India viz., Gujarat and Maharashtra and the Union Territory, Daman and Diu. Gujarat has the longest coastline amongst Indian states and Maharashtra is known for its major harbours like Sassoon Docks and New Ferry Wharf which make the position and status of this region unique and interesting

    Marine fisheries of the north-west coast of India during 2009-2010

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    The north-west region consists of two important coastal states of India viz., Maharashtra, Gujarat and the Union Territory, Daman & Diu. The total length of the north*west coastal region is about 2,320 km which is nearly 29% of the nationтАЩs total coastal length. This region consists of 714 marine fishing villages and 278 landing centres. As per the 2010 marine fisheries census, the total marine fishermen population in Gujarat, it is 3,36,181, in Maharashtra is 3,86,259 and in Daman & Diu, it is 40,016, which put together account for 19.07% of the all India fishermen population. The marine fish production of the north-west region for 2009 was 8,80,312 t and for 2010 was 8,51,521 t accounting for 27.49% and 25.44% respectively of the total marine fish production from the country

    Marine fisheries of the north-east coast of India during 2009-2010

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    The states of Odisha and West Bengal constituting the north-east coast of India has a coastline of 638 km. The coastal area is cycloneprone and is worst affected during the south-west monsoon. The total number of marine fish landing centres in north-east coast is 132, of which 73 belonged to Odisha. According to Marine Fisheries Census 2010, there are 3.95 lakh fisherfolk directly engaged in actual fishing, fish seed collection and fishing allied activities in this coast

    Marine fisheries of the south-west coast of India during 2008

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    The south-west region comprising the states of Kerala, Karnataka and Goa with a coastline of 994 km and 7.83 lakh fishermen population, had been the most productive and the largest contributor to the countryтАЩs total marine fish landings. Marine fish production in this region during the year 2008 has been estimated as 11.11 lakh t, contributing about 34.5% to the all India landing

    Appraisal of the Marine Fisheries of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry

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    Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry contiguous to it, since share a commonness both in fishing tradition and in fishery resources, are treated together in this report, though Tamil Nadu by itself is easily comparable with any other maritime state in the vastness of inshore resource as well as in the involvement of fishing activities. The states are endowed with rich resource potential capable of being developed. The combined coastline is about a thousand kilometers studded with many a fishlanding centres of intense activities. Tamil Nadu, descending to the tip of the peninsular India, has the unique advantage of facing three major seas, the Arabian sea, Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal, and having the benefit at its disposal of both the monsoons, the South West and the North East

    Overview of marine fisheries in India during 2007

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    Fisheries sector in India plays an important role in the countryтАЩs economy and it supports the livelihood of millions of people. India is having 8,129 km of coastal length with 2.02 million sq. km of Exclusive Economic Zone (upto 200 m depth) and 0.452 million sq. km of continental shelf area

    Estimated marine fish landings (in tonnes)in India during 2002 and 2003

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    Estimated marine fishing landing in India during 2002 and 2003 is 2.59 and 2.58 millon tonnes respectively. Gear wise landing were also estimated during this period

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    Not AvailableRameswaram Island is located in the south east coast of Tamil Nadu lying in between the Indian main land and Sri Lanka and bounded by Palk Bay on the north and the Gulf of Mannar on the southThe cyclone lasted for about 12 hours starting from noon. It was very intense for about 2 1/2 hours between 5 and 7.30 P.M. The velocity of the wind was about 120 km per hour. In the beginning of January 1979 considerable progress in fishing activities was observed with about 300 boats going out for fishing. The boats that got damaged during cyclone period were attended to by a heavy influx of carpenters, mechanics and other labour force from the mainland. This has accelerated the repair works and improved the fishing activities within a short period and as stated earlier, by the end of March '79 the fishing activities in the island have been restored.Not Availabl