377 research outputs found

    Efficient Attention: Attention with Linear Complexities

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    Dot-product attention has wide applications in computer vision and natural language processing. However, its memory and computational costs grow quadratically with the input size. Such growth prohibits its application on high-resolution inputs. To remedy this drawback, this paper proposes a novel efficient attention mechanism equivalent to dot-product attention but with substantially less memory and computational costs. Its resource efficiency allows more widespread and flexible integration of attention modules into a network, which leads to better accuracies. Empirical evaluations demonstrated the effectiveness of its advantages. Efficient attention modules brought significant performance boosts to object detectors and instance segmenters on MS-COCO 2017. Further, the resource efficiency democratizes attention to complex models, where high costs prohibit the use of dot-product attention. As an exemplar, a model with efficient attention achieved state-of-the-art accuracies for stereo depth estimation on the Scene Flow dataset. Code is available at https://github.com/cmsflash/efficient-attention.Comment: To appear at WACV 202

    Influence of cage culture on methylmercury in water column of reservoir

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    To understand the influence of cage culture on the methylmercury production and distribution in water column of reservoir, water samples were collected from four cage culture sites in Wujiangdu Reservoir in September (warm season), 2010 and in March (cool season), 2011, taking the sites with a distance of 100-200 m from the culture sites and at the center of the reservoir as the reference sites. In warm season, the total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations in cage culture sites were 2.04 ±0.53 ng·L-1 and 0.146 ±0.231 ng·L-1, and those in reference sites were 3.33±2.39 ng·L-1 and 0.380±0.577 ng·L-1, respectively; in cool season, the corresponding values were 3.04±1.53 ng·L-1 and 0.047±0.028 ng·L-1, and 3.24±1.23 ng·L-1 and 0.046±0.013 ng·L-1, respectively. No significant differences were observed in the concentrations of THg and MeHg (for THg, n = 35, P =0.875, and for MeHg, n =35, P =0.091) between cage culture sites and corresponding reference sites. The analysis on the water parameters total phosphorus, total nitrogen, dissolved organic carbon, temperature, and chlorophyll-a at the cage culture sites and reference sites showed that the MeHg production and distribution in the water column were affected by the water discharge and water exchange activities in the reservoir rather than by the cage culture activities, whereas the anaerobic condition of bottom water and the variation of water temperature caused by the seasonal stratification of water column could be the main factors affecting the methylmercury production and distribution

    Digital image processing technology applied in level measurement and control system

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    AbstractAs the diversity of industrial processes, the common level meter devices are more impacted by external factors. This paper presents a new type of digital image processing technology for the level control system, combining with CCD camera technology as one of the measurement method. The fixed beam for measuring needs generated by the laser measurements, shape a special light point on the object surface, We can measure according to the changing scope of these points, or moving distance. From the experiment we can see, the CCD-based level measurement method not only has strong anti-interference ability, good usability, easy adaptability, but also applies to variety of more complex industrial applications

    LogicNet: A Logical Consistency Embedded Face Attribute Learning Network

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    Ensuring logical consistency in predictions is a crucial yet overlooked aspect in multi-attribute classification. We explore the potential reasons for this oversight and introduce two pressing challenges to the field: 1) How can we ensure that a model, when trained with data checked for logical consistency, yields predictions that are logically consistent? 2) How can we achieve the same with data that hasn't undergone logical consistency checks? Minimizing manual effort is also essential for enhancing automation. To address these challenges, we introduce two datasets, FH41K and CelebA-logic, and propose LogicNet, an adversarial training framework that learns the logical relationships between attributes. Accuracy of LogicNet surpasses that of the next-best approach by 23.05%, 9.96%, and 1.71% on FH37K, FH41K, and CelebA-logic, respectively. In real-world case analysis, our approach can achieve a reduction of more than 50% in the average number of failed cases compared to other methods

    Deep DIH : Statistically Inferred Reconstruction of Digital In-Line Holography by Deep Learning

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    Digital in-line holography is commonly used to reconstruct 3D images from 2D holograms for microscopic objects. One of the technical challenges that arise in the signal processing stage is removing the twin image that is caused by the phase-conjugate wavefront from the recorded holograms. Twin image removal is typically formulated as a non-linear inverse problem due to the irreversible scattering process when generating the hologram. Recently, end-to-end deep learning-based methods have been utilized to reconstruct the object wavefront (as a surrogate for the 3D structure of the object) directly from a single-shot in-line digital hologram. However, massive data pairs are required to train deep learning models for acceptable reconstruction precision. In contrast to typical image processing problems, well-curated datasets for in-line digital holography does not exist. Also, the trained model highly influenced by the morphological properties of the object and hence can vary for different applications. Therefore, data collection can be prohibitively cumbersome in practice as a major hindrance to using deep learning for digital holography. In this paper, we proposed a novel implementation of autoencoder-based deep learning architecture for single-shot hologram reconstruction solely based on the current sample without the need for massive datasets to train the model. The simulations results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method compared to the state of the art single-shot compressive digital in-line hologram reconstruction method

    Comparative Mitogenomic Analysis of Damsel Bugs Representing Three Tribes in the Family Nabidae (Insecta: Hemiptera)

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    BACKGROUND: Nabidae, a family of predatory heteropterans, includes two subfamilies and five tribes. We previously reported the complete mitogenome of Alloeorhynchus bakeri, a representative of the tribe Prostemmatini in the subfamily Prostemmatinae. To gain a better understanding of architecture and evolution of mitogenome in Nabidae, mitogenomes of five species representing two tribes (Gorpini and Nabini) in the subfamily Nabinae were sequenced, and a comparative mitogenomic analysis of three nabid tribes in two subfamilies was carried out. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Nabid mitogenomes share a similar nucleotide composition and base bias, except for the control region, where differences are observed at the subfamily level. In addition, the pattern of codon usage is influenced by the GC content and consistent with the standard invertebrate mitochondrial genetic code and the preference for A+T-rich codons. The comparison among orthologous protein-coding genes shows that different genes have been subject to different rates of molecular evolution correlated with the GC content. The stems and anticodon loops of tRNAs are extremely conserved, and the nucleotide substitutions are largely restricted to TψC and DHU loops and extra arms, with insertion-deletion polymorphisms. Comparative analysis shows similar rates of substitution between the two rRNAs. Long non-coding regions are observed in most Gorpini and Nabini mtDNAs in-between trnI-trnQ and/or trnS2-nad1. The lone exception, Nabis apicalis, however, has lost three tRNAs. Overall, phylogenetic analysis using mitogenomic data is consistent with phylogenies constructed mainly form morphological traits. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This comparative mitogenomic analysis sheds light on the architecture and evolution of mitogenomes in the family Nabidae. Nucleotide diversity and mitogenomic traits are phylogenetically informative at subfamily level. Furthermore, inclusion of a broader range of samples representing various taxonomic levels is critical for the understanding of mitogenomic evolution in damsel bugs