255 research outputs found

    Large-signal stability conditions for semi-quasi-Z-source inverters: switched and averaged models

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    The recently introduced semi-quasi-Z-source in- verter can be interpreted as a DC-DC converter whose input- output voltage gain may take any value between minus infinity and 1 depending on the applied duty cycle. In order to generate a sinusoidal voltage waveform at the output of this converter, a time-varying duty cycle needs to be applied. Application of a time-varying duty cycle that produces large-signal behavior requires careful consideration of stability issues. This paper provides stability results for both the large-signal averaged and the switched models of the semi-quasi-Z-source inverter operating in continuous conduction mode. We show that if the load is linear and purely resistive then the boundedness and ultimate boundedness of the state trajectories is guaranteed provided some reasonable operation conditions are ensured. These conditions amount to keeping the duty cycle away from the extreme values 0 or 1 (averaged and switched models), and limiting the maximum PWM switching period (switched model). The results obtained can be used to give theoretical justification to the inverter operation strategy recently proposed by Cao et al. in [1].Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Florence, Italy, 201

    Opportunistic Relaying in Wireless Networks

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    Relay networks having nn source-to-destination pairs and mm half-duplex relays, all operating in the same frequency band in the presence of block fading, are analyzed. This setup has attracted significant attention and several relaying protocols have been reported in the literature. However, most of the proposed solutions require either centrally coordinated scheduling or detailed channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter side. Here, an opportunistic relaying scheme is proposed, which alleviates these limitations. The scheme entails a two-hop communication protocol, in which sources communicate with destinations only through half-duplex relays. The key idea is to schedule at each hop only a subset of nodes that can benefit from \emph{multiuser diversity}. To select the source and destination nodes for each hop, it requires only CSI at receivers (relays for the first hop, and destination nodes for the second hop) and an integer-value CSI feedback to the transmitters. For the case when nn is large and mm is fixed, it is shown that the proposed scheme achieves a system throughput of m/2m/2 bits/s/Hz. In contrast, the information-theoretic upper bound of (m/2)loglogn(m/2)\log \log n bits/s/Hz is achievable only with more demanding CSI assumptions and cooperation between the relays. Furthermore, it is shown that, under the condition that the product of block duration and system bandwidth scales faster than logn\log n, the achievable throughput of the proposed scheme scales as Θ(logn)\Theta ({\log n}). Notably, this is proven to be the optimal throughput scaling even if centralized scheduling is allowed, thus proving the optimality of the proposed scheme in the scaling law sense.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Throughput Scaling of Wireless Networks With Random Connections

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    This work studies the throughput scaling laws of ad hoc wireless networks in the limit of a large number of nodes. A random connections model is assumed in which the channel connections between the nodes are drawn independently from a common distribution. Transmitting nodes are subject to an on-off strategy, and receiving nodes employ conventional single-user decoding. The following results are proven: 1) For a class of connection models with finite mean and variance, the throughput scaling is upper-bounded by O(n1/3)O(n^{1/3}) for single-hop schemes, and O(n1/2)O(n^{1/2}) for two-hop (and multihop) schemes. 2) The Θ(n1/2)\Theta (n^{1/2}) throughput scaling is achievable for a specific connection model by a two-hop opportunistic relaying scheme, which employs full, but only local channel state information (CSI) at the receivers, and partial CSI at the transmitters. 3) By relaxing the constraints of finite mean and variance of the connection model, linear throughput scaling Θ(n)\Theta (n) is achievable with Pareto-type fading models.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    A low-cost time-hopping impulse radio system for high data rate transmission

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    We present an efficient, low-cost implementation of time-hopping impulse radio that fulfills the spectral mask mandated by the FCC and is suitable for high-data-rate, short-range communications. Key features are: (i) all-baseband implementation that obviates the need for passband components, (ii) symbol-rate (not chip rate) sampling, A/D conversion, and digital signal processing, (iii) fast acquisition due to novel search algorithms, (iv) spectral shaping that can be adapted to accommodate different spectrum regulations and interference environments. Computer simulations show that this system can provide 110Mbit/s at 7-10m distance, as well as higher data rates at shorter distances under FCC emissions limits. Due to the spreading concept of time-hopping impulse radio, the system can sustain multiple simultaneous users, and can suppress narrowband interference effectively.Comment: To appear in EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (Special Issue on UWB - State of the Art

    Locating Depots for Capacitated Vehicle Routing

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    We study a location-routing problem in the context of capacitated vehicle routing. The input is a set of demand locations in a metric space and a fleet of k vehicles each of capacity Q. The objective is to locate k depots, one for each vehicle, and compute routes for the vehicles so that all demands are satisfied and the total cost is minimized. Our main result is a constant-factor approximation algorithm for this problem. To achieve this result, we reduce to the k-median-forest problem, which generalizes both k-median and minimum spanning tree, and which might be of independent interest. We give a (3+c)-approximation algorithm for k-median-forest, which leads to a (12+c)-approximation algorithm for the above location-routing problem, for any constant c>0. The algorithm for k-median-forest is just t-swap local search, and we prove that it has locality gap 3+2/t; this generalizes the corresponding result known for k-median. Finally we consider the "non-uniform" k-median-forest problem which has different cost functions for the MST and k-median parts. We show that the locality gap for this problem is unbounded even under multi-swaps, which contrasts with the uniform case. Nevertheless, we obtain a constant-factor approximation algorithm, using an LP based approach.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Controlled mobility in stochastic and dynamic wireless networks

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    We consider the use of controlled mobility in wireless networks where messages arriving randomly in time and space are collected by mobile receivers (collectors). The collectors are responsible for receiving these messages via wireless transmission by dynamically adjusting their position in the network. Our goal is to utilize a combination of wireless transmission and controlled mobility to improve the throughput and delay performance in such networks. First, we consider a system with a single collector. We show that the necessary and sufficient stability condition for such a system is given by ρ<1 where ρ is the expected system load. We derive lower bounds for the expected message waiting time in the system and develop policies that are stable for all loads ρ<1 and have asymptotically optimal delay scaling. We show that the combination of mobility and wireless transmission results in a delay scaling of Θ([1 over 1−ρ]) with the system load ρ, in contrast to the Θ([1 over (1−ρ)[superscript 2]]) delay scaling in the corresponding system without wireless transmission, where the collector visits each message location. Next, we consider the system with multiple collectors. In the case where simultaneous transmissions to different collectors do not interfere with each other, we show that both the stability condition and the delay scaling extend from the single collector case. In the case where simultaneous transmissions to different collectors interfere with each other, we characterize the stability region of the system and show that a frame-based version of the well-known Max-Weight policy stabilizes the system asymptotically in the frame length.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CNS-0915988)United States. Army Research Office. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (Grant W911NF-08-1-0238

    Assessing Perceived Risk and STI Prevention Behavior: A National Population-Based Study with Special Reference to HPV

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    Aim: This thesis aims to provide a multidimensional assessment of infection risks and to evaluate strategies for HPV prevention including vaccination with quadrivalent HPVvaccines, dose-level vaccine effectiveness and condom use in high STI risk situations. Methods: Multiple population-based registers and questionnaire responses provided data for this thesis. Various multivariable and univariate regression models were fit. Findings: Overall, quadrivalent HPV-vaccination was highly effective against genital warts (GW) also referred to as condyloma, which is the first HPV disease endpoint possible to measure. However, effectiveness was contingent upon young age-at-first vaccination, with effectiveness declining steadily the older the age-at-first vaccination. Among women above 20 years of age there was low to immeasurable effectiveness and suggestive evidence vaccinations in this age group tended to reach women at high GW risk. There were marked socioeconomic disparities in the opportunistic (on-demand with co-pay) vaccination strategy evaluated, with women and girls who have parents with the highest education level compared to the lowest having a 15 times greater likelihood to be vaccinated (Study III). Once vaccination was initiated, however, high parental education level was unrelated to vaccination completion. Maximum protection against GW was found among girls vaccinated under the age of 17 who had received three doses of the vaccine. No differences in effectiveness were found for girls who received twodoses between ages 10-16 with that of those who received three-doses between ages 17- 19 (Study IV). GW affects more men than women in Sweden as of 2010 with 453 per 100 000 men and 365 per 100 000 women treated. A decline between 25-30% was seen between 2006 and 2010 among women in the age groups with the highest vaccination coverage. No decline was found amongst men and their GW incidence has steadily increased between 2006 and 2010 (Study II). Reported condom use in high risk situations was low among both men and women, with 41% of men and 34% of women reporting always/almost always condom use with temporary partners. STI risk perception was also low, with approximately 10% of sexually active respondents considering themselves at large risk of contracting an STI. There was no association between men’s condom use and their STI risk perception but there was an association for women (Study I). Conclusions: Results suggest that males bear a substantial burden of HPV-related condyloma where incidence has dropped among women. When planning HPVvaccination among females, efforts should target girls under age 14 for maximum effectiveness. Quadrivalent HPV-vaccination offers most protection against condyloma at three doses. Gross social inequity was found with opportunistic HPV-vaccination. There were large gender differences in factors associated with condom use in high risk situations and STI risk perceptions