22 research outputs found

    Resolving the Topological Classification of Bismuth with Topological Defects

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    Bulk boundary correspondence in topological materials allows to study their bulk topology through the investigation of their topological boundary modes. However, for classes that share similar boundary phenomenology, the growing diversity of topological phases may lead to ambiguity in the topological classification of materials. Such is the current status of bulk bismuth. While some theoretical models indicate that bismuth possesses a trivial topological nature, other theoretical and experimental studies suggest non-trivial topological classifications such as a strong or a higher order topological insulator, both of which hosts helical modes on their boundaries. Here we use a novel approach to resolve the topological classification of bismuth by spectroscopically mapping the response of its boundary modes to a topological defect in the form of a screw dislocation (SD). We find that the edge mode extends over a wide energy range, and withstands crystallographic irregularities, without showing any signs of backscattering. It seems to bind to the bulk SD, as expected for a topological insulator (TI) with non-vanishing weak indices. We argue that the small scale of the bulk energy gap, at the time reversal symmetric momentum LL, positions bismuth within the critical region of a topological phase transition to a strong TI with non-vanishing weak indices. We show that the observed boundary modes are approximately helical already on the Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 trivial side of the topological phase transition. This work opens the door for further possibilities to examine the response of topological phases to crystallographic topological defects, and to uniquely explore their associated bulk boundary phenomena

    Hot Electrons Regain Coherence in Semiconducting Nanowires

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    The higher the energy of a particle is above equilibrium the faster it relaxes due to the growing phase-space of available electronic states it can interact with. In the relaxation process phase coherence is lost, thus limiting high energy quantum control and manipulation. In one-dimensional systems high relaxation rates are expected to destabilize electronic quasiparticles. We show here that the decoherence induced by relaxation of hot electrons in one-dimensional semiconducting nanowires evolves non-monotonically with energy such that above a certain threshold hot-electrons regain stability with increasing energy. We directly observe this phenomenon by visualizing for the first time the interference patterns of the quasi-one-dimensional electrons using scanning tunneling microscopy. We visualize both the phase coherence length of the one-dimensional electrons, as well as their phase coherence time, captured by crystallographic Fabry-Perot resonators. A remarkable agreement with a theoretical model reveals that the non-monotonic behavior is driven by the unique manner in which one dimensional hot-electrons interact with the cold electrons occupying the Fermi-sea. This newly discovered relaxation profile suggests a high-energy regime for operating quantum applications that necessitate extended coherence or long thermalization times, and may stabilize electronic quasiparticles in one dimension

    Fermi-arc diversity on surface terminations of the magnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2

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    Bulk-surface correspondence in Weyl semimetals assures the formation of topological "Fermi-arc" surface bands whose existence is guaranteed by bulk Weyl nodes. By investigating three distinct surface terminations of the ferromagnetic semimetal Co3Sn2S2 we verify spectroscopically its classification as a time reversal symmetry broken Weyl semimetal. We show that the distinct surface potentials imposed by three different terminations modify the Fermi-arc contour and Weyl node connectivity. On the Sn surface we identify intra-Brillouin zone Weyl node connectivity of Fermi-arcs, while on Co termination the connectivity is across adjacent Brillouin zones. On the S surface Fermi-arcs overlap with non-topological bulk and surface states that ambiguate their connectivity and obscure their exact identification. By these we resolve the topologically protected electronic properties of a Weyl semimetal and its unprotected ones that can be manipulated and engineered

    Interplay between ferromagnetism, surface states, and quantum corrections in a magnetically doped topological insulator

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    The breaking of time-reversal symmetry by ferromagnetism is predicted to yield profound changes to the electronic surface states of a topological insulator. Here, we report on a concerted set of structural, magnetic, electrical and spectroscopic measurements of \MBS thin films wherein photoemission and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism studies have recently shown surface ferromagnetism in the temperature range 15 K T100\leq T \leq 100 K, accompanied by a suppressed density of surface states at the Dirac point. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy reveal an inhomogeneous distribution of Mn atoms, with a tendency to segregate towards the sample surface. Magnetometry and anisotropic magnetoresistance measurements are insensitive to the high temperature ferromagnetism seen in surface studies, revealing instead a low temperature ferromagnetic phase at T5T \lesssim 5 K. The absence of both a magneto-optical Kerr effect and anomalous Hall effect suggests that this low temperature ferromagnetism is unlikely to be a homogeneous bulk phase but likely originates in nanoscale near-surface regions of the bulk where magnetic atoms segregate during sample growth. Although the samples are not ideal, with both bulk and surface contributions to electron transport, we measure a magnetoconductance whose behavior is qualitatively consistent with predictions that the opening of a gap in the Dirac spectrum drives quantum corrections to the conductance in topological insulators from the symplectic to the orthogonal class.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Visualizing near-coexistence of massless Dirac electrons and ultra-massive saddle point electrons

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    Strong singularities in the electronic density of states amplify correlation effects and play a key role in determining the ordering instabilities in various materials. Recently high order van Hove singularities (VHSs) with diverging power-law scaling have been classified in single-band electron models. We show that the 110 surface of Bismuth exhibits high order VHS with an usually high density of states divergence (E)0.7\sim (E)^{-0.7}. Detailed mapping of the surface band structure using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy combined with first-principles calculations show that this singularity occurs in close proximity to Dirac bands located at the center of the surface Brillouin zone. The enhanced power-law divergence is shown to originate from the anisotropic flattening of the Dirac band just above the Dirac node. Such near-coexistence of massless Dirac electrons and ultra-massive saddle points enables to study the interplay of high order VHS and Dirac fermions

    Coexisting Boundary States in the Dual Weak and Crystalline Topological Insulator Bi2TeI

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    Non UBCUnreviewedAuthor affiliation: Weizmann Institute of ScienceResearche