1 research outputs found

    Approximations of Sobolev norms in Carnot groups

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    This paper deals with a notion of Sobolev space W1,pW^{1,p} introduced by J.Bourgain, H.Brezis and P.Mironescu by means of a seminorm involving local averages of finite differences. This seminorm was subsequently used by A.Ponce to obtain a Poincar\'e-type inequality. The main results that we present are a generalization of these two works to a non-Euclidean setting, namely that of Carnot groups. We show that the seminorm expressd in terms of the intrinsic distance is equivalent to the LpL^p norm of the intrinsic gradient, and provide a Poincar\'e-type inequality on Carnot groups by means of a constructive approach which relies on one-dimensional estimates. Self-improving properties are also studied for some cases of interest