13 research outputs found

    Pharmaceutical Activity of Medicinal Plant Amaranthus viridis Linn. Due to Its Chemical Constituents: A Review

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    Background: Amaranthus viridis, a herbal plant belonging to the family Amaranthaceae, has gained significant attention in the field of traditional medicine due to its rich chemical composition. This plant is known to contain various bioactive components that contribute to its pharmaceutical value. With its extensive range of chemical compounds, Amaranthus viridis has found applications in therapeutic, pharmaceutics, and cosmetic industries. In this study, we aim to explore the medicinal potential of Amaranthus viridis and investigate its various pharmaceutical activities. Methods: The process of writing this review involved conducting comprehensive electronic research using reputable sources, including international and national article databases, along with books accessed through platforms like Google Scholar, PubMed, IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect and others. The gathered data is subsequently analyzed, followed by employing synthetic approaches with narrative methods to derive meaningful conclusions and interpretations. Results: Amaranthus viridis displays potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, attributed to its rich composition of flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, and zinc. Its diverse pharmaceutical activities make it a promising contender for medicinal use, addressing labor pain, skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, and respiratory issues, while also exhibiting antimicrobial effects against bacteria, fungi, and parasites. It can be accomplished by Extraction with solvent, Phytochemical screening and Isolation and purification. Conclusion: Amaranthus viridis, a herbal plant, shows significant potential in therapeutic, pharmaceutics, and makeup industries. Its bioactive compounds, including flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, and zinc, contribute to its diverse pharmaceutical activities, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic, and antihelmintic properties

    Invasive pulmonary infection by syncephalastrum species: Two case reports and review of literature

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    Background: Syncephalastrum species belong to the class Zygomycetes and order Mucorale. These are found in the environment and tropical soil, usually presenting as colonizers and rarely cause human infection. Syncephalastrum racemosum is a species of the genus Syncephalastrum and is the most commonly identified pathogen. Most cases are reported in immunocompromised individuals, such as patients on long term steroids, poorly controlled diabetes, or patients with malignancy.Case presentation: We are describing two cases of rare fungal infection by Syncephalastrum species causing invasive pulmonary manifestation. Both patients had compromised immune status and presented with worsening dyspnea to the emergency room. Both had signs and symptoms of bilateral worsening pneumonia evident by chest X-ray showing bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. Syncephalastrum species were isolated from sputum cultures. Deoxycholate amphotericin B was started and the response was monitored. One patient expired while the other improved. Syncephalastrum species belong to class Mucormycosis, rarely causing invasive infection but when they do outcome is potentially fatal. Very few cases are reported worldwide so the clinical course is still unclear. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first two cases to be reported from Pakistan.Conclusions: These two cases describe pneumonia as a result of concomitant infection by rare fungal speciesSyncephalastrum and MRSA in immunocompromised patients. Few cases are reported so limited data is available to understand complete disease implications. Mucormycosis is a therapeutic challenge because of the phylogenetic diversity, un-availability of any serological testing and invasive disease pattern


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    The study was under taken with the intension of comparing selected physical fitness component in urban and rural female students of BAHAUDDIN ZAKARIYA UNIVERSITY PAKISTAN prominent university in of south Punjab. The selected variables for this study were cardiovascular `endurance and speed. Total subject of 72 female students among them 36 from the urban area of south Punjab district Multan and 36 from the rural area of same district were selected from random sampling technique from the various department of the university. Descriptive Statistics and Independent ‘t’ test were employed using SPSS-19 software. Harvard Step Test and 60 Meter Sprint test were used to collect the required data. Findings show that the urban girls are good in endurance and speed from the rural students result of this findings are unique and shows that the cultural, social and religious differences have a great impact on the physical fitness of females in Pakistan

    Establishment of health related physical fitness evaluation system for school adolescents aged 12–16 in Pakistan: a cross-sectional study

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    BackgroundThe decline in adolescent physical fitness is a significant global public health concern, and Pakistan is no exception. The country’s absence of a health-related physical fitness (HRPF) evaluation system has compounded this issue. To bridge this gap, this study aims to develop a scientifically-based HRPF evaluation system for the adolescent population that meets international standards. The evaluation system identifies at-risk children and improves adolescent health outcomes, including obesity, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal disorders, chronic diseases, and psychological illnesses, through crucial physical fitness evaluation. This study specifically aims to establish an HRPF evaluation system for school adolescents aged 12–16 in Pakistan.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted among 2,970 school adolescents aged 12–16 years in the South Punjab, Pakistan. The study used a stratified sampling technique to select participants. The HRPF evaluation system included four components: cardiorespiratory endurance, core muscular endurance, muscular strength, and body composition. Data were collected through standardized tests and anthropometric measurements.ResultsThe study’s results indicated that the HRPF evaluation scoring system was feasible and valid for evaluating the HRPF of school adolescents in the South Punjab region of Pakistan. The results of the evaluation system categorized participants into five groups based on their performance: excellent (6.2%), good (24.9%), medium (50.7%), poor (17%), and very poor (1.2%).ConclusionThe study establishes an HRPF evaluation system for Pakistani school adolescents. This system lays the foundation for implementing effective strategies to improve their physical health. The findings offer valuable insights to policymakers, health professionals, and educators, enabling them to promote fitness and devise impactful interventions for enhancing HRPF in this population

    Pakistani Teens and Privacy - How Gender Disparities, Religion and Family Values Impact the Privacy Design Space

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    The understanding of how teenagers perceive, manage and perform privacy is less well-understood in spaces outside of Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic countries. To fill this gap we interviewed 30 teens to investigate the privacy perceptions, practices, and experienced digital harms of young people in Pakistan, a particularly interesting context as privacy in this context is not seen as an individual right or performed within an individualistic framework but instead is influenced by a combination of factors including social norms, family dynamics and religious beliefs. Based on our findings, we developed four personas to systematize the needs and values of this specific population and then conducted focus groups with co-design activities to further explore privacy conflicts. Among other things that confirm and extend existing theories on teen’s privacy practices and perceptions, our findings suggest that young women are disproportionately impacted by privacy violations and the harms extend beyond themselves to include their families

    Coping styles in patients with anxiety and depression

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    Different individuals use different coping styles to cope with their problems. In patients with anxiety and/or depression, these have important implications. The primary objective of our study was to estimate the frequency of different coping mechanisms used by patients with symptoms of anxiety and depression. A descriptive, cross-sectional survey was conducted and patients with symptoms of anxiety and depression were identified using the Aga Khan University\u27s Anxiety and Depression Scale (AKUADS). Coping styles were determined by using the 28-item Brief COPE inventory. We were able to recruit 162 people. The prevalence of anxiety and depression was found to be 34%. Females were more than 2 times likely to have anxiety and depression (P value = 0.024, OR = 2.62). In patients screening positive for AKUADS, religion was the most common coping mechanism identified. Acceptance , Use of instrumental support , and Active coping were other commonly used coping styles. Our findings suggest that religious coping is a common behavior in patients presenting with symptoms anxiety and depression in Pakistan. Knowledge of these coping styles is important in the care of such patients, as these coping methods can be identified and to some extent modified by the treating clinician/psychiatrist

    In Circulation of Hatred Speeches in Educational Institutes: A Review from the Literature about the Role of Social Media

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    Hate is a negative emotional phenomenon whose characteristics are anger, contempt or disgust. This emotional attitude sometimes leads towards revenge in the form of criminal act. This situation may challenge the school administrators to keep teaching-learning process smooth and effective. Hate speeches on social media is a common exercise among all age group people. Educational institutes are also under attack due to these practices. Students are permanently and continuously connected on social media. They are less prepared and trained to deal with online hate speeches. This qualitative study has focused this issue and derived results from literature. Racism, homophobia, religious biasedness, trans-phobia and sexual harassment are common social media generated problems in educational institutes which are types of online hate speech. It is therefore, suggested at the end of this study that students must be trained and taught about gender violence and discrimination; raise awareness about the importance and positive usage of media and digital based information

    The emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern

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    Since emerging from Wuhan, China, in December of 2019, the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has been causing devastating severe respiratory infections in humans worldwide. With the disease spreading faster than the medical community could contain it, death tolls increased at an alarming rate worldwide, causing the World Health Organization to officially sanction the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak as a pandemic, leading to a state of worldwide lockdown for the majority of the year 2020. There have been reports of new strains of the virus emerging in various parts of the world, with some strains displaying even greater infectivity and transmissibility. Areas of the emerging variant of concern arise from countries like the United Kingdom, South Africa, Brazil, and India. These mutations carry a lineage from N501Y, D614G, N439K, Y453F, and others, which are globally dominated by clades 20A, 20B, and 20C. This literature review intends to identify and report SARS-CoV-2 variants that are currently evolving and their disease implications

    Foliar Application of Ethylenediamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA) Improves the Growth and Yield of Brown Mustard (<i>Brassica juncea</i>) by Modulating Photosynthetic Pigments, Antioxidant Defense, and Osmolyte Production under Lead (Pb) Stress

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    Lead (Pb) toxicity imposes several morphological and biochemical changes in plants grown in Pb-contaminated soils. Application of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) in mitigating heavy metal stress has already been studied. However, the role of EDTA in mitigating heavy metal stress, especially in oilseed crops, is less known. Therefore, the study aimed to explore the potential effect of foliar application of 2.5 mM EDTA on two different varieties of Brassica juncea L., i.e., Faisal (V1) and Rohi (V2), with and without 0.5 mM Lead acetate [Pb(C2H3O2)2] treatment. Statistical analysis revealed that Pb stress was harmful to the plant. It caused a considerable decrease in the overall biomass (56.2%), shoot and root length (21%), yield attributes (20.16%), chlorophyll content (35.3%), total soluble proteins (12.9%), and calcium (61.7%) and potassium (40.9%) content of the plants as compared to the control plants. However, the foliar application of EDTA alleviated the adverse effects of Pb in both varieties. EDTA application improved the morphological attributes (67%), yield (29%), and photosynthetic pigments (80%). Positive variations in the antioxidant activity, ROS, and contents of total free amino acid, anthocyanin, flavonoids, and ascorbic acid, even under Pb stress, were prominent. EDTA application further improved their presence in the brown mustard verifying it as a more stress-resistant plant. It was deduced that the application of EDTA had significantly redeemed the adverse effects of Pb, leaving room for further experimentation to avoid Pb toxification in the mustard oil and the food chain