165 research outputs found

    PACE: Fully Parallelizable BFT from Reproposable Byzantine Agreement

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    The classic asynchronous Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) framework of Ben-Or, Kemler, and Rabin (BKR) and its descendants rely on reliable broadcast (RBC) and asynchronous binary agreement (ABA). However, BKR does not allow all ABA instances to run in parallel, a well-known performance bottleneck. We propose PACE, a generic framework that removes the bottleneck, allowing fully parallelizable ABA instances. PACE is built on RBC and reproposable ABA (RABA). Different from the conventional ABA, RABA allows a replica to change its mind and vote twice. We show how to efficiently build RABA protocols from existing ABA protocols and a new ABA protocol that we introduce. We implement six new BFT protocols: three in the BKR framework, and three in the PACE framework. Via a deployment using 91 replicas on Amazon EC2 across five continents, we show that all PACE instantiations, in both failure-free and failure scenarios, significantly outperform their BKR counterparts, and prior BFT protocols such as BEAT and Dumbo, in terms of latency, throughput, latency vs. throughput, and scalability

    Foundations of Dynamic BFT

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    This paper studies dynamic BFT, where replicas can join and leave the system dynamically, a primitive that is nowadays increasingly needed. We provide a formal treatment for dynamic BFT protocols, endowing them with a flexible syntax and various security definitions. We demonstrate the challenges of extending static BFT to dynamic BFT. Then we design and implement Dyno, a highly efficient dynamic BFT protocol under the partial synchrony model. We show that Dyno can seamlessly handle membership changes without incurring performance degradation

    Byzantine Reliable Broadcast with O(nL+kn+n2logn)O(nL+kn+n^2 log n) Communication

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    Byzantine reliable broadcast (BRB) is one of the most fundamental primitives in fault-tolerant distributed computing. It is well-known that the best BRB protocol one can hope for has O(nL+n2)O(nL+n^2) communication. It is unclear if this bound is achievable. This paper provides a novel BRB protocol---BRB1, which achieves O(nL+kn+n2logn)O(nL + kn + n^2 log n) communication, where nn, LL, and kk are the number of replicas, the message length, and the security parameter, respectively. Our protocol is efficient, because the only building blocks we need are threshold signatures which have been used in various Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) protocols (e.g., SBFT, HoneyBadgerBFT, HotStuff). Our protocol is the first asynchronous BRB protocol that breaks the known O(nL+kn2)O(nL+kn^2) bound

    ByzID: Byzantine Fault Tolerance from Intrusion Detection

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    Building robust network services that can withstand a wide range of failure types is a fundamental problem in distributed systems. The most general approach, called Byzantine fault tolerance, can mask arbitrary failures. Yet it is often considered too costly to deploy in practice, and many solutions are not resilient to performance attacks. To address this concern we leverage two key technologies already widely deployed in cloud computing infrastructures: replicated state machines and intrusiondetection systems.First, we have designed a general framework for constructing Byzantine failure detectors based on an intrusion detection system. Based on such a failure detector, we have designed and built a practical Byzantine fault-tolerant protocol, which has costs comparable to crash-resilient protocols like Paxos. More importantly, our protocol is particularly robust against several key attacks such as flooding attacks, timing attacks, and fairness attacks, that are typically not handled well by Byzantine fault masking procedures

    FIN: Practical Signature-Free Asynchronous Common Subset in Constant Time

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    Asynchronous common subset (ACS) is a powerful paradigm enabling applications such as Byzantine fault-tolerance (BFT) and multi-party computation (MPC). The most efficient ACS framework in the information-theoretic setting is due to Ben-Or, Kelmer, and Rabin (BKR, 1994). The BKR ACS protocol has been both theoretically and practically impactful. However, the BKR protocol has an O(logn)O(\log n) running time (where nn is the number of replicas) due to the usage of nn parallel asynchronous binary agreement (ABA) instances, impacting both performance and scalability. Indeed, for a network of 16~64 replicas, the parallel ABA phase occupies about 95%~97% of the total runtime in BKR. A long-standing open problem is whether we can build an ACS framework with O(1)O(1) time while not increasing the message or communication complexity of the BKR protocol. In this paper, we resolve the open problem, presenting the first constant-time ACS protocol with O(n3)O(n^3) messages in the information-theoretic and signature-free settings. Moreover, as a key ingredient of our new ACS framework and an interesting primitive in its own right, we provide the first information-theoretic multivalued validated Byzantine agreement (MVBA) protocol with O(1)O(1) time and O(n3)O(n^3) messages. Both results can improve---asymptotically and concretely---various applications using ACS and MVBA in the information-theoretic, quantum-safe, or signature-free settings. As an example, we implement FIN, a BFT protocol instantiated using our framework. Via a 121-server deployment on Amazon EC2, we show FIN is significantly more efficient than PACE (CCS 2022), the state-of-the-art asynchronous BFT protocol of the same type. In particular, FIN reduces the overhead of the ABA phase to as low as 1.23% of the total runtime, and FIN achieves up to 3.41x the throughput of PACE. We also show that FIN outperforms other BFT protocols with the standard liveness property such as Dumbo and Speeding Dumbo

    BG: A Modular Treatment of BFT Consensus

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    We provide an expressive framework that allows analyzing and generating provably secure, state-of-the-art Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) protocols. Our framework is hierarchical, including three layers. The top layer is used to model the message pattern and abstract key functions on which BFT algorithms can be built. The intermediate layer provides the core functions with high-level properties sufficient to prove the security of the top-layer algorithms. The bottom layer carefully defines predicates according to which we offer operational realizations for the core functions. All three layers in our framework are extensible and enable innovation. One may modify or extend any layer to theoretically cover all BFT protocols, known and unknown. Indeed, unlike prior BFT frameworks, our framework can analyze and recast BFT protocols in an exceedingly fine-grained manner. More importantly, our framework can readily generate new BFT protocols by simply enumerating the parameters in the framework. In this paper, we show that the framework allows us to fully specify and formally prove the security for 23 BFT protocols, including protocols matching HotStuff, Fast-HotStuff, Jolteon, and Marlin, and among these protocols, seven new protocols outperforming existing ones or achieving meaningful trade-offs among various performance metrics

    Marlin: Two-Phase BFT with Linearity

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    As the first Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) protocol with linear communication complexity, HotStuff (PODC 2019) has received significant attention. HotStuff has three round-trips for both normal case operations and view change protocols. Follow-up studies attempt to reduce the number of phases for HotStuff. These protocols, however, all give up of one thing in return for another. This paper presents Marlin, a BFT protocol with linearity, having two phases for normal case operations and two or three phases for view changes. Marlin uses the same cryptographic tools as in HotStuff and introduces no additional assumptions. We implement a new and efficient Golang library for Marlin and HotStuff, showing Marlin outperforms HotStuff for both the common case and the view change

    Balanced byzantine reliable broadcast with near-optimal communication and improved computation

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    CNS-1718135 - National Science Foundation; CNS-1801564 - National Science Foundation; CNS-1931714 - National Science Foundation; CNS-1915763 - National Science Foundation; HR00112020021 - Department of Defense/DARPA; 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000037211 - SRI Internationalhttps://eprint.iacr.org/2022/776.pdfFirst author draf

    Brief announcement: asynchronous verifiable information dispersal with near-optimal communication

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    CNS-1718135 - National Science Foundation; CNS-1801564 - National Science Foundation; CNS-1931714 - National Science Foundation; CNS-1915763 - National Science Foundation; HR00112020021 - Department of Defense/DARPA; 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000037211 - SRI Internationalhttps://eprint.iacr.org/2022/775.pdfFirst author draf

    Practical and Improved Byzantine Reliable Broadcast and Asynchronous Verifiable Information Dispersal from Hash Functions

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    This paper improves upon two fundamental and closely related primitives in fault-tolerant distributed computing---Byzantine reliable broadcast (BRB) and asynchronous verifiable information dispersal (AVID). We make improvements asymptotically (for our AVID construction), concretely (much lower hidden constants), and practically (having 3 steps, using hash functions only, and avoiding using online error correction on the bulk data). The state of the art BRB protocol of Das, Xiang, and Ren (DXR BRB, CCS 2021) uses hash functions only and achieves a communication overhead of O(nL+kn2)O(nL + kn^2), where nn, LL, and kk are the number of replicas, the message length, and the security parameter, respectively. More precisely, DXR BRB incurs a concrete communication of 7nL+2kn27nL + 2kn^2, with a large constant 7 for the bulk data term (i.e., the nLnL term). Das, Xiang, and Ren asked an open question if it is possible from a practical point of view to make the hidden constants small. Two other limitations of DXR BRB that authors emphasized are that higher computation costs due to encoding and decoding of the message due to applying error correcting codes on bulk data and the fact that in the presence of malicious nodes, each honest node may have to try decoding ff times due to the use of an online error correcting algorithm. Meanwhile, the state of the art AVID protocols achieve O(L+kn2)O(L+kn^2) communication assuming trusted setup. Apparently, there is a mismatch between BRB and AVID protocols: another natural open problem is whether it is possible to build a setup-free AVID protocol with O(L+kn2)O(L+kn^2) communication. In this work, we answer all these open questions in the affirmative. We first provide a hash-based BRB protocol that improves concretely on DXR BRB, having low constants and avoiding using online error correction on bulk data. Our key insight is to encode the consistency proof, not just the message. Our technique allows disseminating the message and proof together. Then we provide the first setup-free AVID protocol achieving O(L+kn2)O(L+kn^2) communication. Both our BRB and AVID protocols are practical because they have 3 steps, a multiplicative factor of 3 for the bulk data term, use hash functions only, and they avoid applying online error correction on bulk data