276 research outputs found

    PEDF in Diabetic Retinopathy: A Protective Effect of Oxidative Stress

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a major cause of blindness in working age adults, and oxidative stress plays a vital role in the pathogenesis of DR. Pigment-epithelium-derived factor (PEDF), a multifunctional protein, has shown to inhibit the development of DR by accumulating evidence. This paper highlights the current understanding of probable mechanism about how PEDF blocks the deterioration of DR through its antioxidative properties and application prospects of PEDF as a novel therapeutic target in DR. Gene therapy of PEDF is becoming more and more acceptable and will widely be applied to the actual treatment in the near future

    Orbital density wave induced by electron-lattice coupling in orthorhombic iron pnictides

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    In this paper we explore the magnetic and orbital properties closely related to a tetragonal-orthorhombic structural phase transition in iron pnictides based on both two- and five-orbital Hubbard models. The electron-lattice coupling, which interplays with electronic interaction, is self-consistently treated. Our results reveal that the orbital polarization stabilizes the spin density wave (SDW) order in both tetragonal and orthorhombic phases. However, the ferro-orbital density wave (F-ODW) only occurs in the orthorhombic phase rather than in the tetragonal one. Magnetic moments of Fe are small in the intermediate Coulomb interaction region for the striped antiferromangnetic phase in the realistic five orbital model. The anisotropic Fermi surface in the SDW/ODW orthorhombic phase is well in agreement with the recent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiments. These results suggest a scenario that the magnetic phase transition is driven by the ODW order mainly arising from the electron-lattice coupling.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Seasonal variation in systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis: an ecological study In based on internet searches

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a prototypical autoimmune disease in which immune regulation is disrupted and characterized by intense inflammation and damage to multiple organs or systems. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is another systemic autoimmune disease characterized by chronic synovial joint inflammation that leads to disability and poor quality of life. Although the etiologies and pathogenesis of SLE and RA are not fully understood, it is generally accepted that they are both caused by interactions between genetic and environmental factors. In recent years, emerging studies have demonstrated the potential role of seasonality in the development and disease activity of variety of autoimmune diseases [[1], [2], [3]]

    Beimingwu: A Learnware Dock System

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    The learnware paradigm proposed by Zhou [2016] aims to enable users to reuse numerous existing well-trained models instead of building machine learning models from scratch, with the hope of solving new user tasks even beyond models' original purposes. In this paradigm, developers worldwide can submit their high-performing models spontaneously to the learnware dock system (formerly known as learnware market) without revealing their training data. Once the dock system accepts the model, it assigns a specification and accommodates the model. This specification allows the model to be adequately identified and assembled to reuse according to future users' needs, even if they have no prior knowledge of the model. This paradigm greatly differs from the current big model direction and it is expected that a learnware dock system housing millions or more high-performing models could offer excellent capabilities for both planned tasks where big models are applicable; and unplanned, specialized, data-sensitive scenarios where big models are not present or applicable. This paper describes Beimingwu, the first open-source learnware dock system providing foundational support for future research of learnware paradigm.The system significantly streamlines the model development for new user tasks, thanks to its integrated architecture and engine design, extensive engineering implementations and optimizations, and the integration of various algorithms for learnware identification and reuse. Notably, this is possible even for users with limited data and minimal expertise in machine learning, without compromising the raw data's security. Beimingwu supports the entire process of learnware paradigm. The system lays the foundation for future research in learnware-related algorithms and systems, and prepares the ground for hosting a vast array of learnwares and establishing a learnware ecosystem

    Changes and related factors of blood CCN1 levels in diabetic patients

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    ObjectiveTo study the differences in blood cellular communication network factor 1 (CCN1) levels between patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and healthy individuals and to explore the relationship between CCN1 and diabetic retinopathy (DR).MethodsPlasma CCN1 levels were detected using ELISA in 50 healthy controls, 74 patients with diabetes without diabetic retinopathy (DM group), and 69 patients with diabetic retinopathy (DR group). Correlations between CCN1 levels and age, body mass index, mean arterial pressure, hemoglobin A1c, and other factors were analyzed. The relationship between CCN1 expression and DR was explored using logistic regression after adjusting for confounding factors. Blood mRNA sequencing analysis was performed for all subjects, and the molecular changes that may be related to CCN1 were explored. The retinal vasculature of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats was examined using fundus fluorescein angiography; in addition, retinal protein expression was examined using western blotting.ResultsPlasma CCN1 levels in patients with DR were significantly higher than in the control and DM groups; however, no significant differences were observed between healthy controls and patients with DM. CCN1 levels negatively correlated with body mass index and positively correlated with the duration of diabetes and urea levels. It was observed that high (OR 4.72, 95% CI: 1.10–20.25) and very high (OR 8.54, 95% CI: 2.00–36.51) levels of CCN1 were risk factors for DR. Blood mRNA sequencing analysis revealed that CCN1-related pathways were significantly altered in the DR group. The expression of hypoxia-, oxidative stress-, and dephosphorylation-related proteins were elevated, while that of tight junction proteins were reduced in the retinas of diabetic rats.ConclusionBlood CCN1 levels are significantly elevated in patients with DR. High and very high levels of plasma CCN1 are risk factors for DR. Blood CCN1 level may be a potential biomarker for diagnosis of DR. The effects of CCN1 on DR may be related to hypoxia, oxidative stress, and dephosphorylation

    Strongly-coupled nanotube electromechanical resonators

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    Coupling an electromechanical resonator with carbon-nanotube quantum dots is a significant method to control both the electronic charge and the spin quantum states. By exploiting a novel micro-transfer technique, we fabricate two strongly-coupled and electrically-tunable mechanical resonators on a single carbon nanotube for the first time. The frequency of the two resonators can be individually tuned by the bottom gates, and strong coupling is observed between the electron charge and phonon modes of each resonator. Furthermore, the conductance of either resonator can be nonlocally modulated by the phonon modes in the other resonator. Strong coupling is observed between the phonon modes of the two resonators, which provides an effective long distance electron-electron interaction. The generation of phonon-mediated-spin entanglement is also theoretically analyzed for the two resonators. This strongly-coupled nanotube electromechanical resonator array provides an experimental platform for future studies of the coherent electron-phonon interaction, the phonon mediated long-distance electron interaction, and entanglement state generation

    Revisiting the quantum Szilard engine with fully quantum considerations

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    By considering level shifting during the insertion process we revisit the quantum Szilard engine (QSZE) with fully quantum consideration. We derive the general expressions of the heat absorbed from thermal bath and the total work done to the environment by the system in a cycle with two different cyclic strategies. We find that only the quantum information contributes to the absorbed heat, and the classical information acts like a feedback controller and has no direct effect on the absorbed heat. This is the first demonstration of the different effects of quantum information and classical information for extracting heat from the bath in the QSZE. Moreover, when the well width LL\rightarrow \infty or the temperature of the bath TT\rightarrow \infty the QSZE reduces to the classical Szilard engine (CSZE), and the total work satisfies the relation Wtot=kBTln2W_{\mathtt{tot}}=k_{B}T \mathtt{ln}2 as obtained by Sang Wook Kim et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 070401 (2011)] for one particle case.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Annals of Physics(NY

    Synthetic five-wave mixing in an integrated microcavity for visible-telecom entanglement generation

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    Nonlinear optics processes lie at the heart of photonics and quantum optics for their indispensable role in light sources and information processing. During the past decades, the three- and four-wave mixing (χ(2)\chi^{(2)} and χ(3)\chi^{(3)}) effects have been extensively studied, especially in the micro-/nano-structures by which the photon-photon interaction strength is greatly enhanced. So far, the high-order nonlinearity beyond the χ(3)\chi^{(3)} has rarely been studied in dielectric materials due to their weak intrinsic nonlinear susceptibility, even in high-quality microcavities. Here, an effective five-wave mixing process (χ(4)\chi^{(4)}) is synthesized for the first time, by incorporating χ(2)\chi^{(2)} and χ(3)\chi^{(3)} processes in a single microcavity. The coherence of the synthetic χ(4)\chi^{(4)} is verified by generating time-energy entangled visible-telecom photon-pairs, which requires only one drive laser at the telecom waveband. The photon pair generation rate from the synthetic process shows an enhancement factor over 500500 times upon intrinsic five-wave mixing. Our work demonstrates a universal approach of nonlinear synthesis via photonic structure engineering at the mesoscopic scale rather than material engineering, and thus opens a new avenue for realizing high-order optical nonlinearities and exploring novel functional photonic devices.Comment: 4 figure

    Photopic pupil size change in myopic orthokeratology and its influence on axial length elongation

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    AIM: To explore the photopic pupil size behavior in myopic children undergoing overnight orthokeratology (ortho-k) over 1-year period and its effects on the axial elongation. METHODS: A total of 202 Chinese myopic children were enrolled in this prospective clinical trial. Ninety-five subjects in ortho-k group and eighty-eight subjects in spectacle group completed the 1-year study. Axial length (AL) was measured before enrollment and every 6mo after the start of ortho-k. The photopic pupil diameter (PPD) was determined using the Pentacam AXL and measured in an examination room with lighting of 300-310 Lx. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was used to identify variables contribution to axial elongation. RESULTS: Compared with spectacle group, the average 1-year axial elongation was significantly slower in the ortho-k group (0.25±0.27 vs 0.44±0.23 mm, P0.05, Bonferroni correction). The 4.81 mm PPD may be a possible cutoff point in the ortho-k group. Subjects with PPD below or equal to 4.81 mm tended to have smaller axial elongation compared to subjects with PPD above 4.81 mm after 1-year period (t=-3.09, P=0.003). In ortho-k group, univariate analyses indicated that those with older age, greater degree of myopia, longer AL, smaller baseline PPD (PPDbaseline) experienced a smaller change in AL. In multivariate analyses, older age, greater AL and smaller PPDbaseline were associated with smaller increases in AL. In spectacle group, PPD tended to be stable (P>0.05, Bonferroni correction) and did not affect axial growth. CONCLUSION: PPDs experience significantly decreases at 1-month and 3-month ortho-k treatment. Children with smaller PPD tend to experience slower axial elongation and may benefit more from ortho-k