13 research outputs found

    Identification of <i>B. dorsalis</i> transcripts related to insecticide target site: AChE and nAChR (alpha).

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    <p>The identities from the tblastx alignments were >90% unless noted in parentheses. Most of the gene references belong to <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i> except as listed (Bd = <i>Bactrocera dorsalis</i>).</p

    Proportions of sequences found in ontology categories for <i>B</i>. <i>dorsalis</i> compared to <i>C. capitata</i> and <i>D</i>. <i>melanogaster.</i>

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    <p><b>A.</b> The 13 major categories for ontology representing ‘molecular function’ are electron carrier activity (ECA), transcription regulator activity (TCRA), binding (B), transporter activity (TA), protein tag (PT), catalytic activity (CatA), metallochaperone activity (MCA), nutrient reservoir activity (NRA), enzyme regulator activity (ERA), molecular transducer activity (MTA), translation regulator activity (TLRA), structural molecule activity (SMA), and antioxidant activity (AOA). <b>B.</b> The 14 major categories for the ontology of ‘biological process’ are cell communication (CS: signaling), regulation of cellular physiological process (RP), transport (T), cell organization and biogenesis (OB), metabolism (M), response to stimulus (RS), cell adhesion (CA), cell death (CD), reproduction (R), cell cycle and division (CC), homeostasis (H), cell motility (CM), development (D) and cell growth, differentiation, and proliferation (GP). <b>C.</b> The 15 major categories for the ontology of ‘cellular component’ are cell (C), cytoplasm (CP), intracellular (IC), intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (ICMBO), intracellular non-membrane-bound organelle (ICNMBO), intrinsic to membrane (IM), integral to membrane (InteM), intracellular organelle (IO), membrane (M), membrane-bounded organelle (MBO), macromolecular complex (MMC), nucleus (N), non-membrane-bounded organelle (NMBO), organelle (O), and protein complex (PC).</p

    Results obtained using different values for <i>k</i> when invoking Velvet.

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    a<p>The N50 length is defined as the length N for which half of all bases in the sequences are in a sequence of length L</p

    Length distribution of assembled sequences.

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    <p>The distribution was constructed from isotigs of length ranging from ≥100 to<10,000 base pairs.</p