13 research outputs found

    Autonomous discovery in the chemical sciences part II: Outlook

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    This two-part review examines how automation has contributed to different aspects of discovery in the chemical sciences. In this second part, we reflect on a selection of exemplary studies. It is increasingly important to articulate what the role of automation and computation has been in the scientific process and how that has or has not accelerated discovery. One can argue that even the best automated systems have yet to ``discover'' despite being incredibly useful as laboratory assistants. We must carefully consider how they have been and can be applied to future problems of chemical discovery in order to effectively design and interact with future autonomous platforms. The majority of this article defines a large set of open research directions, including improving our ability to work with complex data, build empirical models, automate both physical and computational experiments for validation, select experiments, and evaluate whether we are making progress toward the ultimate goal of autonomous discovery. Addressing these practical and methodological challenges will greatly advance the extent to which autonomous systems can make meaningful discoveries.Comment: Revised version available at 10.1002/anie.20190998


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    Open Chemistry, JupyterLab, REST, and quantum chemistry

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    Quantum chemistry must evolve if it wants to fully leverage the benefits of the internet age, where the worldwide web offers a vast tapestry of tools that enable users to communicate and interact with complex data at the speed and convenience of a button press. The Open Chemistry project has developed an open-source framework that offers an end-to-end solution for producing, sharing, and visualizing quantum chemical data interactively on the web using an array of modern tools and approaches. These tools build on some of the best open-source community projects such as Jupyter for interactive online notebooks, coupled with 3D accelerated visualization, state-of-the-art computational chemistry codes including NWChem and Psi4, and emerging machine learning and data mining tools such as ChemML and ANI. They offer flexible formats to import and export data, along with approaches to compare computational and experimental data

    IDPConformerGenerator: A Flexible Software Suite for Sampling the Conformational Space of Disordered Protein States.

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    The power of structural information for informing biological mechanisms is clear for stable folded macromolecules, but similar structure-function insight is more difficult to obtain for highly dynamic systems such as intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) which must be described as structural ensembles. Here, we present IDPConformerGenerator, a flexible, modular open-source software platform for generating large and diverse ensembles of disordered protein states that builds conformers that obey geometric, steric, and other physical restraints on the input sequence. IDPConformerGenerator samples backbone phi (φ), psi (ψ), and omega (ω) torsion angles of relevant sequence fragments from loops and secondary structure elements extracted from folded protein structures in the RCSB Protein Data Bank and builds side chains from robust Monte Carlo algorithms using expanded rotamer libraries. IDPConformerGenerator has many user-defined options enabling variable fractional sampling of secondary structures, supports Bayesian models for assessing the agreement of IDP ensembles for consistency with experimental data, and introduces a machine learning approach to transform between internal and Cartesian coordinates with reduced error. IDPConformerGenerator will facilitate the characterization of disordered proteins to ultimately provide structural insights into these states that have key biological functions