28 research outputs found

    Networking: the Human Factor in Knowledge Exchange

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    Evidence-influenced policy has become the 'gold standard' which compels a wide variety of researchers, research funders and policy makers, from very different organisational contexts, to share or exchange knowledge. Opportunities to facilitate interaction; better understand each other's professional cultures and goals and also build collaborations are important to promote the use of research to inform and influence policy and practice. It is important to find ways in which such interactions between people can be facilitated, particularly as many stakeholders are not trained in the practice of knowledge exchange. Conferences are powerful, albeit temporary, clusters of contextualised knowledge exchange which facilitate low risk initial contacts and the ongoing development of collaborations

    Getting your findings into practice: tackling knowledge exchange and research translation

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    PHCRIS Senior Research Fellow and Knowledge Exchange Manager, Dr Christina Hagger, presented an online session on Getting your findings into practice: Tackling knowledge exchange and research translation during Research Week 2014 - a GPET initiative with plenary sessions and workshops run online between 28 February and 7 March 201

    Understanding the policy cycle and knowledge translation for researchers (A researcher’s guide)

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    This RESEARCH ROUNDup introduces knowledge translation, suggests avenues where research evidence can inform different stages of the policy cycle, and provides some practical tips for researchers

    A Knowledge Exchange Organisation: the Primary Health Care Research & Information Service (PHCRIS)

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    How has a knowledge exchange organisation assisted policy, practice, research and consumer stakeholders to cross borders in PHC. Knowledge exchange bases its practice on exchanging information and knowledge in the most appropriate format with the right people at the most suitable time. The resources and services outlined in this poster, cover people and information resources, information synthesis and capacity building

    Knowledge Exchange for Rural Health

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    Knowledge exchange includes information management, linkage, capacity development, and support. Knowledge exchange bases its practice on exchanging information in the most appropriate format with the right people at the most suitable time

    Fact Sheet: Maximising the influence of your research on policy

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    Researchers and policy makers contribute different skills, knowledge and perspectives to the policy making process. Sustained, constructive communication between these groups supports the development of evidence informed public policy

    Regionally-based needs assessment in Australian primary health care.

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    Needs assessments in primary health care provide information to plan and change services, with the ultimate goal of improving the health of a population. It is the first step in health care services planning, and involves identifying and analysing a region’s health problems and potential target group. For the purposes of this report, need was defined as “the population’s ability to benefit” as this lends itself most usefully to health services planning. This report also reflects on International and Australian models that may inform approaches to needs assessments in Australia

    Fostering a culture of knowledge exchange

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    PHCRIS Research Fellow, Dr Christina Hagger presented at the 2nd Annual NHMRC Research Translation Faculty Symposium on 2 Oct 2013. This presentation titled Fostering a culture of knowledge exchange reports on the partners in the health care system, the role of knowledge exchange (KE), and how PHCRIS promotes an open culture of KE through a combined strategy of 'the People and the Portal'