17 research outputs found

    The Three Hundred Project: Backsplash galaxies in simulations of clusters

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    In the outer regions of a galaxy cluster, galaxies may be either falling into the cluster for the first time, or have already passed through the cluster centre at some point in their past. To investigate these two distinct populations, we utilise TheThreeHundred project, a suite of 324 hydrodynamical resimulations of galaxy clusters. In particular, we study the 'backsplash population' of galaxies; those that have passed within R 200 of the cluster centre at some time in their history, but are now outside of this radius. We find that, on average, over half of all galaxies between R 200 and 2R 200 from their host at z = 0 are backsplash galaxies, but that this fraction is dependent on the dynamical state of a cluster, as dynamically relaxed clusters have a greater backsplash fraction. We also find that this population is mostly developed at recent times (z 0.4), and is dependent on the recent history of a cluster. Finally, we show that the dynamical state of a given cluster, and thus the fraction of backsplash galaxies in its outskirts, can be predicted based on observational properties of the cluster

    Galaxy pairs in The Three Hundred simulations II: studying bound ones and identifying them via machine learning

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    Using the data set of The Three Hundred project, i.e. 324 hydrodynamical resimulations of cluster-sized haloes and the regions of radius 15 h−1h^{-1}Mpc around them, we study galaxy pairs in high-density environments. By projecting the galaxies' 3D coordinates onto a 2D plane, we apply observational techniques to find galaxy pairs. Based on a previous theoretical study on galaxy groups in the same simulations, we are able to classify the observed pairs into "true" or "false", depending on whether they are gravitationally bound or not. We find that the fraction of true pairs (purity) crucially depends on the specific thresholds used to find the pairs, ranging from around 30 to more than 80 per cent in the most restrictive case. Nevertheless, in these very restrictive cases, we see that the completeness of the sample is low, failing to find a significant number of true pairs. Therefore, we train a machine learning algorithm to help us to identify these true pairs based on the properties of the galaxies that constitute them. With the aid of the machine learning model trained with a set of properties of all the objects, we show that purity and completeness can be boosted significantly using the default observational thresholds. Furthermore, this machine learning model also reveals the properties that are most important when distinguishing true pairs, mainly the size and mass of the galaxies, their spin parameter, gas content and shape of their stellar components.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures. Published in MNRA

    The Three Hundred Project: Substructure in hydrodynamical and dark matter simulations of galaxy groups around clusters

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    Dark matter-only simulations are able to produce the cosmic structure of a Lambda cold dark matter universe, at a much lower computational cost than more physically motivated hydrodynamical simulations. However, it is not clear how well smaller substructure is reproduced by dark matter-only simulations. To investigate this, we directly compare the substructure of galaxy clusters and of surrounding galaxy groups in hydrodynamical and dark matter-only simulations. We utilize thethreeHundred project, a suite of 324 simulations of galaxy clusters that have been simulated with hydrodynamics, and in dark matter-only. We find that dark matter-only simulations underestimate the number density of galaxies in the centres of groups and clusters relative to hydrodynamical simulations, and that this effect is stronger in denser regions. We also look at the phase space of infalling galaxy groups, to show that dark matter-only simulations underpredict the number density of galaxies in the centres of these groups by about a factor of four. This implies that the structure and evolution of infalling groups may be different to that predicted by dark matter-only simulations. Finally, we discuss potential causes for this underestimation, considering both physical effects, and numerical differences in the analysis

    The Three Hundred project: connection between star formation quenching and dynamical evolution in and around simulated galaxy clusters

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    In this work, we combine the semi-analytic model of galaxy formation and evolution SAG with the 102102 relaxed simulated galaxy clusters from The Three Hundred project, and we study the link between the quenching of star formation (SF) and the physical processes that galaxies experience through their dynamical history in and around clusters. We classify galaxies in four populations based on their orbital history: recent and ancient infallers, and backsplash and neighbouring galaxies. We find that ∼85\sim 85 per cent of the current population of quenched galaxies located inside the clusters are ancient infallers with low or null content of hot and cold gas. The fraction of quenched ancient infallers increases strongly between the first and second pericentric passage, due to the removal of hot gas by the action of ram-pressure stripping (RPS). The majority of them quenches after the first pericentric passage, but a non-negligible fraction needs a second passage, specially galaxies with M⋆≤1010.5 M⊙M_\star \leq 10^{10.5} \, {\rm M_\odot}. Recent infallers represent ∼15\sim 15 per cent of the quenched galaxies located inside the cluster and, on average, they contain a high proportion of hot and cold gas; moreover, pre-processing effects are the responsible for quenching the recent infallers prior to infall onto the main cluster progenitor. The ∼65\sim 65 per cent of quenched galaxies located around clusters are backsplash galaxies, for which the combination of RPS acting during a pre-processing stage and inside the cluster is necessary for the suppression of SF in this population.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures + Supplementary material. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    An inventory of galaxies in cosmic filaments feeding galaxy clusters: galaxy groups, backsplash galaxies, and pristine galaxies

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    Galaxy clusters grow by accreting galaxies from the field and along filaments of the cosmic web. As galaxies are accreted they are affected by their local environment before they enter (pre-processing), and traverse the cluster potential. Observations that aim to constrain pre-processing are challenging to interpret because filaments comprise a heterogeneous range of environments including groups of galaxies embedded within them and backsplash galaxies that contain a record of their previous passage through the cluster. This motivates using modern cosmological simulations to dissect the population of galaxies found in filaments that are feeding clusters, to better understand their history, and aid the interpretation of observations. We use zoom-in simulations from TheThreeHundred project to track halos through time and identify their environment. We establish a benchmark for galaxies in cluster infall regions that supports the reconstruction of the different modes of pre-processing. We find that up to 45% of all galaxies fall into clusters via filaments (closer than 1 −1 Mpc from the filament spine). 12% of these filament galaxies are long-established members of groups and between 30 and 60% of filament galaxies at 200 are backsplash galaxies. This number depends on the cluster's dynamical state and sharply drops with distance. Backsplash galaxies return to clusters after deflecting widely from their entry trajectory, especially in relaxed clusters. They do not have a preferential location with respect to filaments and cannot collapse to form filaments. The remaining pristine galaxies (∼30-60%) are environmentally effected by cosmic filaments alone

    The Three Hundred project: shapes and radial alignment of satellite, infalling, and backsplash galaxies

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    Using 324 numerically modelled galaxy clusters, we investigate the radial and galaxy–halo alignment of dark matter subhaloes and satellite galaxies orbiting within and around them. We find that radial alignment depends on distance to the centre of the galaxy cluster but appears independent of the dynamical state of the central host cluster. Furthermore, we cannot find a relation between radial alignment of the halo or galaxy shape with its own mass. We report that backsplash galaxies, i.e. objects that have already passed through the cluster radius but are now located in the outskirts, show a stronger radial alignment than infalling objects. We further find that there exists a population of well radially aligned objects passing very close to the central cluster’s centre that were found to be on highly radial orbit

    The Three Hundred Project: Galaxy groups do not survive cluster infall

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    Abstract Galaxy clusters grow by accreting galaxies as individual objects, or as members of a galaxy group. These groups can strongly impact galaxy evolution, stripping the gas from galaxies, and enhancing the rate of galaxy mergers. However, it is not clear how the dynamics and structure of groups are affected when they interact with a large cluster, or whether all group members necessarily experience the same evolutionary processes. Using data from The Three Hundred project, a suite of 324 hydrodynamical resimulations of large galaxy clusters, we study the properties of 1340 groups passing through a cluster. We find that half of group galaxies become gravitationally unbound from the group by the first pericentre, typically just 0.5–1 Gyr after cluster entry. Most groups quickly mix with the cluster satellite population; only 8 per cent8{{\ \rm per\ cent}} of infalling group haloes later leave the cluster, although for nearly half of these, all of their galaxies have become unbound, tidally disrupted or merged into the central by this stage. The position of galaxies in group-centric phase space is also important – only galaxies near the centre of a group (r ≲ 0.7R200) remain bound once a group is inside a cluster, and slow-moving galaxies in the group centre are likely to be tidally disrupted, or merge with another galaxy. This work will help future observational studies to constrain the environmental histories of group galaxies. For instance, groups observed inside or nearby to clusters have likely approached very recently, meaning that their galaxies will not have experienced a cluster environment before

    Galaxy pairs in THE THREE HUNDRED simulations: a study on the performance of observational pair-finding techniques

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    Close pairs of galaxies have been broadly studied in the literature as a way to understand galaxy interactions and mergers. In observations, they are usually defined by setting a maximum separation in the sky and in velocity along the line of sight, and finding galaxies within these ranges. However, when observing the sky, projection effects can affect the results, by creating spurious pairs that are not close in physical distance. In this work, we mimic these observational techniques to find pairs in THE THREE HUNDRED of clusters of galaxies. The galaxies' 3D coordinates are projected into 2D, with Hubble flow included for their line-of-sight velocities. The pairs found are classified into 'good' or 'bad' depending on whether their 3D separations are within the 2D spatial limit or not. We find that the fraction of good pairs can be between 30 and 60 per cent depending on the thresholds used in observations. Studying the ratios of observable properties between the pair member galaxies, we find that the likelihood of a pair being 'good' can be increased by around 40, 20, and 30 per cent if the given pair has, respectively, a mass ratio below 0.2, metallicity ratio above 0.8, or colour ratio below 0.8. Moreover, shape and stellar-to-halo mass ratios, respectively, below 0.4 and 0.2 can increase the likelihood by 50 to 100 per cent. These results suggest that these properties can be used to increase the chance of finding good pairs in observations of galaxy clusters and their environment

    SDSS-IV MaNGA: the chemical co-evolution of gas and stars in spiral galaxies

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    We investigate archaeologically how the metallicity in both stellar and gaseous components of spiral galaxies of differing masses evolve with time, using data from the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey. For the stellar component, we can measure this evolution directly by decomposing the galaxy absorption-line spectra into populations of different ages and determining their metallicities. For the gaseous component, we can only measure the present-day metallicity directly from emission lines. However, there is a well-established relationship between gas metallicity, stellar mass and star formation rate which does not evolve significantly with redshift; since the latter two quantities can be determined directly for any epoch from the decomposition of the absorption-line spectra, we can use this relationship to infer the variation in gas metallicity over cosmic time. Comparison of present-day values derived in this way with those obtained directly from the emission lines confirms the validity of the method. Application of this approach to a sample of 1619 spiral galaxies reveals how the metallicity of these systems has changed over the last 10 billion years since cosmic noon. For lower-mass galaxies, both stellar and gaseous metallicity increase together, as one might expect in well-mixed fairly isolated systems. In higher-mass systems, the average stellar metallicity has not increased in step with the inferred gas metallicity, and actually decreases with time. Such disjoint behaviour is what one might expect if these more massive systems have accreted significant amounts of largely pristine gas over their lifetimes, and this material has not been well mixed into the galaxies

    The Three Hundred project: galaxy cluster mergers and their impact on the stellar component of brightest cluster galaxies

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    Using the data set of the three hundred project, i.e. a suite of 324 hydrodynamical resimulations of cluster-sized haloes, we study galaxy cluster mergers and their effect on colour and luminosity changes of their brightest cluster galaxies (BCG). We track the main progenitor of each halo at z = 0 and search for merger situations based on its mass accretion history, defining mergers as very rapid increases in the halo mass. Based upon the evolution of the dynamical state of the cluster we define a pre- and post-merger phase. We create a list of all these events and statistically study their mass ratio and time-scales, with the former verifying that all instances are in fact major mergers. By comparing to a control sample of clusters without mergers, we study the effect mergers have on the stellar component of the BCG. Analysing the mass, age, and metallicity of the BCG stellar particles, we find that the stellar content of BCGs grows significantly during mergers and, even though the main growth mechanism is the accretion of older stars, there is even a burst in star formation induced by the merger. In our simulations, BCGs in mergers form in median around 70 per cent more stars than those normally growing, although this depends on the radius considered for defining the BCG. Regarding observable properties, we see an increase in SDSS-u luminosity of 20 per cent during mergers, accompanied by a slightly slower increase of the galaxy g − r colour as compared to the control sample