5,225 research outputs found

    Soluble field theory with a massless gauge invariant limit

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    It is shown that there exists a soluble four parameter model in (1+1) dimensions all of whose propagators can be determined in terms of the corresponding known propagators of the vector coupling theory. Unlike the latter case, however, the limit of zero bare mass is nonsingular and yields a nontrivial theory with a rigorously unbroken gauge invariance.Comment: 7 pages, revtex, no figure

    Unification of the Soluble Two-dimensional vector coupling models

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    The general theory of a massless fermion coupled to a massive vector meson in two dimensions is formulated and solved to obtain the complete set of Green's functions. Both vector and axial vector couplings are included. In addition to the boson mass and the two coupling constants, a coefficient which denotes a particular current definition is required for a unique specification of the model. The resulting four parameter theory and its solution are shown to reduce in appropriate limits to all the known soluble models, including in particular the Schwinger model and its axial vector variant.Comment: 10 page

    Materials review for improved automotive gas turbine engine

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    The potential role of superalloys, refractory alloys, and ceramics in the hottest sections of engines operating with turbine inlet temperatures as high as 1370 C is examined. The convential superalloys, directionally solidified eutectics, oxide dispersion strenghened alloys, and tungsten fiber reinforced superalloys are reviewed and compared on the basis of maximum turbine blade temperature capability. Improved high temperature protective coatings and special fabrication techniques for these advanced alloys are discussed. Chromium, columbium, molybdenum, tantalum, and tungsten alloys are also reviewed. Molbdenum alloys are found to be the most suitable for mass produced turbine wheels. Various forms and fabrication processes for silicon nitride, silicon carbide, and SIALON's are investigated for use in highstress and medium stress high temperature environments

    New Gauge Invariant Formulation of the Chern-Simons Gauge Theory

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    A new gauge invariant formulation of the relativistic scalar field interacting with Chern-Simons gauge fields is considered. This formulation is consistent with the gauge fixed formulation. Furthermore we find that canonical (Noether) Poincar\'e generators are not gauge invariant even on the constraints surface and do not satisfy the (classical) Poincar\'e algebra. It is the improved generators, constructed from the symmetric energy-momentum tensor, which are (manifestly) gauge invariant and obey the classical Poincar\'e algebra.Comment: Shortened, to appear as Papid Communication-PRD/Nov/9

    Static quark-antiquark potential and Dirac eigenvector correlators

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    We represent the Polyakov loop correlator as a spectral sum of correlators of eigenvectors of the lattice Dirac operator. This spectral representation is studied numerically using quenched SU(3) configurations below and above the deconfinement temperature. We analyze whether the individual Dirac eigenvector correlators differ in the confined and deconfined phases. The decay properties of the normalized Dirac eigenvector correlators turn out to be essentially identical in the two phases, but the amplitudes change. This change of the amplitudes shifts the relative contributions of the individual Dirac eigenvector correlators and is the driving mechanism for the transition from the confining static potential into the deconfining one

    High-temperature liquid-mercury cathodes for ion thrusters Quarterly progress report, 1 Dec. 1966 - 28 Feb. 1967

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    High temperature liquid mercury cathodes for ion thrusters - thermal design analysi

    Supersymmetry and the Chiral Schwinger Model

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    We have constructed the N=1/2 supersymmetric general Abelian model with asymmetric chiral couplings. This leads to a N=1/2 supersymmetrization of the Schwinger model. We show that the supersymmetric general model is plagued with problems of infrared divergence. Only the supersymmetric chiral Schwinger model is free from such problems and is dynamically equivalent to the chiral Schwinger model because of the peculiar structure of the N=1/2 multiplets.Comment: one 9 pages Latex file, one ps file with one figur

    Operator Ordering Problem of the Nonrelativistic Chern-Simons Theory

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    The operator ordering problem due to the quantization or regularization ambiguity in the Chern-Simons theory exists. However, we show that this can be avoided if we require Galilei covariance of the nonrelativistic Abelian Chern-Simons theory even at the quantum level for the extended sources. The covariance can be recovered only by choosing some particular operator orderings for the generators of the Galilei group depending on the quantization ambiguities of the gaugemattergauge-matter commutation relation. We show that the desired ordering for the unusual prescription is not the same as the well-known normal ordering but still satisfies all the necessary conditions. Furthermore, we show that the equations of motion can be expressed in a similar form regardless of the regularization ambiguity. This suggests that the different regularization prescriptions do not change the physics. On the other hand, for the case of point sources the regularization prescription is uniquely determined, and only the orderings, which are equivalent to the usual one, are allowed.Comment: 18 page

    Emulating \emph{ab initio} computations of infinite nucleonic matter

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    We construct efficient emulators for the \emph{ab initio} computation of the infinite nuclear matter equation of state. These emulators are based on the subspace-projected coupled-cluster method for which we here develop a new algorithm called small-batch voting to eliminate spurious states that might appear when emulating quantum many-body methods based on a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. The efficiency and accuracy of these emulators facilitate a rigorous statistical analysis within which we explore nuclear matter predictions for >106> 10^6 different parametrizations of a chiral interaction model with explicit Δ\Delta-isobars at next-to-next-to leading order. Constrained by nucleon-nucleon scattering phase shifts and bound-state observables of light nuclei up to \nuc{4}{He}, we use history matching to identify non-implausible domains for the low-energy coupling constants of the chiral interaction. Within these domains we perform a Bayesian analysis using sampling/importance resampling with different likelihood calibrations and study correlations between interaction parameters, calibration observables in light nuclei, and nuclear matter saturation properties.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, Supplemental Material provided as ancillary materia