1,691 research outputs found

    High-Precision Thermodynamics and Hagedorn Density of States

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    We compute the entropy density of the confined phase of QCD without quarks on the lattice to very high accuracy. The results are compared to the entropy density of free glueballs, where we include all the known glueball states below the two-particle threshold. We find that an excellent, parameter-free description of the entropy density between 0.7Tc and Tc is obtained by extending the spectrum with the exponential spectrum of the closed bosonic string.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    High Temperature Limit of the N=2 N= 2 IIA Matrix Model

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    The high temperature limit of a system of two D-0 branes is investigated. The partition function can be expressed as a power series in ÎČ\beta (inverse temperature). The leading term in the high temperature expression of the partition function and effective potential is calculated {\em exactly}. Physical quantities like the mean square separation can also be exactly determined in the high temperature limit. We comment on SU(3) IIB matrix model and the difficulties to study it.Comment: Lattice 2000 (Gravity and Matrix Models

    Avoided crossings in mesoscopic systems: electron propagation on a non-uniform magnetic cylinder

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    We consider an electron constrained to move on a surface with revolution symmetry in the presence of a constant magnetic field BB parallel to the surface axis. Depending on BB and the surface geometry the transverse part of the spectrum typically exhibits many crossings which change to avoided crossings if a weak symmetry breaking interaction is introduced. We study the effect of such perturbations on the quantum propagation. This problem admits a natural reformulation to which tools from molecular dynamics can be applied. In turn, this leads to the study of a perturbation theory for the time dependent Born-Oppenheimer approximation

    Multilayered printed circuit boards inspected by X-ray laminography

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    Technique produces high resolution cross-sectional radiographs with close interplane spacing for inspecting multilayer boards to be used in providing circuitry routing and module structural support

    Rapidity particle spectra in sudden hadronization of QGP

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    We show that the remaining internal longitudinal flow of colliding quarks in nuclei offers a natural explanation for the diversity of rapidity spectral shapes observed in Pb--Pb 158AGeV nuclear collisions. Thus QGP sudden hadronization reaction picture is a suitable approach to explain the rapidity spectra of hadrons produced.Comment: 3 pages including 2 figure

    Transverse Momentum Spectra of Pions in Particle and Nuclear Collisions and Some Ratio-Behaviours: Towards A Combinational Approach

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    The nature of transverse momentum dependence of the inclusive cross-sections for secondary pions produced in high energy hadronic(PPPP), hadronuclear(PAPA) and nuclear(AAAA) collisions has here been exhaustively investigated for a varied range of interactions in a unified way with the help of a master formula. This formula evolved from a new combination of the basic Hagedorn's model for particle(pion) production in PP scattering at ISR range of energies, a phenomenological approach proposed by Peitzmann for converting the results of NN(PP)NN(PP) reactions to those for either PAPA or AAAA collisions, and a specific form of parametrization for mass number-dependence of the nuclear cross sections. This grand combination of models(GCM) is then applied to analyse the assorted extensive data on various high energy collisions. The nature of qualitative agreement between measurements and calculations on both the inclusive cross-sections for production of pions, and some ratios of them as well, is quite satisfactory. The modest successes that we achieve here in dealing with the massive data-sets are somewhat encouraging in view of the diversity of the reactions and the very wide range of interaction energies.Comment: 19 pages, 19 figure

    Statistical mechanics of Kerr-Newman dilaton black holes and the bootstrap condition

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    The Bekenstein-Hawking ``entropy'' of a Kerr-Newman dilaton black hole is computed in a perturbative expansion in the charge-to-mass ratio. The most probable configuration for a gas of such black holes is analyzed in the microcanonical formalism and it is argued that it does not satisfy the equipartition principle but a bootstrap condition. It is also suggested that the present results are further support for an interpretation of black holes as excitations of extended objects.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages, 2 PS figures included (requires epsf), submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    The Hagedorn spectrum and large NcN_c QCD in 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions

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    We show that a Hagedorn spectrum (i.e., spectrum where the number of hadrons grows exponentially with the mass) emerges automatically in large NcN_c QCD in 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions. The approach is based on the study of Euclidean space correlation functions for composite operators constructed from quark and gluon fields and exploits the fact that the short time behavior of the correlators is known in QCD. The demonstration relies on one critical assumption: that perturbation theory accurately describes the trace of the logarithm of a matrix of point-to-point correlation functions in the regime where the perturbative corrections to the asymptotically free value are small.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Chemical equilibration due to heavy Hagedorn states

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    A scenario of heavy resonances, called massive Hagedorn states, is proposed which exhibits a fast (t≈1t\approx 1 fm/c) chemical equilibration of (strange) baryons and anti-baryons at the QCD critical temperature TcT_c. For relativistic heavy ion collisions this scenario predicts that hadronization is followed by a brief expansion phase during which the equilibration rate is higher than the expansion rate, so that baryons and antibaryons reach chemical equilibrium before chemical freeze-out occurs.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Invited talk given at 8th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM2004), Cape Town, South Africa, 15-20 September 200

    An extension of the Statistical Bootstrap Model to include Strangeness. Implications on Particle Ratios

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    The Statistical Bootstrap Model (SBM) is extended to describe hadronic systems which carry the quantum number of strangeness. The study is conducted in the three-dimensional space of temperature, up-down and strange chemical potentials, wherein the existence of a ``critical'' surface is established, which sets the limits of the hadronic phase of matter. A second surface, defined by the null expectation value of strangeness number is also determined. The approach of the latter surface to the critical one becomes the focal point of the present considerations. Two different versions of the extended SBM are examined, corresponding to the values 2 and 4 for the exponent, which determines the asymptotic fall-off of the mass spectrum. It is found that the version with the value 4 has decisive physical advantages. This model is subsequently adopted to discuss (strange) particle ratios pertaining to multiparticle production processes, for which a thermal equilibrium mode of description applies.Comment: 29 pages, 38 figures, all the figures are joined in one file. accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
