11 research outputs found

    The Effects of Nutrient Dynamics on Root Patch Choice

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    Plants have been recognized to be capable of allocating more roots to rich patches in the soil. We tested the hypothesis that in addition to their sensitivity to absolute differences in nutrient availability, plants are also responsive to temporal changes in nutrient availability. Different roots of the same Pisum sativum plants were subjected to variable homogeneous and heterogeneous temporally – dynamic and static nutrient regimes. When given a choice, plants not only developed greater root biomasses in richer patches; they discriminately allocated more resources to roots that developed in patches with increasing nutrient levels, even when their other roots developed in richer patches. These results suggest that plants are able to perceive and respond to dynamic environmental changes. This ability might enable plants to increase their performance by responding to both current and anticipated resource availabilities in their immediate proximity

    Anticipating future conditions via trajectory sensitivity

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    Plants are known to be highly responsive to environmental heterogeneity and normally allocate more biomass to organs that grow in richer patches. However, recent evidence demonstrates that plants can discriminately allocate more resources to roots that develop in patches with increasing nutrient levels, even when their other roots develop in richer patches. Responsiveness to the direction and steepness of spatial and temporal trajectories of environmental variables might enable plants to increase their performance by improving their readiness to anticipated resource availabilities in their immediate proximity. Exploring the ecological implications and mechanisms of trajectory-sensitivity in plants is expected to shed new light on the ways plants learn their environment and anticipate its future challenges and opportunities

    The effect of steepness of temporal resource gradients on spatial root allocation

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    Plants are able to discriminately allocate greater biomass to organs that grow under higher resource levels. Recent evidence demonstrates that split-root plants also discriminately allocate more resources to roots that grow under dynamically improving nutrient levels, even when their other roots grow in richer patches. Here, we further tested whether, besides their responsiveness to the direction of resource gradients, plants are also sensitive to the steepness of environmental trajectories. Split-root Pisum sativum plants were grown so that one of their roots developed under constantly-high nutrient levels and the other root was subjected to dynamically improving nutrient levels of variable steepness. As expected, plants usually allocated a greater proportion of their biomass to roots that developed under constantly high resource availability; however, when given a choice, they allocated greater biomass to roots that initially experienced relatively low but steeply improving nutrient availabilities than to roots that developed under continuously-high nutrient availability. Such discrimination was not observed when the roots in the poor patch experienced only gentler improvements in nutrient availability. The results are compatible with the notion that responsiveness to the direction and steepness of environmental gradients could assist annual plants to increase their performance by anticipating resource availabilities foreseeable before the end of the growing season. The results exemplify the ability of plants to integrate and utilize environmental information and execute adaptive behaviors which, until recently, were attributed only to animals with central nervous systems