3 research outputs found

    Studi atas Zikir Tarekat Masyarakat Urban Jemaah Tarîqah Qâdirîyah Naqshabandîyah di Jakarta

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    This article seeks to know the practice of dhikr ritual in Qâdirîyah wa Naqshabandîyah Tariqa that is practiced by the Jakarta urban society. Furthermore, how the community interpret and understand the values of dhikr in the Tariqa. The results of this study indicate that the practice of dhikr in Qâdirîyah wa Naqshabandîyah Tariqa conducted by some of Jakarta urban society is by combining two techniques of dhikr of Allah, the jahr recitation (orally and with loud voice) and the khafî zikr (with heart and silently). Besides, Jakarta urban society that follow the Qâdirîyah wa Naqshabandîyah Tariqa interpret dhikr with various arguments. The deeper of knowledge had by the followers of the Tariqa, the deeper of interpretation they will have. Adherents of the Tariqa who have higher level of knowledge do not interpret the practice of dhikr only as sensory motivations, but rather spiritual obligations oriented to togetherness and closeness with God


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    Shame (malu in Indonesia or malo in Madura) is closely related to pride for Madurese people. Malo is frequently become postulate to make a deal with violence which is known by carok or fight using weapons to recover that pride. For that, it is necessary to discuss how that exactly the meaning construction of malo for Madurese people is and how that malo creates social ethic and religion in Madura. This study used a qualitative approach with the constructive paradigm, and its technique used visible observation, in-depth interview, documentation and library research. Result of this study showed that malo is such a kind of expression for Madurese people to defend their reputation and pride. All kind of defenses will be taken in order to prevent this malo, even if it is an extreme act which leads to death. This coincides with Madurese philosophy as ca’oca’ which stated that “Better to die than live to bear malo”. The big problem will usually occur if this malo was bothered by religious friction and offends the family honor. This malo is a logic consequence as social and religious ethic around Madurese people. Therefore, malo then forms a mindset and gives a positive lifestyle by maintaining social and religiousethic, in order to honor a pride value and human right.Keywords: The meaning construction, malo, ca’oca’, Madurese culture.Abstra

    Muḥāsabah Al-Qur'an: Penafsiran dan Penerapannya sebagai Self-Healing Manusia Modern

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    This article discusses the concept of muḥāsabah in the Qur'an and its relevance as a self-healing tool for modern humans. The concept of muḥāsabah refers to self-introspection, evaluation, and consideration of one's actions and behavior. In the context of the Qur'ān, muḥāsabah is an important concept that teaches individuals to reflect on their actions, identify mistakes, and improve themselves. This article profoundly reviews Qur'anic verses emphasizing the importance of muḥāsabah in daily life. In addition, the article also discusses its relevance in the context of modern society, which often faces stress, anxiety, and mental well-being issues. Through a deep understanding of the concept of muḥāsabah, modern man can use it as a self-healing tool to overcome various mental and emotional challenges. This article will explain how muḥāsabah can help individuals develop self-awareness, improve quality of life, and achieve better well-being. By blending religious insights and modern psychology, this article illustrates how the concept of muḥāsabah in the Qur'ān can be a valuable guideline for self-healing and personal growth of modern man. The practical implications of this understanding are improved mental well-being, the establishment of healthier social relationships, and positive contributions to society as a whole