10 research outputs found

    The Potential of Tithonia Diversifolia Green Manure for Improving Soil Quality for Cauliflower (Brassica Oleracea Var. Brotrytis L.)

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of Tithonia diversifolia green manure and cow manure on soil quality and yield of cauliflower. A field experiment was conducted in the village of Tegalgondo, Karangploso District of Malang Regency. Eight treatments tested were control (no added manures), T.diversifolia 8.15 t/ha, cow manure 25.85 t/ha, NPK fertilizer 1.35 t/ha, T.diversifolia 4.08 t/ha + cow manure 12.93 t/ha, T.diversifolia 4.08 t/ha + NPK fertilizer 676 kg/ha, cow manure 12.93 t/ha + NPK 676 kg/ha and T.diversifolia 2.69 t/ha + cow manure 8.53 t/ha + NPK fertilizer 446 kg/ha. Soil quality was monitored at top soil (0-20 cm) at planting time and 30 days after planting. Soil samples were collected and analyzed for chemical and physical properties. Yield of cauliflower was observed at the time of harvest or 44 days after planting. The results showed that application of green manure could significantly change the physical and chemical properties of the soil. The decrease of bulk density of about 27.47%, increase of organic carbon of about 12.60%, increase of total N of about 53.87%, increase of available P of about 64.24 mg/kg, and exchangeable K of about 8.34 cmol/kg were observed in T. diversifolia treatment. The increase of pH of about 1.75%, and total porosity of about 17.73% was found in cow manure treatments. The increased water holding capacity of about 10.70% was found in T. diversifolia + cow manure treatments and increased stability aggregate about 23.54% was found in T. diversifolia + cow manure + NPK treatments. There was a significant increase of fresh weight of flower about 666.67 g/plant in T. diversifolia + NPK treatment

    Karakteristik Dimensi Beras Lokal Propinsi Sumatera Utara Dan Kajian Kerentanannya Terhadap Sitophilus Oryzae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    The rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a major pest and causes damage to rice in storage. This study aimed to study the dimensional characters and determine the susceptibility of rice from germplasm paddy local in Dairi Regency, North Sumatra Province, against S. oryzae during storage. The types of local rice are Sibatubara, Siramos, Sijarum, Siangkat, Si100 hari, Sibosur, Sirukun, Sicantik, and Sigabe. Evaluation susceptibility of rice used the method without choice. The results showed that local rice in Dairi Regency, North Sumatra Province, was grouped into rice long–very long and medium-sized and had different levels of susceptibility against S. oryzae. Rice of Sibatubara, Sijarum, Siramos, and Sicantik was classified as susceptible, while rice Sijarum, Si100 hari, Sirukun, and Siangkat classified as moderate-susceptible. Rice Sigabe were classified moderate against S. oryzae during storage. The susceptibility of rice was influenced by the large number of F1 and short median development time. The damage of higher causes rice classified as susceptible and moderate-susceptible. Dimensions of rice are a source susceptibility rice against S. oryzae

    Jurnal Review : Transesterifikasi Minyak Kelapa Sawit Pada Produksi Biodiesel Dengan Katalis Heterogen Cao

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    Pembuatan biodiesel dengan menggunakan katalis heterogen sangat efektif karena memiliki banyak kelebihan dibandingkan katalis homogen. Transesterifikasi minyak kelapa sawit dengan metanol menjadi metil ester asam lemak dapat dilakukan menggunakan berbagai katalis heterogen. Dari tinjauan pustaka yang telah dilakukan, terbukti bahwa minyak kelapa sawit lebih efisien untuk menghasilkan yield biodiesel tinggi. CaO merupakan katalis heterogen yang baik, namun aplikasi langsung CaO sebagai katalis transesterifikasi dinilai kurang maksimal karena selektifitas katalis kurang selektif dan menghasilkan yield yang rendah. Untuk memaksimalkan kinerja dan meningkatkan selektifitasnnya, CaO harus disupport dengan senyawa support. Pada jurnal review ini akan dibahas mengenai seberapa efektif CaO digunakan sebagai katalis dan meninjau yield dari variasi katalis CaO untuk mengetahui yield tertinggi dan terendah dari setiap penelitian yang telah dilakukan. Metode yang digunakan meliputi preparasi katalis, sintesis biodiesel atau transesterfikasi biodiesel. Untuk mencari yield biodiesel menggunakan katalis CaO, dilakukan analisis morfologi dengan menggunakan SEM, XRD, dan FT-IR

    Penerapan Finite State Automata pada Desain Vending Machine Masker dan Hand Sanitizer

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    The COVID-19 pandemic that has occurred for almost 2 years has hit this country caused by a mutation by the SARS-CoV virus, making changes in people's attitudes and behavior to become more concerned about cleanliness and health. In this case, the use of masks and hand sanitizers is very basic and a primary need during this pandemic. Vending Machine is a form of technological development that is used to sell or provide various kinds of products. Finite State Automata (FSA) is applied to vending machines for masks and hand sanitizers. FSA is a mathematical model that can accept input and output from the same state. The method used in this study consists of four stages, the first is knowledge of the FSA, the second is the design of the system diagram in this case the researcher uses the JFLAP application in making the FSA diagram, the third stage is the FSA test by describing the transition table and for the test it is still using JFLAP and the last stage is the VM design design process, in this case the researcher tries to design a VM using a display that is easy to use by buyers and designs the payment system with 2 methods, namely cash and digital money. The conclusion obtained from this study is that the application of the FSA concept to VM masks and hand sanitizers can make transactions of eight products, namely five types of mask products and three types of hand sanitizer products. this time trying to sell two different types of products

    Analisis Algoritma KNN Berbasis Feature Selection untuk Memprediksi Nasabah Pengguna Deposito melalui Pemasaran Langsung

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    Sebuah bank menggunakan teknik pemasaran langsung dalam menargetkan segmen nasabah dengan cara menghubungi nasabah tersebut untuk memenuhi tujuan tertentu. Setelah menghubungi nasabah, bank mendapatkan informasi apakah nasabah tersebut sudah berlangganan produk yang ditawarkan oleh bank atau belum. Salah satu produk yang ditawarkan oleh bank antara lain yaitu deposito. Dari banyaknya informasi nasabah yang dikumpulkan, bank mampu menawarkan produk dan layanan kepada nasabah. Kemampuan tersebut dapat menggunakan teknologi data mining, seperti tujuan dibuatnya penelitian ini yaitu memprediksi nasabah yang berlangganan deposito dengan algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) dan feature selection yang diproses menggunakan tools Anaconda dan bahasa pemrograman python. Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, akurasi dari penggunaan algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) sebesar 74,37% dengan nilai K=9, sedangkan akurasi algoritma klasifikasi K-Nearest Neighbor dengan menggunakan feature selection sebesar 89,72% dengan nilai K=3, sehingga didapat selisih peningkatan akurasi sebesar 15,35%

    Environmentally sustainable applications of agro-based spent mushroom substrate (SMS): an overview

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