7 research outputs found

    Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells and the Comparative Pathology of Atherosclerosis

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    Trichloroacetic Acid Spray for the Treatment of Foot Ulcers of Foot and Mouth Disease in Cattle

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    An attempt was made to evaluate the therapeutic effect of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) for ulcers of the hooves of 120 cattle affected with foot and mouth disease (FMD). Each hoof was cleaned and washed with water before using the TCA spray (2%) once daily. Biopsies were taken from the soft tissue lesions before and after10 days of treatment. These tissue specimens were processed routinely for histopathological examination. A marked improvement was seen in the pain inflicted by palpation of the affected hoof. Microscopically, coagulative necrosis of the soft tissue of the hoof was seen. An advanced stage of healing of the hoof ulcers was observed on 10th day post–treatment. It was concluded that 2% solution of TCA was an effective treatment of ulcers of the hooves of cattle affected with FMD

    Histological Changes in Some Organs of The Female Rats Infected With Toxoplasma Gondii Parasite Isolated From Embryo of Aborted Sheep

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    The current study included identifying the lesions and the histological changes caused by the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which was isolated from embryos of aborted ewes. Intraperitonially injected in 15 female albino rats (3 months old) with suspension containing 100 tissue cysts.Histological section showed after four months of injection a chronic infection characterized by autolysis in all sections, where the liver sections showed expansion in the central hepatic veins, congestion in sinusoidal curves with irregularity in hepatic cords, and the presence of parasites in the liver cells. The brain tissue showed vacuoles in the neurons with an increase in the number of Purkenji cells. Kidney sections were characterized by degenerative and necrotic changes in the endothelial cells of the proximal and distal convoluted tubules with Sloughing of necrotic and degenerated cells of the tubes which accumulated inside the cavity. The parasites appeared in the endothelial cells of the glomerular tufts. Ovary and the uterus showed increased vascular wall thickness, furthermore, the spleen showed autolytic changes, deposition of pigment with the presence of parasites within the cells

    Prevalence and Pathology of Trichomoniasis in Free AND#8211; Living Urban Pigeons in the City of Mosul, Iraq

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    The present study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of trichomoniasis and its pathology in pigeons. A total of 100 free living urban pigeons were collected during the months August and September 2007. The overall prevalence was 16%. In infected pigeons, yellowish – white masses of caseous necrotic material were seen grossly in the oral cavity, esophagus, crop, and proventiculus. Pale to yellow necrotic areas were noted in the liver. Multiple foci of caseous necrosis were seen microscopically in the oral mucosa together with heavy infiltration of inflammatory cells (mainly heterophils). Foci of necrotic inflammation were seen in the liver and there was thickening of the lining mucosa of the esophagus due to extensive infiltration of heterophils. Collections of necrotic material were seen in the mucosa and submucosa of the esophagus. Infection occurred more frequently in young than in adult pigeons. A higher prevalence of the infection was noted in male than in female pigeons. In all of the infected pigeons, trichomoniasis occured in the absence of apparent secondary disease. It was concluded that trichomonad infection is fairly common in free living urban pigeons in the city of Mosul, Iraq. [Veterinary World 2011; 4(1.000): 12-14