34 research outputs found

    Symmetrical drug-related intertriginous and flexural exanthema (SDRIFE)

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    Partial reconstitution of cutaneous microvessels in long-term survivors after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation

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    BACKGROUND: Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a major complication after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and skin is involved in acute and chronic disease. Immune-mediated vessel attack and subsequent microvessel loss have been observed in skin of patients with chronic GVHD. OBJECTIVES: To test whether long-term survivors (LTS) after allogeneic HSCT without cutaneous GVHD show signs of persistent vascular remodeling. METHODS: Microvessels in skin biopsies were investigated in a cohort of 32 LTS with a median follow-up of 17 years (range 11-26). Five were currently classified as having chronic GVHD other than skin involvement. RESULTS: LTS showed no significant difference in median microvessel density and relative vessel size distribution pattern compared to healthy controls. Past experience of GVHD and current status of chronic GVHD other than skin involvement had no impact on vessel density. In contrast, recipients with chronic cutaneous GVHD of sclerotic type and patients with lichen sclerosus have significant microvessel loss in the upper dermis. CONCLUSION: The complex therapy of allogeneic HSCT had no sustained effect on the microvascular architecture of LTS when clinicopathological evidence of cutaneous GVHD is absent. Microvascular remodeling as observed during chronic GVHD recovers completely after resolution of chronic cutaneous GVHD

    Towards engineering heart tissues from bioprinted cardiac spheroids.

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    Currentin vivoandin vitromodels fail to accurately recapitulate the human heart microenvironment for biomedical applications. This study explores the use of cardiac spheroids (CSs) to biofabricate advancedin vitromodels of the human heart. CSs were created from human cardiac myocytes, fibroblasts and endothelial cells (ECs), mixed within optimal alginate/gelatin hydrogels and then bioprinted on a microelectrode plate for drug testing. Bioprinted CSs maintained their structure and viability for at least 30 d after printing. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) promoted EC branching from CSs within hydrogels. Alginate/gelatin-based hydrogels enabled spheroids fusion, which was further facilitated by addition of VEGF. Bioprinted CSs contracted spontaneously and under stimulation, allowing to record contractile and electrical signals on the microelectrode plates for industrial applications. Taken together, our findings indicate that bioprinted CSs can be used to biofabricate human heart tissues for long termin vitrotesting. This has the potential to be used to study biochemical, physiological and pharmacological features of human heart tissue

    Conclusion: Asking the Right Questions

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    The dyadic relation between a person in need and a person who provides help is one of the core elements of care. Nonetheless, identifying core elements of care alone cannot supply simple solutions to the challenges that are rooted in the ambivalences and tensions of the notion of care in healthcare. Care practices are extensive, situated, and complex. Questions concerning ambivalences and tensions within care include: Can care practices include coercion? Is care compatible with exclusion? Can it be passive or invisible? Can it be incorporated into standardised and regulated routines? Can care and its vocabulary be adjusted to clinical procedures and medical terminology