221 research outputs found

    Window on Higgs Boson: Fourth Generation bb^\prime Decays Revisited

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    Direct and indirect searches of the Higgs boson suggest that 113 GeV mH\lesssim m_H \lesssim 170 GeV is likely. With the LEP era over and the Tevatron Run II search via ppˉWH+Xp\bar p \to WH+X arduous, we revisit a case where WHWH or ZH+ZH + jets could arise via strong bbˉb^\prime\bar b^\prime pair production. In contrast to 10 years ago, the tight electroweak constraint on tt^\prime--bb^\prime (hence tt^\prime--tt) splitting reduces FCNC bbZb^\prime\to bZ, bHbH rates, making bcWb^\prime\to cW naturally competitive. Such a "cocktail solution" is precisely the mix that could evade the CDF search for bbZb^\prime\to bZ, and the bb^\prime may well be lurking below the top. In light of the Higgs program, this two-in-one strategy should be pursued.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 4 eps figures, One more figure, version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Is the Top Quark Really Heavier than the WW Boson?

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    Scalar induced top decays may drastically suppress B(tν+jet)B(t\to \ell\nu + jet) and still hide the top below MWM_W. The ppˉp\bar p collider experiments should enlarge the scope and study the mtB(tνj)m_t - B(t\to\ell\nu j) plane. Specific model signatures such as tch0cbbˉt\to ch^0\to cb\bar b (multiple high pTp_T bb-jets) and tbH+bcsˉt\to bH^+\to bc\bar s, bτ+νb\tau^+\nu (with $B(t\to b\tau\nu) \ \raisebox{-.5ex}{\rlap{\sim}} \raisebox{.4ex}{<<}\ 1/3)shouldbeexplored.Withoutrulingoutthesepossibilities,isolatedleptonsignalsinthefuturemightactuallybeduetothe4thgeneration) should be explored. Without ruling out these possibilities, isolated lepton signals in the future might actually be due to the 4th generation t^\primeor or b^\prime$ quark, while top quark and toponium physics could still turn up at LEP-II.Comment: 11 pages (RevTex), 3 figures (not included), NTUTH-93-0

    Gauge covariance and the fermion-photon vertex in three- and four- dimensional, massless quantum electrodynamics

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    In the quenched approximation, the gauge covariance properties of three vertex Ans\"{a}tze in the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the fermion self energy are analysed in three- and four- dimensional quantum electrodynamics. Based on the Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis effective action, it is inferred that the spectral representation used for the vertex in the gauge technique cannot support dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. A criterion for establishing whether a given Ansatz can confer gauge covariance upon the Schwinger-Dyson equation is presented and the Curtis and Pennington Ansatz is shown to satisfy this constraint. We obtain an analytic solution of the Schwinger-Dyson equation for quenched, massless three-dimensional quantum electrodynamics for arbitrary values of the gauge parameter in the absence of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking.Comment: 17 pages, PHY-7143-TH-93, REVTE

    Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Pion Wave Function

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    We consider here chiral symmetry breaking through nontrivial vacuum structure with quark antiquark condensates. We then relate the condensate function to the wave function of pion as a Goldstone mode. This simultaneously yields the pion also as a quark antiquark bound state as a localised zero mode in vacuum. We illustrate the above with Nambu Jona-Lasinio model to calculate different pionic properties in terms of the vacuum structure for breaking of exact or approximate chiral symmetry, as well as the condensate fluctuations giving rise to σ\sigma mesons.Comment: latex, revtex, 16 page

    The analytic structure of heavy quark propagators

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    The renormalised quark Dyson-Schwinger equation is studied in the limit of the renormalised current heavy quark mass m_R --> infinity. We are particularly interested in the analytic pole structure of the heavy quark propagator in the complex momentum plane. Approximations in which the quark-gluon vertex is modelled by either the bare vertex or the Ball-Chiu Ansatz, and the Landau gauge gluon propagator takes either a gaussian form or a gaussian form with an ultraviolet asymptotic tail are used.Comment: 21 pages Latex and 5 postscript figures. The original version of this paper has been considerably extended to include a formalism dealing with the renormalised heavy quark Dyson-Schwinger equation and uses a more realistic Ansatz for the gluon propagator

    Electroweak pinch technique to all orders

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    The generalization of the pinch technique to all orders in the electroweak sector of the Standard Model within the class of the renormalizable 't Hooft gauges, is presented. In particular, both the all-order PT gauge-boson-- and scalar--fermions vertices, as well as the diagonal and mixed gauge-boson and scalar self-energies are explicitly constructed. This is achieved through the generalization to the Standard Model of the procedure recently applied to the QCD case, which consist of two steps: (i) the identification of special Green's functions, which serve as a common kernel to all self-energy and vertex diagrams, and (ii) the study of the (on-shell) Slavnov-Taylor identities they satisfy. It is then shown that the ghost, scalar and scalar--gauge-boson Green's functions appearing in these identities capture precisely the result of the pinching action at arbitrary order. It turns out that the aforementioned Green's functions play a crucial role, their net effect being the non-trivial modification of the ghost, scalar and scalar--gauge-boson diagrams of the gauge-boson-- or scalar--fermions vertex we have started from, in such a way as to dynamically generate the characteristic ghost and scalar sector of the background field method. The pinch technique gauge-boson and scalar self-energies are also explicitly constructed by resorting to the method of the background-quantum identities.Comment: 48 pages, 8 figures; v2: typos correcte

    Chiral symmetry breaking, color superconductivity and color neutral quark matter: a variational approach

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    We investigate the vacuum realignment for chiral symmetry breaking and color superconductivity at finite density in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model in a variational method. The treatment allows us to investigate simultaneous formation of condensates in quark antiquark as well as in diquark channels. The methodology involves an explicit construction of a variational ground state and minimisation of the thermodynamic potential. Color and electric charge neutrality conditions are imposed through introduction of appropriate chemical potentials. Color and flavor dependent condensate functions are determined through minimisation of the thermodynamic potential. The equation of state is calculated. Simultaneous existence of a mass gap and superconducting gap is seen in a small window of quark chemical potential within the model when charge neutrality conditions are not imposed. Enforcing color and electric charge neutrality conditions gives rise to existence of gapless superconducting modes depending upon the magnitude of the gap and the difference of the chemical potentials of the condensing quarks.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures,to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spectral quark model and low-energy hadron phenomenology

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    We propose a spectral quark model which can be applied to low energy hadronic physics. The approach is based on a generalization of the Lehmann representation of the quark propagator. We work at the one-quark-loop level. Electromagnetic and chiral invariance are ensured with help of the gauge technique which provides particular solutions to the Ward-Takahashi identities. General conditions on the quark spectral function follow from natural physical requirements. In particular, the function is normalized, its all positive moments must vanish, while the physical observables depend on negative moments and the so-called log-moments. As a consequence, the model is made finite, dispersion relations hold, chiral anomalies are preserved, and the twist expansion is free from logarithmic scaling violations, as requested of a low-energy model. We study a variety of processes and show that the framework is very simple and practical. Finally, incorporating the idea of vector-meson dominance, we present an explicit construction of the quark spectral function which satisfies all the requirements. The corresponding momentum representation of the resulting quark propagator exhibits only cuts on the physical axis, with no poles present anywhere in the complex momentum space. The momentum-dependent quark mass compares very well to recent lattice calculations. A large number of predictions and relations can be deduced from our approach for such quantities as the pion light-cone wave function, non-local quark condensate, pion transition form factor, pion valence parton distribution function, etc.Comment: revtex, 24 pages, 3 figure