16 research outputs found

    Lattice Design and Dynamic Aperture Studies for the FCC-ee Top-Up Booster Synchrotron

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    The Future Circular Collider (FCC) study investigates the feasibility of circular colliders in the post-LHC era. The sub-study FCC-ee is a 100 km electron positron collider in the energy range of 90-365 GeV. In order to achieve a design luminosity in the order of 1036cm−2s−1 continuous top-up injection is required. The injector chain therefore includes a 100 km booster synchrotron in the same tunnel as the collider rings. This paper presents the lattice design of this booster synchrotron and the first dynamic aperture studies based on the chromaticity correction sextupole scheme

    Lattice Design and Dynamic Aperture Studies for the FCC-ee Top-Up Booster Synchrotron

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    The Future Circular Collider (FCC) study investigates the feasibility of circular colliders in the post-LHC era. The sub-study FCC-ee is a 100 km electron positron collider in the energy range of 90-365 GeV. In order to achieve a design luminosity in the order of 1036cm−2s−1 continuous top-up injection is required. The injector chain therefore includes a 100 km booster synchrotron in the same tunnel as the collider rings. This paper presents the lattice design of this booster synchrotron and the first dynamic aperture studies based on the chromaticity correction sextupole scheme

    On the Perturbation of Synchrotron Motion in the Micro-Bunching Instability

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    The self-interaction of short electron bunches with their own radiation field can have a significant impact on the longitudinal beam dynamics in a storage ring. While higher bunch currents increase the power of the emitted CSR which can be provided to dedicated experiments, it simultaneously amplifies the strength of the self-interaction. Eventually, this leads to the formation of dynamically changing micro-structures within the bunch and thus fluctuating CSR emission, a phenomenon that is generally known as micro-bunching or micro-wave instability. The underlying longitudinal dynamics can be simulated by solving the VFP equation, where the CSR self-interaction can be added as a perturbation to the Hamiltonian. In this contribution, we focus on the perturbation of the synchrotron motion that is caused by introducing this additional wake field. Therefore, we adopt the perspective of a single particle and eventually comment on its implications for collective motion. We explicitly show how the shape of the parallel plates CSR wake potential breaks homogeneity in the longitudinal phase space and propose a quadrupole-like mode as potential seeding mechanism of the micro-bunching instability. Moreover, we consider synchrotron motion above the instability threshold and thereby motivate an approach to control of the occurring micro-bunching dynamics. Using dynamically adjusted RF amplitude modulations we can directly address the continuous CSR-induced perturbation at the timescale of its occurrence, which allows for substantial control over the longitudinal charge distribution. While the approach is not limited to this particular application, we demonstrate how this can significantly mitigate the micro-bunching dynamics directly above the instability threshold. The gained insights are supported and verified using the VFP solver Inovesa and put into context with measurements at KARA

    Modified Lattice of the Compact Storage Ring in the cSTART Project at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

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    A very large ac­cep­tance com­pact stor­age ring (VLA-cSR) is under de­sign at the In­sti­tute for Beam Physics and Tech­nol­ogy (IBPT) of the Karl­sruhe In­sti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy (KIT, Ger­many). The com­bi­na­tion of a com­pact stor­age ring and a laser wake­field ac­cel­er­a­tor (LWFA) might be the basis for fu­ture com­pact light sources and ad­vanc­ing user fa­cil­i­ties. Mean­while, the post-LWFA beam should be adapted for stor­age and ac­cu­mu­la­tion in a ded­i­cated stor­age ring. Mod­i­fied geom­e­try and lat­tice of a VLA-cSR op­er­at­ing at 50 MeV en­ergy range have been stud­ied in de­tailed sim­u­la­tions. The main fea­tures of a new model are de­scribed here. The new de­sign, based on 45° bend­ing mag­nets, is suit­able to store the post-LWFA beam with a wide mo­men­tum spread (1% to 2%) as well as ul­tra-short elec­tron bunches in the fs range from the Fer­n­in­frarot Linac- Und Test- Ex­per­i­ment (FLUTE). The DBA-FDF lat­tice with re­laxed set­tings, split el­e­ments, and higher-or­der op­tics of tol­er­a­ble strength al­lows im­prov­ing the dy­namic aper­ture to an ac­cept­able level. This con­tri­bu­tion dis­cusses the lat­tice fea­tures in de­tail and dif­fer­ent pos­si­ble op­er­a­tion schemes of a VLA-cSR

    Excitation of Micro-Bunching in Short Electron Bunches Using RF Amplitude Modulation

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    In its short-bunch operation mode, the KIT storage ring KARA provides picosecond-long electron bunches, which emit coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) up to the terahertz frequency range. Due to the high spatial compression under these conditions, the self-interaction of the bunch with its own emitted CSR induces a wake-field, which significantly influences the longitudinal charge distribution. Above a given threshold current, this leads to the formation of dynamically evolving micro-structures within the bunch and is thus called micro-bunching instability. As CSR is emitted at wavelengths corresponding to the spatial dimension of the emitter, these small structures lead to an increased emission of CSR at higher frequencies. The instability is therefore deliberately induced at KARA to provide intense THz radiation to dedicated experiments. To further increase the emitted power in the desired frequency range, we consider the potential of RF amplitude modulations to intentionally excite this form of micro-bunching in short electron bunches

    Feedback Design for Control of the Micro-Bunching Instability based on Reinforcement Learning

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    The operation of ring-based synchrotron light sources with short electron bunches increases the emission of coherent synchrotron radiation in the THz frequency range. However, the micro-bunching instability resulting from self-interaction of the bunch with its own radiation field limits stable operation with constant intensity of CSR emission to a particular threshold current. Above this threshold, the longitudinal charge distribution and thus the emitted radiation vary rapidly and continuously. Therefore, a fast and adaptive feedback system is the appropriate approach to stabilize the dynamics and to overcome the limitations given by the instability. In this contribution, we discuss first efforts towards a longitudinal feedback design that acts on the RF system of the KIT storage ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator) and aims for stabilization of the emitted THz radiation. Our approach is based on methods of adaptive control that were developed in the field of reinforcement learning and have seen great success in other fields of research over the past decade. We motivate this particular approach and comment on different aspects of its implementation

    Split-ring resonator experiments and data analysis at FLUTE

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    FLUTE (Ferninfrarot Linac- Und Test-Experiment) is a compact linac-based test facility for accelerator and diagnostics R&D located at the Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT). A new accelerator diagnostics tool, called the split-ring resonator (SRR), was tested at FLUTE, which aims at measuring the longitudinal bunch profile of fs-scale electron bunches. Laser-generated THz radiation is used to excite a high frequency oscillating electromagnetic field in the SRR. Electrons passing through the 20 µm x 20 µm SRR gap are time-dependently deflected in the vertical plane, leading to a vertical streaking of the electron bunch. During the commissioning of the SRR at FLUTE, large series of streaking attempts with varying machine parameters and set-ups were investigated in an automatized way. The recorded beam screen images during this experiment have been analyzed and evaluated. This contribution motivates and presents the automatized experiment and discusses the data analysis

    Prospects for photon science and beam dynamics studies of a THz undulator at FLUTE

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    n recent years the interest in high intensity, short-pulse coherent THz radiation for non-linear experimental research and applications grew with upcoming high intensity lasers. In contrast to lasers, accelerators provide free electrons for which emission properties can be tailored to the demand at typically much higher repetition rates than high-intensity lasers can provide. Efforts are ongoing to augment short-bunch accelerators such as the European XFEL with THz radiation sources such as undulators. At the far-infrared linac and test experiment (FLUTE) at KIT, we can facil- itate experiments to investigate coherent THz radiation from different sources and provide short electron bunches. As an additional THz source, a superconducting undulator can be inserted and investigated. In this contribution, we evaluate the opportunities of this THz undulator at FLUTE for linear accelerators and FELs in terms of photon science and beam dynamics

    Efficient Terahertz Generation by Tilted-Pulse-Front Pumping in Lithium Niobate for the Split-Ring Resonator Experiment at FLUTE

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    A compact, longitudinal diagnostics for fs-scale electron bunches using a THz electric-field transient in a split-ring resonator (SRR) for streaking will be tested at the Ferninfrarot Linac- Und Test- Experiment (FLUTE). For this new streaking technique, intensive THz pulses are required, which will be generated by laser-based optical rectification. We present a setup for generating THz pulses using tilted-pulse-front pumping in lithium niobate at room temperature. Excited by an 800 nm Ti:Sa pump laser with 35 fs bandwidth-limited pulse length, conversion efficiencies up to 0.027% were achieved. Furthermore, the status of the SRR experiment is shown

    CERN’s beam instrumentation R&D study for FCC-ee

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    The Future Circular Collider (FCC) R&D study was started in 2021 as a comprehensive feasibility analysis of CERN’s future accelerator project encompassing technical, administrative and financial aspects. As part of the study, Beam Instrumentation (BI) is a key technical infrastructure that will have to face unprecedented challenges. In the case of electron-positron FCC-ee, these are represented, among others, by the size of the accelerator, the amount of radiation produced along the ring and in machine-detector interaction region, the presence of the top-up booster and collider ring in the same tunnel. In this contribution we will present the current FCC-ee BI study and discuss its status and perspectives