37 research outputs found

    Toward conservational anthropology: addressing anthropocentric bias in anthropology

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    Anthropological literature addressing conservation and development often blames 'conservationists' as being neo-imperialist in their attempts to institute limits to commercial activities by imposing their post-materialist eco-ideology. The author argues that this view of conservationists is ironic in light of the fact that the very notion of 'development' is arguably an imposition of the (Western) elites. The anthropocentric bias in anthropology also permeates constructivist ethnographies of human-animal 'interactions,' which tend to emphasize the socio-cultural complexity and interconnectivity rather than the unequal and often extractive nature of this 'interaction.' Anthropocentrism is argued to be counteractive to reconciling conservationists' efforts at environmental protection with the traditional ontologies of the interdependency of human-nature relationship

    Amélioration de la dégradation biologique des effluents graisseux: mise en place d'une deuxième collection

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    Amélioration de la dégradation biologique des effluents graisseux: mise en place d'une deuxième collectio

    Rapport annuel PIREN-Seine: Action Mycobactéries non-tuberculeuses

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    Rapport annuel PIREN-Seine: Action Mycobactéries non-tuberculeuse

    Comparison of Culture Methods for Isolation of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria from Surface Waters▿ †

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    The environment is the likely source of most nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) involved in human infections, especially pulmonary, skin, and soft tissue infections. In order to measure the prevalence of NTM in different aquatic ecosystems, we tried to standardize the culture methods used for surface water testing since many procedures have been described previously. Cultivation of mycobacteria requires long-term incubation in rich media and inactivation of rapidly growing microorganisms whose growth impedes observation of mycobacterial colonies. Consequently, the two criteria used for evaluation of the methods examined were (i) the rate of inhibition of nontarget microorganisms and (ii) the efficiency of recovery of mycobacteria. We compared the competitive growth of Mycobacterium chelonae and M. avium with nontarget microorganisms on rich Middlebrook 7H11-mycobactin medium after treatment by several chemical decontamination methods that included acids, bases, detergent, or cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) with and without an antibiotic cocktail, either PANTA (40 U/ml polymyxin, 4 μg/ml amphotericin B, 16 μg/ml nalidixic acid, 4 μg/ml trimethoprim, and 4 μg/ml azlocillin) or PANTAV (PANTA plus 10 μg/ml vancomycin). Our results showed that treatment for 30 min with CPC (final concentration, 0.05%) of water concentrated by centrifugation, followed by culture on a rich medium supplemented with PANTA, significantly decreased the growth of nontarget microorganisms (the concentrations were 6.2 ± 0.4 log10 CFU/liter on Middlebrook 7H11j medium and 4.2 ± 0.2 log10 CFU/liter on Middlebrook 7H11j medium containing PANTA [P < 0.001]), while the effect of this procedure on NTM was not as great (the concentrations of M. chelonae on the two media were 7.0 ± 0.0 log10 CFU/liter and 6.9 ± 0.0 log10 CFU/liter, respectively, and the concentrations of M. avium were 9.1 ± 0.0 log10 CFU/liter and 8.9 ± 0.0 log10 CFU/liter, respectively). We propose that this standardized culture procedure could be used for detection of NTM in aquatic samples

    Evaluating exposure of pedestrians to airborne contaminants associated with non-potable water use for pavement cleaning

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    International audienceClimate change and increasing demography press local authorities to look after affordable water resources and replacement of drinking water for city necessities like street and pavement cleaning by more available raw water. Though, the substitution of drinking by non-drinking resources demands the evaluation of sanitary hazards. This article aims therefore to evaluate the contribution of cleaning water to the overall exposure of city dwellers in case of wet pavement cleaning using crossed physical, chemical and biological approaches. The result of tracer experiments with fluorescein show that liquid water content of the cleaning aerosol produced is about 0.24 g m(-3), rending possible a fast estimation of exposure levels. In situ analysis of the aerosol particles indicates a significant increase in particle number concentration and particle diameter, though without change in particle composition. The conventional bacterial analysis using total coliforms as tracer suggests that an important part of the contamination is issued from the pavement. The qPCR results show a more than 20-fold increase of background genome concentration for Escherichia coli and 10-fold increase for Enterococcus but a negligible contribution of the cleaning water. The fluorescence analysis of the cleaning aerosol confirms the above findings identifying pavement surface as the major contributor to aerosol organic load. The physical, chemical and microbiological approaches used make it possible to describe accurately the cleaning bioaerosol and to identify the existence of significantly higher levels of all parameters studied during the wet pavement cleaning. Though, the low level of contamination and the very short time of passage of pedestrian in the zone do not suggest a significant risk for the city dwellers. As the cleaning workers remain much longer in the impacted area, more attention should be paid to their chronic exposure