901 research outputs found

    Phenomenological Study of Decoherence in Solid-State Spin Qubits due to Nuclear Spin Diffusion

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    We present a study of the prospects for coherence preservation in solid-state spin qubits using dynamical decoupling protocols. Recent experiments have provided the first demonstrations of multipulse dynamical decoupling sequences in this qubit system, but quantitative analyses of potential coherence improvements have been hampered by a lack of concrete knowledge of the relevant noise processes. We present simulations of qubit coherence under the application of arbitrary dynamical decoupling pulse sequences based on an experimentally validated semiclassical model. This phenomenological approach bundles the details of underlying noise processes into a single experimentally relevant noise power spectral density. Our results show that the dominant features of experimental measurements in a two-electron singlet-triplet spin qubit can be replicated using a 1/ω21/\omega^{2} noise power spectrum associated with nuclear-spin-flips in the host material. Beginning with this validation we address the effects of nuclear programming, high-frequency nuclear-spin dynamics, and other high-frequency classical noise sources, with conjectures supported by physical arguments and microscopic calculations where relevant. Our results provide expected performance bounds and identify diagnostic metrics that can be measured experimentally in order to better elucidate the underlying nuclear spin dynamics.Comment: Updated References. Related articles at: http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/~mbiercuk/Publications.htm

    Symmetry-Enhanced Performance of Dynamical Decoupling

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    We consider a system with general decoherence and a quadratic dynamical decoupling sequence (QDD) for the coherence control of a qubit coupled to a bath of spins. We investigate the influence of the geometry and of the initial conditions of the bath on the performance of the sequence. The overall performance is quantified by a distance norm dd. It is expected that dd scales with TT, the total duration of the sequence, as Tmin{Nx,Nz}+1T^{\min \{N_x,N_z\}+1}, where NxN_x and NzN_z are the number of pulses of the outer and of the inner sequence, respectively. We show both numerically and analytically that the state of the bath can boost the performance of QDD under certain conditions: The scaling of QDD for a given number of pulses can be enhanced by a factor of 2 if the bath is prepared in a highly symmetric state and if the system Hamiltonian is SU(2) invariant.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Concatenated Control Sequences based on Optimized Dynamic Decoupling

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    Two recent developments in quantum control, concatenation and optimization of pulse intervals, are combined to yield a strategy to suppress unwanted couplings in quantum systems to high order. Longitudinal relaxation and transverse dephasing can be suppressed so that systems with a small splitting between their energy levels can be kept isolated from their environment. The required number of pulses grows exponentially with the desired order but is only the square root of the number needed if only concatenation is used. An approximate scheme even brings the number down to polynomial growth. The approach is expected to be useful for quantum information and for high-precision nuclear magnetic resonance.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, slightly modified incl. new abstract and title; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Randomized Dynamical Decoupling Techniques for Coherent Quantum Control

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    The need for strategies able to accurately manipulate quantum dynamics is ubiquitous in quantum control and quantum information processing. We investigate two scenarios where randomized dynamical decoupling techniques become more advantageous with respect to standard deterministic methods in switching off unwanted dynamical evolution in a closed quantum system: when dealing with decoupling cycles which involve a large number of control actions and/or when seeking long-time quantum information storage. Highly effective hybrid decoupling schemes, which combine deterministic and stochastic features are discussed, as well as the benefits of sequentially implementing a concatenated method, applied at short times, followed by a hybrid protocol, employed at longer times. A quantum register consisting of a chain of spin-1/2 particles interacting via the Heisenberg interaction is used as a model for the analysis throughout.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Replaced with final version. Invited talk delivered at the XXXVI Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Jan 2006. To be published in J. Mod. Optic

    Enhanced Convergence and Robust Performance of Randomized Dynamical Decoupling

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    We demonstrate the advantages of randomization in coherent quantum dynamical control. For systems which are either time-varying or require decoupling cycles involving a large number of operations, we find that simple randomized protocols offer superior convergence and stability as compared to deterministic counterparts. In addition, we show how randomization always allows to outperform purely deterministic schemes at long times, including combinatorial and concatenated methods. General criteria for optimally interpolating between deterministic and stochastic design are proposed and illustrated in explicit decoupling scenarios relevant to quantum information storage.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, replaced with final versio

    Magic composite pulses

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    I describe composite pulses during which the average dipolar interactions within a spin ensemble are controlled while realizing a global rotation. The construction method used is based on the average Hamiltonian theory and rely on the geometrical properties of the spin-spin dipolar interaction only. I present several such composite pulses robust against standard experimental defects in NRM: static or radio-frequency field miscalibration, fields inhomogeneities. Numerical simulations show that the magic sandwich pulse sequence, a pulse sequence that reverse the average dipolar field while applied, is plagued by defects originating from its short initial and final \pi/2 radio-frequency pulses. Using the magic composite pulses instead of \pi/2 pulses improves the magic sandwich effect. A numerical test using a classical description of NMR allows to check the validity of the magic composite pulses and estimate their efficiency.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    High-order noise filtering in nontrivial quantum logic gates

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    Treating the effects of a time-dependent classical dephasing environment during quantum logic operations poses a theoretical challenge, as the application of non-commuting control operations gives rise to both dephasing and depolarization errors that must be accounted for in order to understand total average error rates. We develop a treatment based on effective Hamiltonian theory that allows us to efficiently model the effect of classical noise on nontrivial single-bit quantum logic operations composed of arbitrary control sequences. We present a general method to calculate the ensemble-averaged entanglement fidelity to arbitrary order in terms of noise filter functions, and provide explicit expressions to fourth order in the noise strength. In the weak noise limit we derive explicit filter functions for a broad class of piecewise-constant control sequences, and use them to study the performance of dynamically corrected gates, yielding good agreement with brute-force numerics.Comment: Revised and expanded to include filter function terms beyond first order in the Magnus expansion. Related manuscripts available from http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/~mbiercu

    Keeping a Quantum Bit Alive by Optimized π\pi-Pulse Sequences

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    A general strategy to maintain the coherence of a quantum bit is proposed. The analytical result is derived rigorously including all memory and back-action effects. It is based on an optimized π\pi-pulse sequence for dynamic decoupling extending the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) cycle. The optimized sequence is very efficient, in particular for strong couplings to the environment.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; revised version with additional references for better context, more stringent discussio

    Exact Results on Dynamical Decoupling by π\pi-Pulses in Quantum Information Processes

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    The aim of dynamical decoupling consists in the suppression of decoherence by appropriate coherent control of a quantum register. Effectively, the interaction with the environment is reduced. In particular, a sequence of π\pi pulses is considered. Here we present exact results on the suppression of the coupling of a quantum bit to its environment by optimized sequences of π\pi pulses. The effect of various cutoffs of the spectral density of the environment is investigated. As a result we show that the harder the cutoff is the better an optimized pulse sequence can deal with it. For cutoffs which are neither completely hard nor very soft we advocate iterated optimized sequences.Comment: 12 pages and 3 figure

    Towards optimized suppression of dephasing in systems subject to pulse timing constraints

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    We investigate the effectiveness of different dynamical decoupling protocols for storage of a single qubit in the presence of a purely dephasing bosonic bath, with emphasis on comparing quantum coherence preservation under uniform vs. non-uniform delay times between pulses. In the limit of instantaneous bit-flip pulses, this is accomplished by establishing a new representation of the controlled qubit evolution, where the resulting decoherence behaviour is directly expressed in terms of the free evolution. Simple analytical expressions are given to approximate the long- and short- term coherence behaviour for both ohmic and supra-ohmic environments. We focus on systems with physical constraints on achievable time delays, with emphasis on pure dephasing of excitonic qubits in quantum dots. Our analysis shows that little advantage of high-level decoupling schemes based on concatenated or optimal design is to be expected if operational constraints prevent pulses to be applied sufficiently fast. In such constrained scenarios, we demonstrate how simple modifications of repeated periodic echo protocols can offer significantly improved coherence preservation in realistic parameter regimes.Comment: 13 figures,1 tabl