13 research outputs found

    In-plane magnetic domains and N\'eel-like domain walls in thin flakes of the room temperature CrTe2_2 van der Waals ferromagnet

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    The recent discovery of magnetic van der Waals materials has triggered a wealth of investigations in materials science, and now offers genuinely new prospects for both fundamental and applied research. Although the catalogue of van der Waals ferromagnets is rapidly expanding, most of them have a Curie temperature below 300 K, a notable disadvantage for potential applications. Combining element-selective x-ray magnetic imaging and magnetic force microscopy, we resolve at room temperature the magnetic domains and domains walls in micron-sized flakes of the CrTe2_2 van der Waals ferromagnet. Flux-closure magnetic patterns suggesting in-plane six-fold symmetry are observed. Upon annealing the material above its Curie point (315 K), the magnetic domains disappear. By cooling back down the sample, a different magnetic domain distribution is obtained, indicating material stability and lack of magnetic memory upon thermal cycling. The domain walls presumably have N\'eel texture, are preferentially oriented along directions separated by 120 degrees, and have a width of several tens of nanometers. Besides microscopic mapping of magnetic domains and domain walls, the coercivity of the material is found to be of a few mT only, showing that the CrTe2_2 compound is magnetically soft. The coercivity is found to increase as the volume of the material decreases

    Stability of the In-Plane Room Temperature van der Waals Ferromagnet Chromium Ditelluride and Its Conversion to Chromium-Interleaved CrTe2_2 Compounds

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    Van der Waals magnetic materials are building blocks for novel kinds of spintronic devices and playgrounds for exploring collective magnetic phenomena down to the two-dimensional limit. Chromium-tellurium compounds are relevant in this perspective. In particular, the 1TT phase of CrTe2_2 has been argued to have a Curie temperature above 300~K, a rare and desirable property in the class of lamellar materials, making it a candidate for practical applications. However, recent literature reveals a strong variability in the reported properties, including magnetic ones. Using electron microscopy, diffraction and spectroscopy techniques, together with local and macroscopic magnetometry approaches, our work sheds new light on the structural, chemical and magnetic properties of bulk 1TT-CrTe2_2 exfoliated in the form of flakes having a thickness ranging from few to several tens of nanometers. We unambiguously establish that 1TT-CrTe2_2 flakes are ferromagnetic above room temperature, have an in-plane easy axis of magnetization, low coercivity, and we confirm that their Raman spectroscopy signatures are two modes, E2gE_{2\text{g}} (103.5~cm1^{-1}) and A1gA_{1\text{g}} (136.5~cm1^{-1}). We also prove that thermal annealing causes a phase transformation to monoclinic Cr5_5Te8_8 and, to a lesser extent, to trigonal Cr5_5Te8_8. In sharp contrast with 1TT-CrTe2_2, none of these compounds have a Curie temperature above room temperature, and they both have perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Our findings reconcile the apparently conflicting reports in the literature and open opportunities for phase-engineered magnetic properties

    Room temperature 2D ferromagnetism in few-layered 1TT-CrTe2_{2}

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    Spin-related electronics using two dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) materials as a platform are believed to hold great promise for revolutionizing the next generation spintronics. Although many emerging new phenomena have been unravelled in 2D electronic systems with spin long-range orderings, the scarcely reported room temperature magnetic vdW material has thus far hindered the related applications. Here, we show that intrinsic ferromagnetically aligned spin polarization can hold up to 316 K in a metallic phase of 1TT-CrTe2_{2} in the few-layer limit. This room temperature 2D long range spin interaction may be beneficial from an itinerant enhancement. Spin transport measurements indicate an in-plane room temperature negative anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) in few-layered CrTe2_{2}, but a sign change in the AMR at lower temperature, with -0.6%\% at 300 K and +5%\% at 10 K, respectively. This behavior may originate from the specific spin polarized band structure of CrTe2_{2}. Our findings provide insights into magnetism in few-layered CrTe2_{2}, suggesting potential for future room temperature spintronic applications of such 2D vdW magnets.Comment: 9 Pages, 4 Figure

    Magnetic Phase Diagram of van der Waals Antiferromagnet TbTe3

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    Terbium tritelluride, TbTe3, orders antiferromagnetically in three steps at TN1 = 6.7 K, TN2 = 5.7 K, and TN3 = 5.4 K, preceded by a correlation hump in magnetic susceptibility at T* ~8 K. Combining thermodynamic, i.e., specific heat Cp and magnetization M, and transport, i.e., resistance R, measurements we established the boundaries of two commensurate and one charge density wave modulated phases in a magnetic field oriented along principal crystallographic axes. Based on these measurements, the magnetic phase diagrams of TbTe3 at H‖a, H‖b and H‖c were constructed

    Magnetic Phase Diagram of van der Waals Antiferromagnet TbTe<sub>3</sub>

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    Terbium tritelluride, TbTe3, orders antiferromagnetically in three steps at TN1 = 6.7 K, TN2 = 5.7 K, and TN3 = 5.4 K, preceded by a correlation hump in magnetic susceptibility at T* ~8 K. Combining thermodynamic, i.e., specific heat Cp and magnetization M, and transport, i.e., resistance R, measurements we established the boundaries of two commensurate and one charge density wave modulated phases in a magnetic field oriented along principal crystallographic axes. Based on these measurements, the magnetic phase diagrams of TbTe3 at H‖a, H‖b and H‖c were constructed

    Possible high temperature superconducting transitions in disordered graphite obtained from room temperature deintercalated KC8_8

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    Although progress with twisted graphene nano-devices is boosting the superconductivity that is the consequence of their Moir\'e flat electronic bands, the immense choice for future development is an obstacle for their optimisation. We report here that soft-chemistry deintercalation of KC8_8 breaks down graphite stacking generating a strong disorder that includes stacking twists and variable local doping. We obtain a bulk graphite whose individual crystallites have different stackings with arbitrary twists and doping, scanning in the same sample a huge number of stacking configurations. We perform magnetisation measurements on batches with different synthesis conditions. The disorder weakens the huge diamagnetism of graphite, revealing several phase transitions. A "ferromagnetic-like" magnetisation appears with Curie temperatures T0_0\sim450K, that has to be subtracted from the measured magnetisation. Depending on sample synthesis, anomalies towards diamagnetic states appear at Tc_c\sim110K (3 samples), \sim240K (4 samples), \sim320K (2 samples). Electrical resistivity measurements yield anomalies for the Tc_c\sim240K transition, with one sample showing a 90% drop. We discuss the possibility that these (diamagnetic and resistitive) anomalies could be due to superconductivity.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure