119 research outputs found

    Implementasi Komunikasi Organisasi dalam Kegiatan Dakwah untuk Memperbaiki Diri Narapidana di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas IIB Lumajang

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    Da'wah has been going on for a long time among inmates in prison. Preaching took place at that place for a long time, namely during the Dutch government around 1917. After Indonesia's independence, the da'wah among prisoners was increasingly enhanced until now. The correctional system can be briefly said as a process of fostering prisoners based on a noble soul, and therefore also regards Prisoners as fellow creatures of God, individuals and members of the community. And in fostering prisoners, their mental life (including their religious life), physical and social life must be developed. With the correctional system, which means a renewal of the system in order to foster a complete human being, it is very necessary to have the right da'wah method, in accordance with and in tune with the correctional system. Penitentiary (Lembaga Pemasyarakatan) is a place to carry out guidance for prisoners and correctional students. Organizational communication is needed to carry out maximum coaching activities to achieve a goal and service that is satisfying for prisoners, as well as being a safe, orderly, free of extortion, drug and cell phone institution. Dai who was given the mandate at Lumajang Class IIB Correctional Institution had fulfilled the criteria of both scientific potential and personality potential so that the method used was in accordance with the madami faced by the prisoners who mostly inhabited the Class IIB Correctional Institution in Lumajang were drug cases. The average drug case is adolescence. The clerics always emphasize lectures on efforts to improve themselves both in the field of skills and personal because it is feared that after leaving the Lumajang Class II Correctional Institution unable to do something that can fulfill life. The challenge faced is the lack of seriousness of prisoners participating in the da'wah activities carried out by the Lumajang Class II Correctional Institution. This is due to prisoners having a level of memory that is tired because of drug addiction. Keywords: Da'wah, Organizational Communication, Penitentiar

    Dinamika Madrasah Dan Sistem Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Islam Unggulan

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    Pendidikan Islam termasuk madrasah sebagai salah satu lembaga sosial tertua, dalam perkembangannya senantiasa mengalami dampak perubahan dalam masyarakat. Perubahan ini terjadi dilatari penyesuaian lembaga pendidikan atas kebutuhan masyarakat dan keterakarannya dalam karakteristik masyarakat setempat. Disisi lain dunia pendidikan di Indonesia ditandai oleh kehadiran tiga model kelembagaan yang secara substantif berbeda. Satu sisi terdapat model kelembagaan pendidikan yang berorientasi pada pengembangan nalar rohaniah dan di sisi lain model kelembagaan sekolah yang berorientasi pada nalar kognitif dan ketrampilan kerja jasmaniah.Titik konvergensi dari kedua model tersebut ditemukan dalam bentuk dua varian, yaitu lembaga pendidikan diniyah yang mengadopsi elemen-elemen sekolah yang disebut madrasah dan lembaga pendidikan sekolah yang mengadopsi elemen-elemen diniyah yang disebut "sekolah Islam"

    Inovasi Manajemen Dan Komunikasi Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Madrasah

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    Madrasah sebagai salah satu lembaga sosial tertua, dalam perkembangannya senantiasa mengalami dampak perubahan dalam masyarakat. Perubahan ini terjadi dilatari penyesuaian madrasah atas kebutuhan masyarakat dan keterakarannya dalam karakteristik masyarakat setempat. Peningkatan mutu madrasah dapat dilakukan melalui inovasi dan perubahan. Beberapa cara yang ditempuh oleh pemerintah dalam melakukan peningkatan mutu adalah melalui inovasi manajemen dan komunikasi, salah satunya adalah peningkatan mutu pendidikan berbasis madrasah yang pada dasarnya merupakan konsep dari kualitas pendidika

    Learning Organization, Mewujudkan Sekolah Unggul oleh Manusia Pembelajar di Lingkungan Pembelajar

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    The low quality of our human resources reflects the low quality of our education system that produces the human resources. We have to reconstruct our educational system. Our educational system we will construct, must be able to build human resources comprehensively, in which the society goes to the learning society and the environment where the society does their activities goes to learning environment. It will be realized by developing Learning Organization. In Learning Organization, the organization supports individuals to keep on learning and enrich their capability as learning society. The actualization of Learning Organization in the learning environment, where all school components interact each other integratedly and each school component functions optimally, so they impulse effectively to the realization of effective school

    Failure of a non-authorized copy product to maintain response achieved with imatinib in a patient with chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Due to high rates of response and durable remissions, imatinib (Glivec<sup>Âź</sup>, or Gleevec<sup>Âź</sup> in the USA; Novartis Pharma AG) is the standard of care in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. Recently, a non-authorized product which claims comparability to imatinib has become available.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>This report describes the loss of response in a 36-year-old male patient with chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia who had previously been in full hematologic and cytogenetic remission and partial molecular remission for three years, under treatment with brand-name imatinib of 400 mg per day. Before the initiation of treatment with a copy product, imatib (CIPLA-India), the patient had negative BCR-ABL status. Within three months of initiation of treatment with the copy product, the patient's BCR-ABL status became positive, with substantial decreases noted in white blood cell counts, red blood cell counts and platelet counts. Conversion of the BCR-ABL status to negative and improvements in hematologic parameters were achieved when the brand medication, imatinib, was resumed at a dose of 600 mg per day.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In our patient, the substitution of a copy product for imatinib resulted in the rapid loss of a previously stable response, with the risk of progression to life-threatening accelerated phase or blast crisis phase of the disease. Without supportive clinical evidence of efficacy and safety of imatib (or any other copy product) caution should be used when substituting imatinib in the treatment of any patient with chronic myeloid leukemia.</p

    Effectiveness of Partial and Adjustment Neostigmine Dose as a Neuromuscular Reversal for Single Dose Rocuronium

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    Background: Routine reversal (neostigmine) and the use of quantitative monitoring of neuromuscular blockade (Train of Four Ratio (TOFR)) are recommended to prevent the occurrence of residual paralysis. This study attempted to determine the effectiveness between neostigmine partial dose 0.02 mg/kgbw and adjusted dose based on TOFR value in recovering neuromuscular blockade of single dose rocuronium 0.6 mg/kgbw.Methods: This randomized clinical trial was performed in the operating room of Integrated Surgical Care Unit of Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital and Kirana Clinic. Sixty-one patients who underwent elective surgery in general anesthesia were randomized in to 2 groups: administration of neostigmine in partial dose 0.02 mg/kgbw (group A) and adjusted dose based on TOFR value (group B). Quantitative monitoring evaluation of neuromuscular blockade was performed four times: after adequate spontaneous breathing, 5, 10, and 15 minutes after reversal.Result: The mean of TOFR values in group A and group B respectively: after spontaneous breathing 42% and 50% (p=0.436); 5 minutes after reversal 80.2% and 89.2% (p=0.083); 10 minutes after reversal 92.2% and 94% (p=0.399); 15 minutes after reversal 94.3% and 94.9% (p=0.526). After the 5 minutes of reversal, group B (80.6%) reaches TOFR value ≄ 90% many more than group A (63.3%) (p=0.132).Conclusion: Neostigmine partial dose 0.02 mg/kgbw was as effective as administering neostigmine in adjustment dose based on TOFR values to achieve complete recovery from the neuromuscular block effect of single-dose rocuronium 0.6 mg/kgbw. This study also show the complete recovery of neuromuscular block when TOFR value ≄ 90%

    Expert clinical consensus in the delivery of hydrodilatation for the management of patients with a primary frozen shoulder

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    Aims To achieve expert clinical consensus in the delivery of hydrodilatation for the treatment of primary frozen shoulder to inform clinical practice and the design of an intervention for evaluation. Methods We conducted a two-stage, electronic questionnaire-based, modified Delphi survey of shoulder experts in the UK NHS. Round one required positive, negative, or neutral ratings about hydrodilatation. In round two, each participant was reminded of their round one responses and the modal (or ‘group’) response from all participants. This allowed participants to modify their responses in round two. We proposed respectively mandating or encouraging elements of hydrodilatation with 100% and 90% positive consensus, and respectively disallowing or discouraging with 90% and 80% negative consensus. Other elements would be optional. Results Between 4 August 2020 and4 August 2021, shoulder experts from 47 hospitals in the UK completed the study. There were 106 participants (consultant upper limb orthopaedic surgeons, n = 50; consultant radiologists, n = 52; consultant physiotherapist, n = 1; extended scope physiotherapists, n = 3) who completed round one, of whom 97 (92%) completed round two. No elements of hydrodilatation were “mandated” (100% positive rating). Elements that were “encouraged” (≄ 80% positive rating) were the use of image guidance, local anaesthetic, normal saline, and steroids to deliver the injection. Injecting according to patient tolerance, physiotherapy, and home exercises were also “encouraged”. No elements were “discouraged” (≄ 80% negative rating) although using hypertonic saline was rated as being “disallowed” (≄ 90% negative rating). Conclusion In the absence of rigorous evidence, our Delphi study allowed us to achieve expert consensus about positive, negative, and neutral ratings of hydrodilatation in the management of frozen shoulder in a hospital setting. This should inform clinical practice and the design of an intervention for evaluation

    The human brain networks mediating the vestibular sensation of self-motion

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    Vestibular Agnosia - where peripheral vestibular activation triggers the usual reflex nystagmus response but with attenuated or no self-motion perception - is found in brain disease with disrupted cortical network functioning, e.g. traumatic brain injury (TBI) or neurodegeneration (Parkinson's Disease). Patients with acute focal hemispheric lesions (e.g. stroke) do not manifest vestibular agnosia. Thus, brain network mapping techniques, e.g. resting state functional MRI (rsfMRI), are needed to interrogate functional brain networks mediating vestibular agnosia. Hence, we prospectively recruited 39 acute TBI patients with preserved peripheral vestibular function and obtained self-motion perceptual thresholds during passive yaw rotations in the dark and additionally acquired whole-brain rsfMRI in the acute phase. Following quality-control checks, 26 patient scans were analyzed. Using self-motion perceptual thresholds from a matched healthy control group, 11 acute TBI patients were classified as having vestibular agnosia versus 15 with normal self-motion perception thresholds. Using independent component analysis on the rsfMRI data, we found altered functional connectivity in bilateral lingual gyrus and temporo-occipital fusiform cortex in the vestibular agnosia patients. Moreover, regions of interest analyses showed both inter-hemispheric and intra-hemispheric network disruption in vestibular agnosia. In conclusion, our results show that vestibular agnosia is mediated by bilateral anterior and posterior network dysfunction and reveal the distributed brain mechanisms mediating vestibular self-motion perception

    Collapse of superconductivity in a hybrid tin-graphene Josephson junction array

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    When a Josephson junction array is built with hybrid superconductor/metal/superconductor junctions, a quantum phase transition from a superconducting to a two-dimensional (2D) metallic ground state is predicted to happen upon increasing the junction normal state resistance. Owing to its surface-exposed 2D electron gas and its gate-tunable charge carrier density, graphene coupled to superconductors is the ideal platform to study the above-mentioned transition between ground states. Here we show that decorating graphene with a sparse and regular array of superconducting nanodisks enables to continuously gate-tune the quantum superconductor-to-metal transition of the Josephson junction array into a zero-temperature metallic state. The suppression of proximity-induced superconductivity is a direct consequence of the emergence of quantum fluctuations of the superconducting phase of the disks. Under perpendicular magnetic field, the competition between quantum fluctuations and disorder is responsible for the resilience at the lowest temperatures of a superconducting glassy state that persists above the upper critical field. Our results provide the entire phase diagram of the disorder and magnetic field-tuned transition and unveil the fundamental impact of quantum phase fluctuations in 2D superconducting systems.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Predictors of Medication Adherence and Blood Pressure Control among Saudi Hypertensive Patients Attending Primary Care Clinics: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Purpose To assess the level of medication adherence and to investigate predictors of medication adherence and blood pressure control among hypertensive patients attending primary healthcare clinics in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Patients and methods Hypertensive patients meeting the eligibility criteria were recruited from eight primary care clinics between January and May 2016 for this study. The patients completed Arabic version of Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8), an eight-item validated, self-reported measure to assess medication adherence. A structured data collection form was used to record patients’ sociodemographic, medical and medication data. Results Two hundred and four patients, of which 71.6% were females, participated in the study. Patients’ mean age was 59.1 (SD 12.2). The mean number of medication used by patients was 4.4 (SD 1.89). More than half (110; 54%) of the patients were non-adherent to their medications (MMAS score 65 years (OR 2.0 [95% CI: 1.0–4.2; P = 0.04]), and being diabetic (OR 0.25 [95% CI: 0.1–0.6; P = 0.04]) were found to be independent predictors of medication adherence. Conclusion Medication adherence is alarmingly low among hypertensive patients attending primary care clinics in Saudi Arabia which may partly explain observed poor blood pressure control. There is a clear need to educate patients about the importance of medication adherence and its impact on improving clinical outcomes. Future research should identify barriers to medication adherence among Saudi hypertensive patients
