5 research outputs found

    Pregnancy Care Application Mobile Android Based

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    Pregnancy is a major concern of the world in current health issues. The maternal mortality rate (MMR) is still quite large in almost all countries in the world due to pregnancycomplications.Pregnancycomplicationscanbepreventedbyimprovingthe healthstatusofpregnant women.However,the lack ofknowledgeof pregnantwomen about pregnancy care and inadequate pregnancy care practices causes mothers to be less aware of what is experienced so that there are delays in decision making to seek help, delays in getting transportation to bring to health facilities, and delay in gettinghelpfromofficershealth.Thehighestnumberofcellularphoneuserstoaccess the internet comes from internet users from Java and Bali (92 percent). The purpose of using the internet is 68.7 percent to search for information and browsing. The purpose of the research is to create a pregnancy guide application for the expectant mother to get the information and knowledge about pregnancy care. The method is used in the research is SDLC (System Development Life Circle) method is the method that describes the system development life cycle in the design and development of information system. The results of the research showed that application has been completed design and has been tested by taking a sample of 55 pregnant women, which is named Pregnancy Care Application Mobile Android Based. Based on the Function Point relationship, this application gets a score of 9,638 (scale 1-10) which shows the usability of use to the user. Thus, this application is very feasible to use becauseallthefeaturesthatarepreparedarethingsthatarereallyneededbypregnant women in the care of daily pregnancy.     Keywords: Pregnancy Care, Application Mobile Android

    Performance of rainwater harvesting system based on roof catchment area and storage tank capacity

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    Increasing population growth has created problems in water resources. Natural water resources become progressively more expensive and difficult to develop. In addition, it is also becoming increasingly polluted and difficult to obtain. Many countries shown a resurgent interest in the use of rainwater harvesting (RWH) technique to overcome these problems. There are several factors that will influence the RWH performance, such as the rainfall, catchment area, storage tank capacity, and water demand. The performance parameter determines by the volumetric reliability, time reliability, and yield. The RWH system used in this study is a simple RWH system that utilizes roof as a catchment area, pipes as a distribution system and tank as a storage. An analysis is carried out to investigate the effect of altering the large of the catchment area and storage tank capacity to the RWH system performance parameters. A suitable behavioral model based on the water balance method is implemented to evaluate the inflow, outflow, and the storage volume. Results demonstrate that with up to 15 years daily rainfall data in 15 cities in Indonesia, the most influential parameters on the performance of RWH system is the time reliability

    Phenomenology Study: Pregnancy Women Myth in Malay Community Dumai City, Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the pregnant women myths in the Malay community of Dumai City, Indonesia. The qualitative research: Phenomenology Study. The total informants were 11 participants (Pregnant women, shaman, midwife, and Primary Health Care Heads). Data collection through in-depth interviews and non-participant observation. Data analysis uses content analysis. The results showed that three things were during pregnancy, namely: cultural tradition in pregnant, food consumption, and activities. That even for pregnant women in “Lenggang Perut” (seven months pregnant ceremony). Use porcupines, scissors, and needles in the body to avoid the devil. Cannot consume sugar water from “Tebu” (a kind of sweet plant), pineapple, and “Tape” (food from cassava fermentation) because it will cause bleeding or abortion. Prohibited activities, bathing at night, sitting in front of the door, for early gestation may not leave their homes and still visit shamans. Until now, this myth is still practiced by pregnant women in the Malay community, although there is no empirical research that proves the real impact of the myth

    Performance of rainwater harvesting system based on roof catchment area and storage tank capacity

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    Increasing population growth has created problems in water resources. Natural water resources become progressively more expensive and difficult to develop. In addition, it is also becoming increasingly polluted and difficult to obtain. Many countries shown a resurgent interest in the use of rainwater harvesting (RWH) technique to overcome these problems. There are several factors that will influence the RWH performance, such as the rainfall, catchment area, storage tank capacity, and water demand. The performance parameter determines by the volumetric reliability, time reliability, and yield. The RWH system used in this study is a simple RWH system that utilizes roof as a catchment area, pipes as a distribution system and tank as a storage. An analysis is carried out to investigate the effect of altering the large of the catchment area and storage tank capacity to the RWH system performance parameters. A suitable behavioral model based on the water balance method is implemented to evaluate the inflow, outflow, and the storage volume. Results demonstrate that with up to 15 years daily rainfall data in 15 cities in Indonesia, the most influential parameters on the performance of RWH system is the time reliability