5 research outputs found

    Métodos utilizados en el destintado de papel desperdicio – aproximación al estado del arte

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    Este trabajo consolida la información relacionada con los diferentes procesos de destintado, tales como: alcalino, neutro y enzimático; además, de las nuevas alternativas tecnológicas: destintado por ultrasonido, por radicales libres, en columnas de flotación, entre otros. La información proporcionada en este documento se refiere al papel que desempeñan algunas de las sustancias químicas empleadas en los procesos, a las condiciones óptimas de trabajo, a las enzimas específicas para los diferentes tipos de papeles impresos, a las modificaciones en equipos y a las mejores combinaciones de papel impreso vs. proceso de destintado para obtener las mejores propiedades en la fibra destintada

    Implementation of Integrative Projects as a Contribution to the Major Design Experience in Chemical Engineering

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    The training of chemical engineers requires creating dynamics that bring them closer to the reality of professional practice and providing active learning experiences to develop skills that strengthen critical thinking, autonomy, teamwork, and communication, as a contribution to sustainable engineering education. However, these experiences are isolated, and sometimes do not show an integrated vision between different areas of knowledge. This work aims to introduce the lessons learned by creating capstone integrative projects as tools for the design and control of processes in the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. The capstone project was developed in randomly selected groups to develop a basic engineering proposal for an industrial process of local or national interest. Validation was carried out, consisting of surveys of 54 students in the last year of the program, an opinion query of 60 recent graduates, and a focus group of five graduates, with a profile of employers, management of innovation, development, and design of chemical processes. Between 2016 and 2020, more than 43 processes were evaluated with students, evidencing a significant improvement in the skills defined by the faculty in the graduation profile. A total of 94% of the graduates in that period recognize the capstone project as an integrator of design and process control, and it is concluded that this contributes positively to the professional development of the chemical engineer

    Implementation of Integrative Projects as a Contribution to the Major Design Experience in Chemical Engineering

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    The training of chemical engineers requires creating dynamics that bring them closer to the reality of professional practice and providing active learning experiences to develop skills that strengthen critical thinking, autonomy, teamwork, and communication, as a contribution to sustainable engineering education. However, these experiences are isolated, and sometimes do not show an integrated vision between different areas of knowledge. This work aims to introduce the lessons learned by creating capstone integrative projects as tools for the design and control of processes in the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. The capstone project was developed in randomly selected groups to develop a basic engineering proposal for an industrial process of local or national interest. Validation was carried out, consisting of surveys of 54 students in the last year of the program, an opinion query of 60 recent graduates, and a focus group of five graduates, with a profile of employers, management of innovation, development, and design of chemical processes. Between 2016 and 2020, more than 43 processes were evaluated with students, evidencing a significant improvement in the skills defined by the faculty in the graduation profile. A total of 94% of the graduates in that period recognize the capstone project as an integrator of design and process control, and it is concluded that this contributes positively to the professional development of the chemical engineer

    Simulación del patrón de flujo en fase simple para diferentes diseños de separadores ciclónicos

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    Cyclones are equipment for gas-solid separation which are used in industry for many applications, however, they are considered low-efficiency equipment and their design has been simplified to basic models without further improvement. This paper presents a numerical study by computational fluid dynamics in single phase flow for two designs of high efficiency cyclones: the Stairmand commonly used in industry and one proposed by Lopez and Trujillo that according to preliminary calculations showed better performances. The turbulence of the gas flow was obtained by the Reynolds stress model. The flow fields and pressure obtained for both geometries were analysed. The results showed that the proposed design had lower pressure drops and therefore savings in operating costs.Los ciclones son equipos de separación gas-sólido que se emplean en la industria en diversas aplicaciones, sin embargo, son considerados equipos de baja eficiencia y su diseño se ha simplificado a modelos elementales sin mayor oportunidad de mejora. Este trabajo presenta un estudio numérico realizado mediante dinámica de fluidos computacional, de flujos en fase simple en dos diseños de ciclones de alta eficiencia: el Stairmand comúnmente empleado en la industria y uno propuesto por López y Trujillo que según cálculos preliminares presentó mejores desempeños. La turbulencia del flujo de gas se obtuvo mediante el modelo de esfuerzos de Reynolds. Se analizaron los campos de flujo y de presión obtenidos para ambas geometrías. Los resultados muestran que el diseño propuesto presenta menores caídas de presión y por lo tanto ahorro en costos de operación