4,281 research outputs found

    The Determinants of Lebanese Attitudes Toward Palestinian Resettlement: An Analysis of Survey Data

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    A principal goal of this study has been to assess the impact of social distance on attitudes towards Palestinian resettlement using comprehensive cross-cultural survey research. The results are clear and consistent for all Lebanese sub-groups. Social distance is a significant predictor of attitudes toward resettlement for all six sub-groups examined. Specifically, social distance is inversely and consistently associated with unfavorable attitudes toward the prospect of the permanent settlement of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. These findings indicate on one hand, that the majority of Sunnis and Druze respondents endorse communal ties with Palestinians and approve their permanent economic, social and political integration. However, social distance influence political attitudes toward Palestinian resettlement, namely in the case of Christian and Shii groups. Hence, for most Lebanese the question is about their own political survival not Palestinian resettlement If the actual perceptions stand, resettlement will create a potential for communal conflict and will affect the social cohesion of the society

    Reducing child undernutrition

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    How rapidly will child undernutrition respond to income growth? This study explores that question using household survey data from 12 countries. In addition, data on the undernutrition rates since the 1970s available from a cross-section of countries are employed in this investigation. Both forms of analysis yield similar results. Income increases at household and national levels imply similar rates of reduction in undernutrition. Using these estimates and better-than-historical income growth rates, we find that the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of halving the levels of child underweight by 2015 is unlikely to be met through income growth alone. What is needed is a balanced strategy of income growth and investment in more direct interventions to accelerate reductions in undernutrition.Food security. ,Income Developing countries. ,Malnutrition. ,Children Nutrition. ,

    Kurdi u Turskoj: kontekst i sadašnji status

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    The paper proposes to examine two variables in connection with the Kurdish presence in Turkey: 1) the intensity of expression of Kurdish nationalism, and 2) repercussions of the Kurdish question on Turkey. Three components pertaining to the Kurdish case in Turkey were constructed from the literature: distinct cultural identity, political demands and socio-economic development. The paper concludes that despite radical shifts on both sides, it is still questionable whether a solution to the enduring conflict could be reached in the near future.Kurdi koji žive u Turskoj čine gotovo 50% ukupne populacije Kurda u svijetu i oko jedne petine stanovništva Turske. Ipak, status te poveće kurdske zajednice u Turskoj predstavlja jedan od gorućih problema za turske vlade sve od proglašenja republike 1923. Od svih zemalja domaćina Kurdima nijedna se nije više trudila eliminirati kurdski identitet. Smatrajući ih prijetnjom jedinstvu i integritetu zemlje, sva sredstva za ograničavanje kurdskih kulturnih, ekonomskih i političkih aspiracija bila su službeno opravdana. U radu se predlaže ispitivanje dviju varijabli povezanih s prisutnošću Kurda u Turskoj: 1) intenzitet izražavanja kurdskog nacionalizma i 2) reperkusije na kurdsko pitanje u Turskoj. Na temelju literature konstruirane su tri komponente koje pripadaju slučaju Kurda u Turskoj: osebujan kulturni identitet, politički zahtjevi i društveno-gospodarski razvoj. Usprkos snažnom nacionalnom osjećaju Kurdi nisu uspjeli postići autonomiju i nezavisnost u Osmanskom Carstvu. U članku je prikazano kako je tijekom godina snažan turski nacionalizam svojom kemalističkom vizijom svjetovnog etatizma sprječavao Kurde da ispune svoje vlastite kulturne i političke zahtjeve. Zapravo je službena turska politika tvrdila da Kurda nema i da se kurdski jezik ne govori u Turskoj. Traženje autonomnog statusa smatralo se uvredom za integritet države i sankcioniralo se zatvorom. Što se tiče gospodarstva, turska vlada namjerno je uskraćivala sredstva i izvore, namijenjene razvoju, iz kurdskih krajeva u jugoistočnoj Anatoliji. Kako bi udovoljile Kurdima, turske vlasti pribjegavaju dvostrukoj politici: prva je raspršenje Kurda po cijeloj zemlji, daleko od glavnoga grada i političkih središta, a druga je politika asimilacije: Kurdi su se, pod jakim djelovanjem Turaka, prisiljeni s njima izmiješati. Dok su kulturna traženja Kurda izostavljena iz procesa liberalizacije posljednjih godina, bilo koje rješenje trajnog sukoba zahtijeva vrijeme i ustupke obiju strana. Iako su Kurdi pokazali fleksibilnost i spremnost za kompromis, promjena stava Ankare ostaje upitnom. Međutim, tursko javno mnijenje i članovi vlade traže fleksibilniju službenu politiku: Turci više ne smiju smatrati kurdsku samosvijest smrtnom opasnošću za kontinuitet i integritet Turske i trebaju razlikovati političke zahtjeve za autonomijom od kulturnih traženja. Otkako je Evropa razgovarala s Turskom o problemima Kurda, situacija se donekle poboljšala. Naime, turski zahtjev za pripajanjem Evropskoj uniji zavisi od njezine spremnosti da u zemlji poštuje ljudska prava i prava manjina. Zbog toga je turska vlada prisiljena naći alternativu za represiju i prihvatiti kurdsku realnost

    Non-contact measurement and analysis of trapped charge decay rates for cable line switching transients

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    During reclosure of 275 kV cable circuits used for voltage control, excessive overvoltages were observed on the network. Such events cause onerous and costly failures. Transient simulations have shown that the normal voltage on its own cannot generate such excessive switching overvoltages. Initial investigations by the network operator pointed towards trapped charge on the unearthed as the cause of the failures. Measurement of these trapped charge voltages and their slow decay without interfering with the charge has, to the author’s knowledge, not been done before in an operational substation. This work introduces a technique to measure trapped charge at a 275 kV substation using the Electrostatic Field Mill. Since the electric field is a proxy measurement of surface voltage, field mills can also be used to measure voltage. In this paper, an on-site substation measurement setup using an electrostatic field mill has been developed for the non-contact measurement of trapped charge voltage on a 275 kV underground cable circuit following switching operations at a National Grid substation. Results of field measurements within the substation and laboratory experimentation are discussed. It is demonstrated that with adequate calibration, achieved by using the known pre-switching power frequency steady state voltage, the slowly decaying DC voltage caused by the cable trapped charge can be measured using this non-contact technique. The correlation between the instantaneous time constant and the relative humidity is also analysed

    Natural Health Products, Modulation of Immune Function and Prevention of Chronic Diseases

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    The immune system is increasingly found to be involved in the development of several chronic illnesses, for which allopathic medicine has provided limited tools for treatment and especially prevention. In that context, it appears worthwhile to target the immune system in order to modulate the risk of certain chronic illnesses. Meanwhile, natural health products (NHPs) are generating renewed interest, particularly in the prevention and treatment of several chronic diseases. Over 20 scientists from fields related to immune function and NHPs were thus convened to establish the state of knowledge on these subjects and to explore future research directions. This review summarizes the result of discussions held during the symposium. It thus seeks to be thought provoking rather than to comprehensively cover such broad areas of research. Notably, a brief overview of the immune system is presented, including potentially useful targets and strategies to keep it in an equilibrated state, in order to prevent certain disorders. The pertinence and limitations of targeting the immune system to prevent chronic diseases is also discussed. The paper then discusses the usefulness and limitations of current experimental tools available to study the immune modulating effects of NHPs. Finally, a concise review of some of the most studied NHPs showing promising immunomodulatory activity is given, and avenues for future research are described

    Investigation of Cob construction: Review of mix designs, structural characteristics, and hygrothermal behaviour

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    Earthen construction systems have potential hygrothermal, and environmental benefits over conventional building materials such as concrete. However, such systems are not yet fully optimised to be part of an energy-efficient building. To further optimise the material, this review explores peer-reviewed research articles that relate to distinct constituents used in cob mixes and the different testing methods used to assess the produced specimen's hygrothermal and structural performance. For data collection, a systematic keyword search was carried out on ScienceDirect, Scopus and Google Scholar search engines, and relevant books were also consulted. The filtering of journal articles was based on studying the abstracts followed by analysing their content within the scope of the review. The results show that the soil's constituents and the added fibre ratios critically affect the percentages of clay and water added to the mixture. Fibres' impact on the mix was experimentally assessed by multiple researchers using distinct types of plant aggregates. The percentage of fibre addition ranged between 0.9% and 3% for structural specimens and reached 25% for non-structural specimens with optimised insulation properties. The investigation of cob's structural performance highlights that the compressive strength of cob has ranged between 0.1 MPa and 2.02 MPa, in contrast, the tensile strengths were between 0.01 MPa and 0.75 MPa. The shear strength was found to range between 0.37 MPa and 0.63 MPa. Furthermore, the hygrothermal exploration of cob demonstrated that the thermal conductivity was ranging between 0.12 W/m.K and 1.06 W/m.K. The review has also reviled that the moisture buffering value (MBV) of different mixtures ranged between 1.06 g m−2 %RH−1 and 1.74 g m−2 %RH−1. The review finds that there is no consensus and robust collated data available about the ratios of the mixes concerning the hygrothermal and structural performance of the specimens. This paper collected the tests results from the literature and highlights the missing results that needs to be considered in further research work

    Delta Opioid activation of the Mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade does not require transphosphorylation of Receptor Tyrosine Kinases

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    BACKGROUND: In this study, we investigated the mechanism(s) by which delta opioids induce their potent activation of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases (ERKs) in different cell lines expressing the cloned δ-opioid receptor (δ-OR). While it has been known for some time that OR stimulation leads to the phosphorylation of both ERK isoforms, the exact progression of events has remained elusive. RESULTS: Our results indicate that the transphosphorylation of an endogenous epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in the human embryonic kidney (HEK-293) cell line does not occur when co-expressed δ-ORs are stimulated by the δ-opioid agonist, D-Ser-Leu-enkephalin-Thr (DSLET). Moreover, neither pre-incubation of cultures with the selective EGFR antagonist, AG1478, nor down-regulation of the EGFR to a point where EGF could no longer activate ERKs had an inhibitory effect on ERK activation by DSLET. These results appear to rule out any structural or catalytic role for the EGFR in the δ-opioid-mediated MAPK cascade. To confirm these results, we used C6 glioma cells, a cell line devoid of the EGFR. In δ-OR-expressing C6 glioma cells, opioids produce a robust phosphorylation of ERK 1 and 2, whereas EGF has no stimulatory effect. Furthermore, antagonists to the RTKs that are endogenously expressed in C6 glioma cells (insulin receptor (IR) and platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR)) were unable to reduce opioid-mediated ERK activation. CONCLUSION: Taken together, these data suggest that the transactivation of resident RTKs does not appear to be required for OR-mediated ERK phosphorylation and that the tyrosine-phosphorylated δ-OR, itself, is likely to act as its own signalling scaffold