10 research outputs found

    Ispezione delle carni “intelligente” in 3D

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    Meat inspection is an important part of education for every veterinary student. However, traditional teaching methods require the sacrifice of living animals, and are thus considered expensive, inadequate and inhumane. Development of novel technologies has provided opportunities for new, improved ways of education. Smart 3D Meat Inspection (S3DMI) is an elearning tool that allows veterinary medicine students to acquire required skills using virtual 3D models of animal organs and carcasses. These models can be manipulated and “cut” just like real organs, allowing students to learn this essential skill without the need for animal carcasses. Students are allowed to practice any part of meat inspection as many times necessary, at their own pace, without time, place or resources limitations. This type of education is considered superior to traditional methods. There is no need for sacrification of animals for educational purposes and the cost of education is greatly reduced, while the educational quality is uninterrupted. Models developed for S3DMI can also be adjusted for courses like animal anatomy and pathology, which also require the use of real animal cadavers. S3DMI is still in its developmental stages, but it has a great potential to minimalize the need for animal sacrifice in the education of future veterinarians, while ensuring the quality improvement.Inspekcija mesa važan je dio obrazovanja svakog studenta veterine. No, tradicionalne metode poučavanja zahtijevaju žrtvovanje živih životinja te se stoga smatraju skupima, neadekvatnima i nehumanima. Razvoj novih tehnologija pružio je priliku za nove, poboljšane načine obučavanja. Pametna 3D Inspekcija Mesa (S3DMI) je ealat za učenje koji omogućava studentima veterine da steknu potrebne vještine koristeći 3D modele životinjskih organa i trupova. Ovim modelima može se lako upravljati te organi mogu biti „rezani“ baš kao i pravi, omogućavajući studentima da nauče ovu neophodnu vještinu bez potrebe za životinjama. Studentima je omogućeno vježbati bilo koji dio inspekcije mesa koliko god puta je potrebno, vlastitim tempom, bez vremenskih, prostornih ili financijskih ograničenja. Ova vrsta edukacije smatra se superiornijom naspram tradicionalnih metoda. Nema potrebe za žrtvovanjem životinja pa je trošak obrazovanja uvelike umanjen, a kvaliteta edukacije je nenarušena. Modeli razvijeni za S3DMI mogu se prilagoditi i za tečajeve poput onih iz anatomije i patologije životinja, koji također zahtijevaju uporabu pravih životinjskih leševa. S3DMI je još uvijek u razvojnoj fazi, no ima visoki potencijal za smanjivanje žrtvovanja životinja u obrazovanju budućih veterinara, istodobno osiguravajući napredak kvalitete edukacije.Die Fleischinspektion ist ein wichtiger Teil der Ausbildung für jeden Tiermedizinstudenten. Herkömmliche Lehrmethoden erfordern jedoch die Tötung lebender Tiere und gelten daher als teuer, unangemessen und inhuman. Die Entwicklung neuer Technologien hat Möglichkeiten für neue, verbesserte Lehrmethoden geschaffen. Die intelligente 3DFleischinspektion (S3DMI) ist ein ELearningTool, mit dem Tiermedizinstudenten die erforderlichen Fähigkeiten anhand virtueller 3DModelle von Tierorganen und Kadavern erwerben können. Diese Modelle können wie echte Organe manipuliert und "geschnitten" werden, so dass Studenten diese wichtigen Fertigkeiten erlernen können, ohne ein Tier untersuchen zu müssen. Die Studenten können jeden Teil der Fleischinspektion so oft wie nötig und in ihrem eigenen Tempo üben, ohne zeitliche, örtliche oder finanzielle Einschränkungen. Diese Art der Ausbildung wird als besser angesehen als traditionelle Methoden. Es müssen keine Tiere für Ausbildungszwecke geopfert werden, und die Kosten für die Ausbildung werden erheblich gesenkt, während die Ausbildungsqualität erhalten bleibt. Die für S3DMI entwickelten Modelle können auch für Kurse wie Tieranatomie und pathologie angepasst werden, die ebenfalls die Verwendung von echten Tierkadavern erfordern. Das S3DMI befindet sich noch im Entwicklungsstadium, hat aber ein großes Potenzial, die Notwendigkeit von Tieropfern in der Ausbildung zukünftiger Tierärzte zu minimieren und gleichzeitig die Qualität zu verbessern.La inspección de carne es una parte importante de la educación de todos los estudiantes de veterinaria. Sin embargo, los métodos tradicionales de educación requieren el sacrificio de animales vivos, y por lo tanto, se consideran costosos, inadecuados e inhumanos. El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías ha proporcionado una oportunidad para nuevas y mejoradas formas de aprendizaje. Inspección inteligente de carne en 3D (S3DMI) es una herramienta de aprendizaje electrónico que permite a los estudiantes de veterinaria adquirir las habilidades necesarias utilizando modelos 3D de los órganos y cadáveres de animales. Estos modelos se pueden manipular y “cortar” como órganos reales, lo que permite a los estudiantes aprender esta habilidad esencial sin necesidad de sujetos animales. Los estudiantes pueden practicar cualquier parte de la inspección de carne tantas veces como sea necesario, a su propio ritmo, sin limitaciones de tiempo, espacio o recursos. Este tipo de entrenamiento es considerado superior a los métodos tradicionales. No hay necesidad de sacrificar animales con fines educativos y el costo de la educación se reduce considerablemente, manteniendo la calidad. Es posible adaptar los modelos desarrollados para S3DMI para cursos como anatomía y patología animal, que también requieren el uso de cadáveres de animales reales. S3DMI todavía está en la fase de desarrollo, pero tiene un alto potencial para reducir el sacrificio de animales en la educación de los futuros veterinarios, garantizando al tiempo el progreso de calidad.L’ispezione delle carni è un importante aspetto del percorso formativo di ogni studente di veterinaria. I metodi tradizionali di studio delle carni richiedono il sacrificio di animali vivi e, quindi, sono ritenuti dispendiosi, inadeguati e disumani. Lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie ha offerto la possibilità di individuare metodi d’insegnamento nuovi e più efficaci. L’ispezione delle carni “intelligente” in 3D (S3DMI) è uno strumento didattico digitale che consente agli studenti di veterinaria di acquisire conoscenze fondamentali per il loro percorso formativo utilizzando modelli tridimensionali degli organi e delle carcasse animali. Si tratta di modelli tridimensionali che possono essere manipolati e “sezionati” come se fossero dei veri e propri organi, il che consente agli studenti di acquisire competenze fondamentali per la loro formazione senza la necessità di sacrificare la vita di alcun animale. Gli studenti potranno esercitarsi su qualunque parte dell’ispezione delle carni quante volte lo riterranno necessario, ognuno secondo il proprio ritmo, senza limiti temporali, spaziali o di risorse. Così facendo, sacrificare la vita degli animali a fini didattici diventerà superfluo, i costi d’insegnamento saranno notevolmente ridotti, mentre la qualità della formazione didattica sarà sempre migliore. I modelli sviluppati con la tecnologia S3DMI possono adattarsi anche a corsi di anatomia o patologia animale, che normalmente richiedono l’impiego di carcasse animali. Lo strumento didattico digitale S3DMI è ancora in una fase evolutiva di sviluppo, ma evidenza fin d’ora un gran potenziale in termini di riduzione dei “sacrifici” animali per la formazione dei futuri veterinari, garantendo, nel contempo, grandi progressi in fatto di qualità dell’insegnamento

    Comparative anatomical studies on ductus venosus in fetuses of domestic ruminants

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    The study has aimed to investigate and determine the anatomical position, shape, size, and histological features of the ductus venosus, and its role as a shunt in the fetal circulatory system in domestic ruminants. The research was conducted on 19 bovine, 11 sheep and 5 goat fetuses, aborted at the late stage of pregnancy or deceased just after delivery. The general anatomy of the ductus venosus was investigated by in-situ dissection of the corrosive cast obtained by injection of 25% solution of Vinylite mass through the umbilical vein. For histological examination, the fetal tissue samples were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin, Masson's trichrome, Verhoeff-Van Gieson and Gomori.s silver stain. The results showed that ruminant fetal ductus venosus is a curved, trumpet-shaped vessel, situated in the central part of the liver, above the porta hepatis. Its ventral part is constricted in the form of an isthmus, having a prominent lip-like thickening at the junction with the portal sinus. Histological examination showed the dominant presence of collagen and elastic fibers in its tunica media, with thin bands of smooth muscle fibers oriented in a longitudinal and circular direction indicating ability for vasoconstriction and vasodilatation. © 2021 Sciendo. All rights reserved


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    Abstract – The largest and most complete joint in Bosnian and Herzegovinian mountain horse is knee joint, which consists of two joints: femoropatellar and femorotibial joint. From the point of functional anatomy and due to the load on the knee joint, the study of functional structures of femorotibial joint is of particular interest. Femorotibial joint is formed by the condyles of the femur and tibia. Femur and tibia are joined together by two powerful connections, the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments (lig. cruciatum craniale et caudale). By dissection the muscles were carefully removed, the joint capsule opened, the ligaments dissected and the menisci separated. The results of measurement are presented in the Table. The lateral meniscus (meniscus lateralis) is highly developed. All measured parameters except for the width of the central part of the meniscus, indicate the lateral meniscus being greater than the medial meniscus. The objectives of this paper were to determine significant morphometric characteristics of the meniscus and meniscus-femoral connection of the lateral meniscus. Key words: horse, joint, meniscus, ligament </span

    Geometric and Morphometric Analysis of the Auditory Ossicles in the Red Fox (<i>Vulpes vulpes</i>)

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    The use of carnivores as experimental models in auditory biology has led to a significant improvement regarding our understanding of the structure and function of the ear. Considering that data regarding the anatomy of the middle ear in the red fox are rare, this study aimed to describe the morphological and morphometrical features of the auditory ossicles in the red fox, as well as to provide their shape characteristics by geometric analysis. Nine adult red foxes were used in the study. The malleus, incus and stapes were extracted from the middle ear, prepared, photographed and measured using the software. For the geometric analysis, 19 landmarks were used. Following Principal Component Analysis (PCA), PC1 was found to explain approximately half of all variance (incus: 49.97%; malleus: 49.93%; stapes: 58.49%). The study demonstrated the similar anatomical organization of the auditory ossicles in line with important morphometric and basic geometric data, which can contribute to this field and add a useful perspective to the literature


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    <p>Morphology and morphometry of the bones are the methods often used for identification of species, estimation of animals' age, and genetic and forensic investigation. The mandible as the largest bone of the head is perhaps the most representative sample for this research. The aim of this study was to determine the basic morphometric parameters of the mandible of roe deer and sheep in order to identify the species. All samples were described by linear measure morphometric analysis of 12 specific anatomical points on the mandibles of roe deer and sheep. The results obtained are presented in the Table as mean and standard deviation.</p><p>Key words: morphology, morphometry, mandible, roe deer, shee</p


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    <p>Morphological characteristics of the digestive systems in birds are direct reflection of evolutionary adaptations of these animals to different type and way of diet. The research conducted on domestic and some wild birds indicate that besides the evolutionary factors, time of start of food intake after the hatching, and amount and composition of food in the period of intensive growth also influence morphological characteristics of digestive systems in birds. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of extensive and intensive way of farming, and different types and amount of food on the morphometric characteristics of the small and large intestines in 45 broiler turkeys (BIG BUT 600). Statistical analysis shows that the way of breeding and the type and quantity of food all have significant impact on the body weight in turkeys but do not influence the length of the intestinal tract in these animals.</p><p>Key words: turkey, digestive system, morphology</p

    Comparative Anatomical Studies on Ductus Venosus in Fetuses of Domestic Ruminants

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    The study has aimed to investigate and determine the anatomical position, shape, size, and histological features of the ductus venosus, and its role as a shunt in the fetal circulatory system in domestic ruminants. The research was conducted on 19 bovine, 11 sheep and 5 goat fetuses, aborted at the late stage of pregnancy or deceased just after delivery. The general anatomy of the ductus venosus was investigated by in-situ dissection of the corrosive cast obtained by injection of 25% solution of Vinylite mass through the umbilical vein. For histological examination, the fetal tissue samples were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin, Masson's trichrome, Verhoeff-Van Gieson and Gomori.s silver stain. The results showed that ruminant fetal ductus venosus is a curved, trumpet-shaped vessel, situated in the central part of the liver, above the porta hepatis. Its ventral part is constricted in the form of an isthmus, having a prominent lip-like thickening at the junction with the portal sinus. Histological examination showed the dominant presence of collagen and elastic fibers in its tunica media, with thin bands of smooth muscle fibers oriented in a longitudinal and circular direction indicating ability for vasoconstriction and vasodilatation. © 2021 Sciendo. All rights reserved

    Skull variation in different breeds sheep from Balkan countries

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    The Balkan Peninsula region has a very diverse agricultural and livestock tradition, and almost every country has its own local breed of sheep. Different breeds of sheep and different breeding traditions, despite the small geographical distance, determine the morphological and morphometric variability among animal breeds. In this study, this morphological diversity among the skulls of sheep breeds of some countries in the Balkan region was examined by the geometric morphometric method. 2D images of 86 sheep skulls from five different countries were analyzed from the dorsal view.Sixteen landmarks were used. The Bardhoka and the Ivesi breed have the broadest distributions of skull shape amongst the sheep breeds. The Ruda sheep is the most morphologically conservative. The sheep from Turkey (Ivesi) and Kosovo (Bardhoka) seem to differ mainly from sheep from other Balkan countries. Bardhoka and Ruda differ most from each other (p < 0.0001). The next biggest differences were between Ivesi and Ruda (p < 0.0011) and between Bardhoka and Sharri sheep (p < 0.0016). The sheep breeds Dubska and Lara e Polisit differ the least from each other. Geometrics morphometric analysis is a useful tool to detect differences in the shape of the skull of different sheep breeds and can therefore be used successfully for taxonomic purposes

    Effects of nebivolol on artery hypertension--multicentre study Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases; drugs that reduce blood pressure and simultaneously improve or reverse endothelian dysfunction, as nebivolol, may be advantageous in terms of cardiovascular protection. The objective of this study is to show the anti-hypertensive efficacy and safety of nebivolol (5 mg once a day) given to patients with arterial hypertension for 3 months. It should also provide information about drug's influence on laboratory tests--fasting blood glucose and serum cholesterol, triglyceride and creatinine concentrations. Six centers--Tuzla, Sarajevo, Mostar, Bihac, Zenica and Banja Luka participated in this prospective study with follow-up period of 3 months that included 3 visits. The study group consisted of 328 hypertensic patients. Results showed a significant decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate at the end of the study. Fasting blood glucose level and serum cholesterol, triglyceride and creatinine changed significantly during the study, with lower levels of all the tests. Nebivolol seems to be free from some of the problems that generally accompany not only the classical beta- blockers but sometimes also newer classes of antihypertensive drugs. With its high anti-hypertensive efficiency and safety, and presence of statically significant difference in laboratory tests and beneficial effects, absence of adverse interaction with glucose and lipid metabolism, patients treated with Nebivolol may show an optimal adherence to therapy