6 research outputs found

    Development and Initial Validation of a Brief Questionnaire on the Patients’ View of the In-Session Realization of the Six Core Components of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

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    Background: Assessing in-session processes is important in psychotherapy research. The aim of the present study was to create and evaluate a short questionnaire capturing the patients’ view of the in-session realization of the six core components of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Method: In two studies, psychotherapy patients receiving ACT (Study 1: n = 87) or Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) (Study 2, Sample 1: n = 115; Sample 2: n = 156) completed the ACT session questionnaire (ACT-SQ). Therapists were n = 9 ACT therapists (Study 1) and n = 77 CBT trainee therapists (Study 2). Results: Factor structure: Exploratory factor analyses suggested a one-factor solution for the ACT-SQ. Reliability: Cronbach’s alpha of the ACT-SQ was good (Study 1: α = .81; Study 2, Sample 1: α = .84; Sample 2: α = .88). Convergent validity: The ACT-SQ was positively correlated with validated psychotherapeutic change mechanisms (p \u3c .05). Criterion validity: Higher ACT-SQ scores were associated with better treatment outcomes (p \u3c .05). Conclusion: The study provides preliminary evidence for the reliability and validity of the ACT-SQ to assess the in-session realization of the six core components of ACT in the patients’ view. Further validation studies and ACT-SQ versions for therapists and observers are necessary

    Inactivation of mediator complex protein 22 in podocytes results in intracellular vacuole formation, podocyte loss and premature death

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    Podocytes are critical for the maintenance of kidney ultrafiltration barrier and play a key role in the progression of glomerular diseases. Although mediator complex proteins have been shown to be important for many physiological and pathological processes, their role in kidney tissue has not been studied. In this study, we identified a mediator complex protein 22 (Med22) as a renal podocyte cell-enriched molecule. Podocyte-specific Med22 knockout mouse showed that Med22 was not needed for normal podocyte maturation. However, it was critical for the maintenance of podocyte health as the mice developed progressive glomerular disease and died due to renal failure. Detailed morphological analyses showed that Med22-deficiency in podocytes resulted in intracellular vacuole formation followed by podocyte loss. Moreover, Med22-deficiency in younger mice promoted the progression of glomerular disease, suggesting Med22-mediated processes may have a role in the development of glomerulopathies. This study shows for the first time that mediator complex has a critical role in kidney physiology.Peer reviewe

    Preferences for service bundles in the energy sector - a survey of German private households

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    Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine private households’ preferences for service bundles in the German energy market. Design/methodology/approach This investigation is based on survey data collected from 3,663 customers of seven mainly municipal energy suppliers in the German energy market. The data set was analyzed via a binary logistic regression model to identify the most prospective customers and their preferences regarding bundles of energy services. Findings The results indicate that potential adopters of energy-related service bundles have greater prior knowledge about service bundles; place higher importance on simplified handling, flat rates and long price guarantees; prefer to purchase a service bundle from an energy supplier; live in urban areas and have a gas tariff; are both less likely to have a green electricity tariff and to support the German energy transition; have a greater intention to purchase a smart home product; are less likely to already be prosumers; and prefer customer centers and social media as communication channels with energy providers. Practical implications This paper offers several implications for decision-makers in developing marketing strategies for bundled offerings in a highly competitive energy market. Originality/value This paper contributes to the sparse research on service bundles in the energy sector, despite the growing interest of energy suppliers and consumers in this topic. It expands the research focusing on the telecommunications sector

    Innovative Energieprodukte fĂĽr die Stadtwerke-Zukunft : was wĂĽnschen die Kunden?

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    Wenn es um innovative energiewirtschaftliche Produkte und Dienstleistungen geht, steht das eigene Energieversorungsunternehmen (EVU) hoch im Kurs. Die Ergebnisse einer Umfrage mit über 7.000 ausgewerteten Fragebögen zeigen auch: für Eigen- und Communitystrom, Smart Home, E-Mobilität und Bündelangebote gibt es spezifische Zielgruppen. Mehr Kunden interessieren sich für zeitvariable Tarife als für Flatrates. Am liebsten kontaktiert man sein EVU über das Kundencenter oder das Online-Kundenportal. Zielgruppenspezifische und (regional) differenzierte Marktstrategien zahlen sich aus, wozu Produktentwicklung und Vertrieb weiter professionalisiert werden müssen

    Development and Initial Validation of a Brief Questionnaire on the Patients’ View of the In-Session Realization of the Six Core Components of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

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    [Background] Assessing in-session processes is important in psychotherapy research. The aim of the present study was to create and evaluate a short questionnaire capturing the patients’ view of the in-session realization of the six core components of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). [Method] In two studies, psychotherapy patients receiving ACT (Study 1: n = 87) or Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) (Study 2, Sample 1: n = 115; Sample 2: n = 156) completed the ACT session questionnaire (ACT-SQ). Therapists were n = 9 ACT therapists (Study 1) and n = 77 CBT trainee therapists (Study 2). [Results] Factor structure: Exploratory factor analyses suggested a one-factor solution for the ACT-SQ. Reliability: Cronbach’s alpha of the ACT-SQ was good (Study 1: α = .81; Study 2, Sample 1: α = .84; Sample 2: α = .88). Convergent validity: The ACT-SQ was positively correlated with validated psychotherapeutic change mechanisms (p < .05). Criterion validity: Higher ACT-SQ scores were associated with better treatment outcomes (p < .05). [Conclusion] The study provides preliminary evidence for the reliability and validity of the ACT-SQ to assess the in-session realization of the six core components of ACT in the patients’ view. Further validation studies and ACT-SQ versions for therapists and observers are necessary

    Living Lab as a Service: Individuelle Dienstleistungen zur nutzerzentrierten Innovationsentwicklung im Smart Home

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    Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) in den Bereichen Smart Home und Smart Living ist durch die zunehmende Vernetzung des häuslichen Anwendungsfelds mit der Digitalisierung des Stromnetzes, alternativen Möglichkeiten der Energiegewinnung und -speicherung und neuer Mobilitätskonzepte geprägt und zu einem unverzichtbaren Bestandteil privaten wie unternehmerischen Handelns geworden