93 research outputs found

    An improvement of a cellular manufacturing system design using simulation analysis

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    Cell Formation (CF) problem involves grouping the parts into part families and machines into manufacturing cells, so that parts with similar processing requirements are manufactured within the same cell. Many researches have suggested methods for CF. Few of these methods; have addressed the possible existence of exceptional elements (EE) in the solution and the effect of correspondent intercellular movement, which cause lack of segregation among the cells. This paper presents a simulation-based methodology, which takes into consideration the stochastic aspect in the cellular manufacturing (CM) system, to create better cell configurations. An initial solution is developed using any of the numerous CF procedures. The objective of the proposed method which provides performances ratings and cost-effective consist in determine how best to deal with the remaining EE. It considers and compares two strategies (1) permitting intercellular transfer and (2) exceptional machine duplication. The process is demonstrated with a numerical exampleCell Formation; Exceptional Elements; Simulation; Alternative costs; Improvement

    A New Combined Framework for the Cellular Manufacturing Systems Design

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    Cellular Manufacturing (CM) system has been recognized as an efficient and effective way to improve productivity in a factory. In recent years, there have been continuous research efforts to study different facet of CM system. The literature does not contain much published research on CM design which includes all design aspects. In this paper we provide a framework for the complete CM system design. It combines Axiomatic Design (AD) and Experimental Design (ED) to generate several feasible and potentially profitable designs. The AD approach is used as the basis for establishing a systematic CM systems design structure. ED has been a very useful tool to design and analyze complicated industrial design problems. AD helps secure valid input-factors to the ED. An element of the proposed framework is desmontrate through a numerical example for cell formation with alternative process.Cellular manufacturing; Design methodology Axiomatic Design; Experimental Design.

    Formation of machine groups and part families in cellular manufacturing systems using a correlation analysis approach

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    The important step in the design of a cellular manufacturing (CM) system is to identify the part families and machine groups and consequently to form manufacturing cells. The scope of this article is to formulate a multivariate approach based on a correlation analysis for solving cell formation problem. The proposed approach is carried out in three phases. In the first phase, the correlation matrix is used as similarity coefficient matrix. In the second phase, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is applied to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors on the correlation similarity matrix. A scatter plot analysis as a cluster analysis is applied to make simultaneously machine groups and part families while maximizing correlation between elements. In the third stage, an algorithm is improved to assign exceptional machines and exceptional parts using respectively angle measure and Euclidian distance. The proposed approach is also applied to the general Group Technology (GT) problem in which exceptional machines and part are considered. Furthermore, the proposed approach has the flexibility to consider the number of cells as a dependent or independent variable. Two numerical examples for the design of cell structures are provided in order to illustrate the three phases of proposed approach. The results of a comparative study based on multiple performance criteria show that the present approach is very effective, efficient and practical.cellular manufacturing; cell formation; correlation matrix; Principal Component Analysis; exceptional machines and parts

    A Taguchi method application for the part routing selection in Generalized Group Technology: A case Study

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    Cellular manufacturing (CM) is an important application of group technology (GT) that can be used to enhance both flexibility and efficiency in today’s small-to-medium lot production environment. The crucial step in the design of a CM system is the cell formation (CF) problem which involves grouping parts into families and machines into cells. The CF problem are increasingly complicated if parts are assigned with alternative routings (known as generalized Group Technology problem). In most of the previous works, the route selection problem and CF problem were formulated in a single model which is not practical for solving large-scale problems. We suggest that better solution could be obtained by formulating and solving them separately in two different problems. The aim of this case study is to apply Taguchi method for the route selection problem as an optimization technique to get back to the simple CF problem which can be solved by any of the numerous CF procedures. In addition the main effect of each part and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are introduced as a sensitivity analysis aspect that is completely ignored in previous research.Cellular Manufacturing; generalized Group Technology; route selection problem; Taguchi method; ANOVA; sensitivity analysis

    Analysis of a multiaccess/switching technique for multibeam satellites in a prioritized ISDN environment

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    An integrated multibeam satellite system with a new multiple access technique and an on-board baseband switch with priority rule is analyzed. The performance analysis includes the computation of the various packet loss, call locking, and packet delays of a typical user in an integrated satellite internetworking environment. The uplink technique employed is a hybrid packet/circuit switched approach of the Demand Assignment type, while the down link is a Time Division Multiplexing technique. On board the satellite, a baseband nonblocking switch is employed to route packets from input to output ports. Various amounts of input and output buffering as well as priority rules and a head of line blocking resolution algorithm are employed to improve the performance of the data services without affecting other services performance. The delay and throughput characteristics of the services are determined by examining the relationships between the head of line resolution, buffer sizes, and internal speedup ratio of the baseband switch

    Impact du contenu informatif du rapport de l'auditeur sur le délai de sa signature : étude empirique menée dans le contexte tunisien

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    L'objectif de notre étude vise à examiner l'impact du type d'opinion émis par l'auditeur externe sur le délai d'établissement de son rapport, sur un échantillon de 137 entreprises tunisiennes. Pour tendre vers cet objectif, nous avons dérivé et testé un modèle de régression linéaire multivariée en données de panel. Les résultats de notre étude révèlent que la certification avec réserve affecte positivement et significativement le délai d'intervention de l'auditeur dans sa mission. Ce résultat corrobore ceux trouvés par Bamber. E, Bamber. L et Schoderbek (1993); Wermet, Dodd et Doucet (2000); Haw et al. (2003); Leventis, Weetman et Caramanis (2005); et Owusu-Ansah et Leventis (2006). Pour la variable taille du cabinet d'audit, nous pouvons avancer que les firmes d'audit Big 4 sont plus susceptibles à réduire le délai de la remise des rapports d'audit que celles Non-Big Four. Ce résultat appuie ceux de Schwartz et Soo (1996); Courteau et Zeghal (1999); Piot (2006); Leventis, weetman et Caramanis (2005) et Owusu-Ansah et Leventis (2006).Opinion d'audit; Délai d'audit; Taille des cabinets; Rapport d'audit

    Lecture numérique : impact du genre et de la discipline scientifique sur l'usage du web 2 .0

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    A nos jours, l'acte de lire, qui représente " l'activité par laquelle se comprend l'écrit " [Foucambert, 96], se trouve complètement transformé. Impliquant toute sorte d'activité cognitive, dépendant du niveau des connaissances du lecteur [Gastaldy, 02] et du support, à partir duquel elle s'effectue [Vandendorpe, 01], et faisant appel à trois dimensions : sémiotique, psycho-cognitive et sociale [Peeters et Charlier, 95], la lecture à l'ère du numérique connait une véritable révolution. Evoquer le verbe lire, c'est parler du déchiffrement, de la navigation, de l'interprétation, de l'appropriation, du partage, etc [Ghitalla, 03]. Dans le contexte tunisien, outre ces amalgames de concepts, la réalité sociale et culturelle nous offre un nouveau paysage de cet acte de lecture chez les chercheurs tunisiens à l'ère de l'omniprésence de l'ordinateur. Nous étudions l'influence de la variable genre sur les pratiques et les usages du numériques chez 307 chercheurs tunisiens et nous croisons cette variable avec la catégorie du chercheur puis avec sa discipline scientifique d'appartenance. Littéraires et scientifiques changent d'habitudes vis-à-vis de l'activité de lecture ; hommes et femmes n'ont pas le même rapport avec les outils numériques (l'activité de lecture est-elle une activité masculine !) ; " Natifs du numérique " (digital natives) et leurs aînés n'ont pas le même rapport à la culture et n'ont pas les mêmes références culturelles [Giffard, 09], [Octobre, 10] ; et enfin, le travail collaboratif imposé aujourd'hui par ces nouveaux outils numériques concrétisant le processus social de la lecture reste encore timide (absence d'une culture de groupe chez les chercheurs tunisiens à l'ère de facebook !). Les femmes transposent plus que les hommes leurs pratiques de lecture sur papier quand elles sont intéressées par un document numérique. Plus que les hommes, elles préfèrent imprimer le document numérique que le consulter sur l'écran et elles ont tendance à prendre des notes sur papier en cas de lecture numérique. Femmes et hommes utilisent dans leur majorité les fonctionnalités offertes par le web 2.0. Des résultats montrent néanmoins des usages spécifiques à tel ou tel autre genre pour certaines fonctionnalités. Les femmes sont légèrement moins portées que les hommes pour l'échange et le partage de documents. Aussi, elles participent moins que les hommes à des communautés scientifiques virtuelles. D'ailleurs, l'accès aux ressources numériques a plus d'impact sur la culture d'hommes que des femmes. Les éléments de réponse et les idées avancées dans cette communication trouvent leurs fondements dans une enquête menée par le groupe " lecture des documents numériques et nouveaux usages " en 2008 auprès des chercheurs tunisiens portant sur leurs pratiques de lecture numérique [Limam, 08], [Ben Romdhane, 08], [Hchicha, 09], mais aussi par un brassage d'une littérature assez riche et diversifiée sur l'activité de lecture. Cette analyse des pratiques de lecture chez les chercheurs tunisiens et des différents éléments affectant ces pratiques sera confrontée à des résultats de travaux de recherche développés chez nos voisins du nord [Donnat, 09], [Béreau, 09], [Stiegler, 09], [Ziming, 06]

    Nouveaux modes de lecture-écriture des enseignants chercheurs tunisiens dans l'environnement numérique

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    We present in this paper the partial results of a survey of faculty Tunisians on their new practices of reading and writing and new forms of appropriation or exchange content in a digital environment emerged. OF RESULTS These are a set of answers to questions related to the types of digital documents most read, the structuring elements most useful to document formats most used and most popular, as well as the representation of hyperlinks in teacher-researchers. Other elements of answers related to collaborative work practices Tunisian researchers such as annotations of documents and participation in online group work are also presented
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