94 research outputs found

    Doğu Anadolu Bölgesinde yaşayan hastaların mandibular interforaminal alanda mental foramenin karakteristiği: konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi çalışması

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    Amaç: Mental foramenin konumu ve sayısı, mandibular kanalın konumu ve seyri, periodontal cerrahi, dental implant uygulanması ve sagital split ramus osteotomisi gibi mandibular cerrahi işlemlerin başarısını etkileyen faktörler arasındadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi kullanılarak Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde yaşayan hastalarda mental foramenin konumunu ve varyasyonlarını belirlemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmaya, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi’ne muayene için başvuran, dental implant planlaması, gömülü diş pozisyonunun belirlenmesi ve patolojik lezyonların değerlendirilmesi gibi nedenlerle konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi çekilmiş 742 hasta dahil edilmiştir. Konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi görüntüleri üzerinde mental foramenin mandibulanın en apikal noktasına uzaklığı, mental foramenin mandibulanın en lingual noktasına uzaklığı ve mental foramenin mandibulanın en koronal noktasına uzaklığı ölçülmüştür. Bu ölçümlere ek olarak mental foramenin meziodistal çapı ve apikokoronal çapı da değerlendirilmiştir Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan hastaların yaş ortalaması 39,1 yıl olarak ve yaş aralığı ise 20-60 yıl olarak belirlenmiştir. Mental foramen ölçümleri konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi bilgisayar yazılımı ile mandibulanın cross-sectional görüntüleri üzerinde yapılmıştır. Mental foramenin pozisyonu değerlendirildiğinde, mental foramen ile mandibulanın apikal kenarı arası ortalama mesafe 5,85 mm olarak ölçülmüştür. Mental foramenin mandibular kronal kenarı arası ortalama mesafe ise 11,24 mm olarak belirlenmiştir. Mental foramen, mandibular lingual kenar arasındaki ortalama mesafe ise 3,44 mm olarak ölçülmüştür. Mental foramenin ortalama meziodistal çapı 2,95 mm ve apikokoronal çapı 2,78 mm olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Mental foramenin, mandibula inferior, superior ve lingual kenarlarına olan uzaklığı, mental foramenin meziodistal ve apikokoronal çapı hastalara göre farklılık göstermektedir. Mental foramen konumunun iyi bilinmesi periodontal cerrahi ve implant cerrahi sırasında oluşabilecek paralizi ve hemoraji gibi komplikasyonları en aza indirmektedir. Konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi anatomik yapıların saptanmasında etkili bir diagnostik teknik olduğu belirlenmiştir.. Bu çalışma Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde yaşayan insanların mental foramen konumlarının belirlendiği ve bu değerlerin cinsiyet ve yaşa göre karşılaştırıldığı birçalışmadı

    Alteration of maternal serum irisin levels in gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Objectives: The aim of our study was to compare serum irisin concentrations in pregnant women with and without ges­tational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Material and methods: This study was performed at the Tertiary Care Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecol­ogy, between January 2014 and April 2014. A total of 45 pregnant women with GDM (diabetes group) and 41 BMI- and age-matched healthy pregnant women (control group) were recruited. Maternal serum irisin levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit at 24–28 weeks of gestation. An association between maternal serum irisin lev­els and metabolic parameters was analyzed. Body mass index, serum levels of glucose, insulin and irisin were tested and analyzed in the study group and controls. Results: Pregnant women with GDM had significantly higher fasting plasma glucose (p = 0.001), first-hour OGTT glucose (p = 0.001), second-hour OGTT glucose (p = 0.001), and fasting insulin (p = 0.045) levels as compared to controls. Serum irisin levels were 1.04 ± 0.3 and 1.3 ± 0.2 in pregnant women with GDM and healthy pregnant controls, respectively (p = 0.001). Correlation analysis between irisin levels and anthropometric and biochemical parameters in patients with gestational diabetes revealed that none of the investigated parameters correlated with serum irisin level. Conclusions: Our results suggest that serum irisin levels might be introduced as a novel marker for GDM, with decreased levels of irisin being indicative of GDM

    Interference with Oligomerization and Glycosaminoglycan Binding of the Chemokine CCL5 Improves Experimental Liver Injury

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    Background: The chemokine CCL5 is involved in the recruitment of immune cells and a subsequent activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSC) after liver injury. We here investigate whether inhibition of CCL5 oligomerization and glycosaminoglycan binding by a mutated CCL5 protein ( 44 AANA 47-CCL5) has the potential to ameliorate liver cell injury and fibrosis in vivo. Methodology: Liver injury was induced in C57BL/6 mice by intraperitoneal injection of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) inan acute and a chronic liver injury model. Simultaneously, mice received either 44 AANA 47-CCL5 or vehicle. Liver cell necrosis and fibrosis was analyzed by histology, and measurement of serum transaminases and hydroxyproline. Intrahepatic mRNA expression of fibrosis and inflammation related genes were determined by quantitative RT-PCR and infiltration of immune cells was assessed by FACS analysis and immunocytochemistry. In vitro, HSC were stimulated with conditioned media of T-cell enriched splenocytes. Principal Findings: 44 AANA 47-CCL5 treated mice displayed a significantly reduced degree of acute liver injury (liver cell necrosis, transaminases) and fibrosis (Sirus red positive area and hydroxyproline content) compared to vehicle treated mice. Ameliorated fibrosis by 44 AANA 47-CCL5 was associated with a decreased expression of fibrosis related genes, decreased a-smoth muscle antigen (aSMA) and a reduction of infiltrating immune cells. In the acute model, 44 AANA 47-CCL5 treated mice displayed a reduced immune cell infiltration and mRNA levels of TNF, IL-1 and CCL3 compared to vehicle treated mice. I

    Expert opinion on screening, diagnosis and management of diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a multidisciplinary approach

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    The proposed expert opinion aimed to address the current knowledge on conceptual, clinical, and therapeutic aspects of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) and to provide a guidance document to assist clinicians for the best practice in DPN care. The participating experts consider the suspicion of the disease by clinicians as a key factor in early recognition and diagnosis, emphasizing an improved awareness of the disease by the first-admission or referring physicians. The proposed “screening and diagnostic” algorithm involves the consideration of DPN in a patient with prediabetes or diabetes who presents with neuropathic symptoms and/or signs of neuropathy in the presence of DPN risk factors, with careful consideration of laboratory testing to rule out other causes of distal symmetric peripheral neuropathy and referral for a detailed neurological work-up for a confirmative test of either small or large nerve fiber dysfunction in atypical cases. Although, the first-line interventions for DPN are currently represented by optimized glycemic control (mainly for type 1 diabetes) and multifactorial intervention (mainly for type 2 diabetes), there is a need for individualized pathogenesis-directed treatment approaches for DPN. Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) seems to be an important first-line pathogenesis-directed agent, given that it is a direct and indirect antioxidant that works with a strategy targeted directly against reactive oxygen species and indirectly in favor of endogenous antioxidant capacity for improving DPN conditions. There is still a gap in existing research in the field, necessitating well-designed, robust, multicenter clinical trials with sensitive endpoints and standardized protocols to facilitate the diagnosis of DPN via a simple and effective algorithm and to track progression of disease and treatment response. Identification of biomarkers/predictors that would allow an individualized approach from a potentially disease-modifying perspective may provide opportunities for novel treatments that would be efficacious in early stages of DPN, and may modify the natural course of the disease. This expert opinion document is expected to increase awareness among physicians about conceptual, clinical, and therapeutic aspects of DPN and to assist them in timely recognition of DPN and translating this information into their clinical practice for best practice in the management of patients with DPN

    Анализ технических средств для измерения параметров кривизны скважины

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    Магистерская диссертация включает 109 страниц текстового материала, 21 рисунок, 12 таблиц, 45 источников, 4 приложения. Объект исследования: Телеметрическое оборудование для проведения измерений параметров кривизны скважины. Цель работы: разработка методики выбора телеметрической системы дляконкретно заданных геолого-технических условий. Результаты исследования: Основным результатом исследовательской работы является разработка методики выбора телеметрической системы для различных геолого технологических условий. Методы проведения исследования: Был проведен сбор данных практического использования различных телеметрических систем и по результатам проведенного анализа приведены рекомендации по выбору подходящего типа оборудования для различных геолого-технологических условий.Object of research: M/LWD telemetry systems. Results of research: The main result of the research work is the development of a methodology for selecting a telemetry system for various geological and technical conditions. Methods of conducting the research: Oil filed data was collected systems and as a result of a comparative analysis of the data obtained in a table of recommendations

    Growth, tolerance and safety outcomes with use of an extensively hydrolyzed casein-based formula in infants with cow’s milk protein allergy

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    ObjectiveTo evaluate growth, tolerance and safety outcomes with use of an extensively hydrolyzed casein-based formula (eHCF) in infants with cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA).MethodsA total of 226 infants (mean ± SD age: 106.5 ± 39.5 days, 52.7% were girls) with CMPA who received eHCF comprising at least half of the daily dietary intake were included. Data on anthropometrics [weight for age (WFA), length for age (LFA) and weight for length (WFL) z-scores] were recorded at baseline (visit 1), while data on infant feeding and stool records, anthropometrics and Infant Feeding and Stool Patterns and Formula Satisfaction Questionnaires were recorded at visit 2 (on Days 15 ± 5) and visit 3 (on Days 30 ± 5).ResultsFrom baseline to visit 2 and visit 3, WFA z-scores (from −0.60 ± 1.13 to −0.54 ± 1.09 at visit 2, and to −0.44 ± 1.05 at visit 3, p < 0.001) and WFL z-scores (from −0.80 ± 1.30 to −0.71 ± 1.22 at visit 2, and to −0.64 ± 1.13 at visit 3, p = 0.002) were significantly increased. At least half of infants never experienced irritability or feeding refusal (55.7%) and spit-up after feeding (50.2%). The majority of mothers were satisfied with the study formula (93.2%), and wished to continue using it (92.2%).ConclusionsIn conclusion, eHCF was well-accepted and tolerated by an intended use population of infants  ≤ 6 months of age with CMPA and enabled adequate volume consumption and improved growth indices within 30 days of utilization alongside a favorable gastrointestinal tolerance and a high level of parental satisfaction

    Knowledge management in knowledge intensive business firms: A study of advertising agencies in Turkey

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    WOS: 000287383500002Knowledge management in knowledge intensive business firms: A study of advertising agencies in Turkey This study aims to explore the knowledge related factors affecting the performances of knowledge intensive business firms. As an important strategic driver of today's economy, knowledge management especially in knowledge-intensive businesses requires a detail investigation (Grant, 1996). By conducting a case study on six advertising agencies operating in Turkey, each representing a different performance level and ownership status, methods of knowledge gathering, sharing, and accumulation in knowledge intensive business firms are examined and the knowledge related factors that may help to increase competitiveness of these firms are explored. The results indicate that the nature of ownership is a strong determinant of using knowledge in knowledge intensive businesses. In addition, accumulating knowledge by getting experienced in different industries and serving for different clients may become a competitive advantage for these firms

    Measurement of efficiency of the dialysis sector in Turkey using data envelopment analysis

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    Objectives Limited prior work exists on the efficiency of the dialysis sector characterized by steady increase in the dialysis population, providers, and dialysis expenditures in Turkey. The study aimed to examine technical efficiency among producers of dialysis treatment in Turkey.Methods Cross-sectional data were used from the 2008 Turkish Statistical Yearbook of Dialysis for total 830 dialysis facilities. Efficiency was measured using data envelopment analysis technique.Results Results drawn from an input-oriented variable-returns-to-scale model showed technical efficiency from only 3% of facilities, as well as 50% reduction in inputs. Mean efficiency score was found higher among facilities that were freestanding, private, affiliated with international chains, older, and located in Istanbul.Conclusion Efficiency enhancement in dialysis production in Turkey should be placed on the priority agenda, along with careful evaluation of impact of the already-inserted changes on efficiency.Dialysis Efficiency Data envelopment analysis Turkey