479 research outputs found

    On Retardation Effects in Space Charge Calculations Of High Current Electron Beams

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    Laser-plasma accelerators are expected to deliver electron bunches with high space charge fields. Several recent publications have addressed the impact of space charge effects on such bunches after the extraction into vacuum. Artifacts due to the approximation of retardation effects are addressed, which are typically either neglected or approximated. We discuss a much more appropriate calculation for the case of laser wakefield acceleration with negligible retardation artifacts due to the calculation performed in the mean rest frame. This presented calculation approach also aims at a validation of other simulation approaches

    Introducing the Fission-Fusion Reaction Process: Using a Laser-Accelerated Th Beam to produce Neutron-Rich Nuclei towards the N=126 Waiting Point of the r Process

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    We propose to produce neutron-rich nuclei in the range of the astrophysical r-process around the waiting point N=126 by fissioning a dense laser-accelerated thorium ion bunch in a thorium target (covered by a CH2 layer), where the light fission fragments of the beam fuse with the light fission fragments of the target. Via the 'hole-boring' mode of laser Radiation Pressure Acceleration using a high-intensity, short pulse laser, very efficiently bunches of 232Th with solid-state density can be generated from a Th layer, placed beneath a deuterated polyethylene foil, both forming the production target. Th ions laser-accelerated to about 7 MeV/u will pass through a thin CH2 layer placed in front of a thicker second Th foil closely behind the production target and disintegrate into light and heavy fission fragments. In addition, light ions (d,C) from the CD2 production target will be accelerated as well to about 7 MeV/u, inducing the fission process of 232Th also in the second Th layer. The laser-accelerated ion bunches with solid-state density, which are about 10^14 times more dense than classically accelerated ion bunches, allow for a high probability that generated fission products can fuse again. In contrast to classical radioactive beam facilities, where intense but low-density radioactive beams are merged with stable targets, the novel fission-fusion process draws on the fusion between neutron-rich, short-lived, light fission fragments both from beam and target. The high ion beam density may lead to a strong collective modification of the stopping power in the target, leading to significant range enhancement. Using a high-intensity laser as envisaged for the ELI-Nuclear Physics project in Bucharest (ELI-NP), estimates promise a fusion yield of about 10^3 ions per laser pulse in the mass range of A=180-190, thus enabling to approach the r-process waiting point at N=126.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    The Refractive Index of Silicon at Gamma Ray Energies

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    The index of refraction n(E_{\gamma})=1+\delta(E_{\gamma})+i\beta(E_{\gamma}) is split into a real part \delta and an absorptive part \beta. The absorptive part has the three well-known contributions to the cross section \sigma_{abs}: the photo effect, the Compton effect and the pair creation, but there is also the inelastic Delbr\"uck scattering. Second-order elastic scattering cross sections \sigma_{sca} with Rayleigh scattering (virtual photo effect), virtual Compton effect and Delbr\"uck scattering (virtual pair creation) can be calculated by integrals of the Kramers-Kronig dispersion relations from the cross section \sigma_{abs}. The real elastic scattering amplitudes are proportional to the refractive indices \delta_{photo}, \delta_{Compton} and \delta_{pair}. While for X-rays the negative \delta_{photo} dominates, we show for the first time experimentally and theoretically that the positive \delta_{pair} dominates for \gamma rays, opening a new era of \gamma optics applications, i.e. of nuclear photonics.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Diagnostic criterion for crystallized beams

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    Small ion crystals in a Paul trap are stable even in the absence of laser cooling. Based on this theoretically and experimentally well-established fact we propose the following diagnostic criterion for establishing the presence of a crystallized beam: Absence of heating following the shut-down of all cooling devices. The validity of the criterion is checked with the help of detailed numerical simulations.Comment: REVTeX, 11 pages, 4 figures; submitted to PR

    On the feasibility of a nuclear exciton laser

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    Nuclear excitons known from M\"ossbauer spectroscopy describe coherent excitations of a large number of nuclei -- analogous to Dicke states (or Dicke super-radiance) in quantum optics. In this paper, we study the possibility of constructing a laser based on these coherent excitations. In contrast to the free electron laser (in its usual design), such a device would be based on stimulated emission and thus might offer certain advantages, e.g., regarding energy-momentum accuracy. Unfortunately, inserting realistic parameters, the window of operability is probably not open (yet) to present-day technology -- but our design should be feasible in the UV regime, for example.Comment: 7 pages RevTeX, 4 figure

    Ultrasmall divergence of laser-driven ion beams from nanometer thick foils

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    We report on experimental studies of divergence of proton beams from nanometer thick diamond-like carbon (DLC) foils irradiated by an intense laser with high contrast. Proton beams with extremely small divergence (half angle) of 2 degree are observed in addition with a remarkably well-collimated feature over the whole energy range, showing one order of magnitude reduction of the divergence angle in comparison to the results from micrometer thick targets. We demonstrate that this reduction arises from a steep longitudinal electron density gradient and an exponentially decaying transverse profile at the rear side of the ultrathin foils. Agreements are found both in an analytical model and in particle-in-cell simulations. Those novel features make nm foils an attractive alternative for high flux experiments relevant for fundamental research in nuclear and warm dense matter physics.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Exploring the multi-humped fission barrier of 238U via sub-barrier photofission

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    The photofission cross-section of 238U was measured at sub-barrier energies as a function of the gamma-ray energy using, for the first time, a monochromatic, high-brilliance, Compton-backscattered gamma-ray beam. The experiment was performed at the High Intensity gamma-ray Source (HIgS) facility at beam energies between E=4.7 MeV and 6.0 MeV and with ~3% energy resolution. Indications of transmission resonances have been observed at gamma-ray beam energies of E=5.1 MeV and 5.6 MeV with moderate amplitudes. The triple-humped fission barrier parameters of 238U have been determined by fitting EMPIRE-3.1 nuclear reaction code calculations to the experimental photofission cross section.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Transmission resonance spectroscopy in the third minimum of 232Pa

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    The fission probability of 232Pa was measured as a function of the excitation energy in order to search for hyperdeformed (HD) transmission resonances using the (d,pf) transfer reaction on a radioactive 231Pa target. The experiment was performed at the Tandem accelerator of the Maier-Leibnitz Laboratory (MLL) at Garching using the 231Pa(d,pf) reaction at a bombarding energy of E=12 MeV and with an energy resolution of dE=5.5 keV. Two groups of transmission resonances have been observed at excitation energies of E=5.7 and 5.9 MeV. The fine structure of the resonance group at E=5.7 MeV could be interpreted as overlapping rotational bands with a rotational parameter characteristic to a HD nuclear shape. The fission barrier parameters of 232Pa have been determined by fitting TALYS 1.2 nuclear reaction code calculations to the overall structure of the fission probability. From the average level spacing of the J=4 states, the excitation energy of the ground state of the 3rd minimum has been deduced to be E(III)=5.05 MeV.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Pion and muon production in electron-positron photon plasma

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    We study production and equilibration of pions and muons in relativistic electron-positron-photon plasma at a temperature T≪mμ,mπT\ll m_\mu, m_\pi . We argue that the observation of pions and muons can be a diagnostic tool in the study of the initial properties of such a plasma formed by means of strong laser fields. Conversely, properties of muons and pions in thermal environment become accessible to precise experimental study.Comment: 16 pages, v3 imporved presentation in response to PRD review, v4 minor corrections presumably the "to be" published versio

    Dynamics of Nanometer-Scale Foil Targets Irradiated with Relativistically Intense Laser Pulses

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    In this letter we report on an experimental study of high harmonic radiation generated in nanometer-scale foil targets irradiated under normal incidence. The experiments constitute the first unambiguous observation of odd-numbered relativistic harmonics generated by the v⃗×B⃗\vec{v}\times\vec{B} component of the Lorentz force verifying a long predicted property of solid target harmonics. Simultaneously the observed harmonic spectra allow in-situ extraction of the target density in an experimental scenario which is of utmost interest for applications such as ion acceleration by the radiation pressure of an ultraintense laser.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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