289 research outputs found

    Color Coded: Party Politics in the American West, 1950-2016

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    Review of: Color Coded: Party Politics in the American West, 1950–2016, by Walter Nugent

    The german camera evaluation project - results from the geometry group

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    The so-called German camera evaluation project was initiated by the German society of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation (DGPF) in order to allow for comprehensive empirical test on photogrammetric digital airborne camera systems. During this test, the digital camera systems DMC, Ultracam-X, ADS40 (2nd generation), JAS-150, Quattro DigiCAM and AIC-x1 were flown in the test site Vaihingen/Enz in summer 2008. In addition, RMK analogue images and ALS50 LiDAR data were recorded for comparison, while reference measurements on the ground were made available as well. Parts of the test field were also covered from hyper-spectral sensor flights, namely the AISA+ and ROSIS system. After data collection all this material was prepared, documented and distributed to more than 30 institutions which participated in the evaluation and formed the project network of expertise. This evaluation phase included topics like the analysis of geometric accuracy and sensor calibration, the radiometric performance including on-site radiometric calibration and multi-spectral land classifications. Additionally, the performance of photogrammetric surface model generation and the potential of manual stereo plotting from digital images were investigated. Within this paper, the major findings from the geometric evaluations, namely sensor orientation and height model generation are presented

    Effect of Gender on the Behavioral Economics of Cigarette Smoking

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between gender and behavioral economics of cigarette smoking, specifically with regard to the use of chewing gum as a substitute reinforcer for smoking. The influence of menstrual cycle was also investigated. Participants included 25 students from a college in Oklahoma for the first segment of the study and 10 college students for the second segment. All participants were smokers. Participants completed the Fagerstrm Test for Nicotine Dependence and a hypothetical purchasing paradigm. Participants in the second segment also completed a questionnaire concerning menstrual cycle. Own-price and cross price elasticities were computed for all commodities presented to participants. Both men and women decreased their consumption of cigarettes as price of cigarettes increased. ANOVA revealed that men and women displayed significantly different patterns of chewing gum consumption. Simple effects analyses determined that women's consumption of chewing gum differed across changing costs of cigarettes, while men's consumption did not. Data concerning menstrual cycle was analyzed using t-tests. Women's consumption of cigarettes was similar across the luteal and follicular menstrual phases. There was no significant difference in the pattern of chewing gum use between these two phases.Department of Psycholog

    Men's and Women's Self-reported Behavioral and Physical Dependence on Cigarette Smoking

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between gender and self-reported dependence on cigarette smoking. Specifically, the study investigated whether gender differences existed between self-report on measures of behavioral dependence, physiological dependence, and craving. Participants included 109 students from a college in Oklahoma. Of the 109 participants, 60 completed all five sessions of the study. All participants were current smokers. Participants were asked to complete the Fagerstr�m Test for Nicotine Dependence, the Glover-Nilsson Smoking Behavior Questionnaire, the Smoking Consequences Questionnaire, and the Questionnaire on Smoking Urges. Participants were also asked to respond to diagnostic criteria of nicotine dependence from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR). All research materials were accessed by participants via internet. Materials were presented on a webpage, and participants completed the questionnaires on their own time schedule. Intra-class correlations indicated that reliability of self-report across the five time points was similar for men and women. MANOVA revealed no differences between men and women on self-report of physiological dependence, behavioral dependence, or craving. The MANOVA also indicated no significant differences in self-report across the five time points. Chi-Square indicated no significant differences in proportions of men and women classified as dependent by DSM-IV-TR criteria, and no significant difference in proportions of men and women who met DSM-IV-TR criteria for the specifier 'with physiological dependence'. Positive correlations were found to exist between measures of behavioral dependence, and between measures of behavioral dependence and craving. A similar pattern of results was found in participants who only completed one or two sessions of the study, and in analyses of the entire sample at Time 1. However, in participants who completed only part of the study as well as the entire sample, a larger proportion of nicotine dependent men met physiological dependence criteria. The results are inconclusive on whether differences exist in behavioral dependence, physiological dependence, and craving. It is possible that self-report measures of nicotine dependence are not adequately measuring these constructs.Department of Psycholog

    Analyse von Mikrowellenheizprozessen mittels selbstkonsistenter finiter Integrationsverfahren [online]

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    Learning Super-resolved Depth from Active Gated Imaging

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    Environment perception for autonomous driving is doomed by the trade-off between range-accuracy and resolution: current sensors that deliver very precise depth information are usually restricted to low resolution because of technology or cost limitations. In this work, we exploit depth information from an active gated imaging system based on cost-sensitive diode and CMOS technology. Learning a mapping between pixel intensities of three gated slices and depth produces a super-resolved depth map image with respectable relative accuracy of 5% in between 25-80 m. By design, depth information is perfectly aligned with pixel intensity values

    BAMF-SLAM: Bundle Adjusted Multi-Fisheye Visual-Inertial SLAM Using Recurrent Field Transforms

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    In this paper, we present BAMF-SLAM, a novel multi-fisheye visual-inertial SLAM system that utilizes Bundle Adjustment (BA) and recurrent field transforms (RFT) to achieve accurate and robust state estimation in challenging scenarios. First, our system directly operates on raw fisheye images, enabling us to fully exploit the wide Field-of-View (FoV) of fisheye cameras. Second, to overcome the low-texture challenge, we explore the tightly-coupled integration of multi-camera inputs and complementary inertial measurements via a unified factor graph and jointly optimize the poses and dense depth maps. Third, for global consistency, the wide FoV of the fisheye camera allows the system to find more potential loop closures, and powered by the broad convergence basin of RFT, our system can perform very wide baseline loop closing with little overlap. Furthermore, we introduce a semi-pose-graph BA method to avoid the expensive full global BA. By combining relative pose factors with loop closure factors, the global states can be adjusted efficiently with modest memory footprint while maintaining high accuracy. Evaluations on TUM-VI, Hilti-Oxford and Newer College datasets show the superior performance of the proposed system over prior works. In the Hilti SLAM Challenge 2022, our VIO version achieves second place. In a subsequent submission, our complete system, including the global BA backend, outperforms the winning approach.Comment: Accepted to ICRA202


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    This work addresses the automatic reconstruction of objects useful for BIM, like walls, floors and ceilings, from meshed and textured mapped 3D point clouds of indoor scenes. For this reason, we focus on the semantic segmentation of 3D indoor meshes as the initial step for the automatic generation of BIM models. Our investigations are based on the benchmark dataset ScanNet, which aims at the interpretation of 3D indoor scenes. For this purpose it provides 3D meshed representations as collected from low cost range cameras. In our opinion such RGB-D data has a great potential for the automated reconstruction of BIM objects
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