52 research outputs found

    Mammary stem cells have myoepithelial cell properties.

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    Contractile myoepithelial cells dominate the basal layer of the mammary epithelium and are considered to be differentiated cells. However, we observe that up to 54% of single basal cells can form colonies when seeded into adherent culture in the presence of agents that disrupt actin-myosin interactions, and on average, 65% of the single-cell-derived basal colonies can repopulate a mammary gland when transplanted in vivo. This indicates that a high proportion of basal myoepithelial cells can give rise to a mammary repopulating unit (MRU). We demonstrate that myoepithelial cells, flow-sorted using two independent myoepithelial-specific reporter strategies, have MRU capacity. Using an inducible lineage-tracing approach we follow the progeny of myoepithelial cells that express α-smooth muscle actin and show that they function as long-lived lineage-restricted stem cells in the virgin state and during pregnancy.This work was funded by Cancer Research UK, Breast Cancer Campaign, the University of Cambridge, Hutchison Whampoa Limited, La Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer (Equipe Labelisée 2013) and a grant from Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR- 08-BLAN-0078-01 to M.A.G.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature at http://www.nature.com/ncb/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ncb3025.html

    Fact or Factitious? A Psychobiological Study of Authentic and Simulated Dissociative Identity States

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    BACKGROUND: Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a disputed psychiatric disorder. Research findings and clinical observations suggest that DID involves an authentic mental disorder related to factors such as traumatization and disrupted attachment. A competing view indicates that DID is due to fantasy proneness, suggestibility, suggestion, and role-playing. Here we examine whether dissociative identity state-dependent psychobiological features in DID can be induced in high or low fantasy prone individuals by instructed and motivated role-playing, and suggestion. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: DID patients, high fantasy prone and low fantasy prone controls were studied in two different types of identity states (neutral and trauma-related) in an autobiographical memory script-driven (neutral or trauma-related) imagery paradigm. The controls were instructed to enact the two DID identity states. Twenty-nine subjects participated in the study: 11 patients with DID, 10 high fantasy prone DID simulating controls, and 8 low fantasy prone DID simulating controls. Autonomic and subjective reactions were obtained. Differences in psychophysiological and neural activation patterns were found between the DID patients and both high and low fantasy prone controls. That is, the identity states in DID were not convincingly enacted by DID simulating controls. Thus, important differences regarding regional cerebral bloodflow and psychophysiological responses for different types of identity states in patients with DID were upheld after controlling for DID simulation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The findings are at odds with the idea that differences among different types of dissociative identity states in DID can be explained by high fantasy proneness, motivated role-enactment, and suggestion. They indicate that DID does not have a sociocultural (e.g., iatrogenic) origin

    Predictors of ventricular tachyarrhythmia in high-risk myocardial infarction patients treated with primary coronary intervention

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    Background. We investigated the association between clinical characteristics, angiographic data and ventricular arrhythmia in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI

    Clustering of RR intervals predicts effective electrical cardioversion for atrial fibrillation

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    Electrical Cardioversion for Atrial Fibrillation. Introduction: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is characterized by an irregularly irregular ("random") heart beat. However, controversy exists whether the ventricular rhythm in AF is truly random. We investigated randomness by constructing three-dimensional RR interval plots (3D plots), allowing identification of "clustering" of RR intervals. It was hypothesized that electrical cardioversion (ECV) would be more effective in AF patients with clustering, because clustering might reflect a higher degree of organization of atrial fibrillatory activity. Methods and Results: The study group consisted of 66 patients (44 men and 22 women; mean age 68 +/- 11 years,) who were referred for ECV because of persistent AF. Twenty-four-hour Holter recordings were used to construct 3D plots by plotting each RR interval (x axis) against the previous RR interval (y axis) and the number of occurrences of each of these x,y combinations (z axis). A clustering index was calculated as the percentage of beats within the peaks in the 3D plot. Based on the 3D plots, clustering of RR intervals was present in 31 (47%) of the 66 patients. ECV was effective in restoring sinus rhythm in 29 (94%) of these 31 patients, whereas sinus rhythm was restored in only 25 (71%) of the remaining 35 patients without clustering (P = 0.020). The clustering index ranged from 8% in the 32 patients with sinus rhythm at the end of the study (4 weeks after the ECV); the clustering index in the 22 patients with a relapse of AF after effective ECV was intermediate (P = 0.034 and P = 0.042, respectively). Conclusion: This study indicates that ECV is more effective in restoring sinus rhythm in AF patients with clustering compared to patients in whom no clustering is apparent on 3D plots. In addition, the degree of clustering appears to be predictive of the overall outcome of ECV; the higher the degree of clustering, the higher the likelihood of sinus rhythm at follow-up
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