222 research outputs found

    Monotone graph limits and quasimonotone graphs

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    The recent theory of graph limits gives a powerful framework for understanding the properties of suitable (convergent) sequences (Gn)(G_n) of graphs in terms of a limiting object which may be represented by a symmetric function WW on [0,1][0,1], i.e., a kernel or graphon. In this context it is natural to wish to relate specific properties of the sequence to specific properties of the kernel. Here we show that the kernel is monotone (i.e., increasing in both variables) if and only if the sequence satisfies a `quasi-monotonicity' property defined by a certain functional tending to zero. As a tool we prove an inequality relating the cut and L1L^1 norms of kernels of the form W1W2W_1-W_2 with W1W_1 and W2W_2 monotone that may be of interest in its own right; no such inequality holds for general kernels.Comment: 38 page

    Explicit lower and upper bounds on the entangled value of multiplayer XOR games

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    XOR games are the simplest model in which the nonlocal properties of entanglement manifest themselves. When there are two players, it is well known that the bias --- the maximum advantage over random play --- of entangled players can be at most a constant times greater than that of classical players. Recently, P\'{e}rez-Garc\'{i}a et al. [Comm. Math. Phys. 279 (2), 2008] showed that no such bound holds when there are three or more players: the advantage of entangled players over classical players can become unbounded, and scale with the number of questions in the game. Their proof relies on non-trivial results from operator space theory, and gives a non-explicit existence proof, leading to a game with a very large number of questions and only a loose control over the local dimension of the players' shared entanglement. We give a new, simple and explicit (though still probabilistic) construction of a family of three-player XOR games which achieve a large quantum-classical gap (QC-gap). This QC-gap is exponentially larger than the one given by P\'{e}rez-Garc\'{i}a et. al. in terms of the size of the game, achieving a QC-gap of order N\sqrt{N} with N2N^2 questions per player. In terms of the dimension of the entangled state required, we achieve the same (optimal) QC-gap of N\sqrt{N} for a state of local dimension NN per player. Moreover, the optimal entangled strategy is very simple, involving observables defined by tensor products of the Pauli matrices. Additionally, we give the first upper bound on the maximal QC-gap in terms of the number of questions per player, showing that our construction is only quadratically off in that respect. Our results rely on probabilistic estimates on the norm of random matrices and higher-order tensors which may be of independent interest.Comment: Major improvements in presentation; results identica

    A new look at C*-simplicity and the unique trace property of a group

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    We characterize when the reduced C*-algebra of a group has unique tracial state, respectively, is simple, in terms of Dixmier-type properties of the group C*-algebra. We also give a simple proof of the recent result by Breuillard, Kalantar, Kennedy and Ozawa that the reduced C*-algebra of a group has unique tracial state if and only if the amenable radical of the group is trivial.Comment: 8 page

    Mutually unbiased bases in dimension six: The four most distant bases

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    We consider the average distance between four bases in dimension six. The distance between two orthonormal bases vanishes when the bases are the same, and the distance reaches its maximal value of unity when the bases are unbiased. We perform a numerical search for the maximum average distance and find it to be strictly smaller than unity. This is strong evidence that no four mutually unbiased bases exist in dimension six. We also provide a two-parameter family of three bases which, together with the canonical basis, reach the numerically-found maximum of the average distance, and we conduct a detailed study of the structure of the extremal set of bases.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Constructing Mutually Unbiased Bases in Dimension Six

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    The density matrix of a qudit may be reconstructed with optimal efficiency if the expectation values of a specific set of observables are known. In dimension six, the required observables only exist if it is possible to identify six mutually unbiased complex 6x6 Hadamard matrices. Prescribing a first Hadamard matrix, we construct all others mutually unbiased to it, using algebraic computations performed by a computer program. We repeat this calculation many times, sampling all known complex Hadamard matrices, and we never find more than two that are mutually unbiased. This result adds considerable support to the conjecture that no seven mutually unbiased bases exist in dimension six.Comment: As published version. Added discussion of the impact of numerical approximations and corrected the number of triples existing for non-affine families (cf Table 3

    A Characterization of right coideals of quotient type and its application to classification of Poisson boundaries

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    Let GG be a co-amenable compact quantum group. We show that a right coideal of GG is of quotient type if and only if it is the range of a conditional expectation preserving the Haar state and is globally invariant under the left action of the dual discrete quantum group. We apply this result to theory of Poisson boundaries introduced by Izumi for discrete quantum groups and generalize a work of Izumi-Neshveyev-Tuset on SUq(N)SU_q(N) for co-amenable compact quantum groups with the commutative fusion rules. More precisely, we prove that the Poisson integral is an isomorphism between the Poisson boundary and the right coideal of quotient type by maximal quantum subgroup of Kac type. In particular, the Poisson boundary and the quantum flag manifold are isomorphic for any q-deformed classical compact Lie group.Comment: 28 pages, Remark 4.9 adde

    Spectral density of generalized Wishart matrices and free multiplicative convolution

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    We investigate the level density for several ensembles of positive random matrices of a Wishart--like structure, W=XXW=XX^{\dagger}, where XX stands for a nonhermitian random matrix. In particular, making use of the Cauchy transform, we study free multiplicative powers of the Marchenko-Pastur (MP) distribution, MPs{\rm MP}^{\boxtimes s}, which for an integer ss yield Fuss-Catalan distributions corresponding to a product of ss independent square random matrices, X=X1XsX=X_1\cdots X_s. New formulae for the level densities are derived for s=3s=3 and s=1/3s=1/3. Moreover, the level density corresponding to the generalized Bures distribution, given by the free convolution of arcsine and MP distributions is obtained. We also explain the reason of such a curious convolution. The technique proposed here allows for the derivation of the level densities for several other cases.Comment: 10 latex pages including 4 figures, Ver 4, minor improvements and references updat

    Exotic complex Hadamard matrices, and their equivalence

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    In this paper we use a design theoretical approach to construct new, previously unknown complex Hadamard matrices. Our methods generalize and extend the earlier results of de la Harpe--Jones and Munemasa--Watatani and offer a theoretical explanation for the existence of some sporadic examples of complex Hadamard matrices in the existing literature. As it is increasingly difficult to distinguish inequivalent matrices from each other, we propose a new invariant, the fingerprint of complex Hadamard matrices. As a side result, we refute a conjecture of Koukouvinos et al. on (n-8)x(n-8) minors of real Hadamard matrices.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in Cryptography and Communications: Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequence