265 research outputs found

    Jewels on the go: exotic buprestids around the world (Coleoptera, Buprestidae)

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    Buprestidae (Coleoptera: Buprestoidea) is one of the three wood-borer beetle groups of major phytosani-tary interest worldwide, together with Cerambycidae and Scolytinae (Curculionidae). As in other beetle families, some buprestid species have been unintentionally or intentionally introduced around the world, in some cases causing significant environmental and economic damage in the invaded territories. Despite the phytosanitary relevance of the Buprestidae, information regarding the identity of exotic buprestids, their biogeographic areas of origin, introduction pathways, and larval host plants, have remained scattered in the literature. Our objective was to summarize much of the existing knowledge on these topics in the present paper. Our analysis resulted in a list of 115 exotic buprestids worldwide, representing introduc-tions both within and between biogeographic realms and corresponding to less than 1% of the known buprestid species worldwide. Invasiveness does not seem to be linked to their larval host plant preferences, as introduced species utilize 158 plant genera in 70 plant families and are equally represented in all feeding guilds (monophagous, oligophagous, and polyphagous). As trade of plants or plant parts can serve as a pathway for future introductions, the information reported in this review can help in pest risk assessment

    Analysis and Functional Annotation of Expressed Sequence Tags from the Asian Longhorned Beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis

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    The Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), is one of the most economically and ecologically devastating forest insects to invade North America in recent years. Despite its substantial impact, limited effort has been expended to define the genetic and molecular make-up of this species. Considering the significant role played by late-stadia larvae in host tree decimation, a small-scale EST sequencing project was done using a cDNA library constructed from 5th -instar A. glabripennis. The resultant dataset consisted of 599 high quality ESTs that, upon assembly, yielded 381 potentially unique transcripts. Each of these transcripts was catalogued as to putative molecular function, biological process, and associated cellular component according to the Gene Ontology classification system. Using this annotated dataset, a subset of assembled sequences was identified that are putatively associated with A. glabnpennis development and metamorphosis. This work will contribute to understanding of the diverse molecular mechanisms that underlie coleopteran morphogenesis and enable the future development of novel control strategies for management of this insect pest

    Phase diagram for non-axisymmetric plasma balls

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    Plasma balls and rings emerge as fluid holographic duals of black holes and black rings in the hydrodynamic/gravity correspondence for the Scherk-Schwarz AdS system. Recently, plasma balls spinning above a critical rotation were found to be unstable against m-lobed perturbations. In the phase diagram of stationary solutions the threshold of the instability signals a bifurcation to a new phase of non-axisymmetric configurations. We find explicitly this family of solutions and represent them in the phase diagram. We discuss the implications of our results for the gravitational system. Rotating non-axisymmetric black holes necessarily radiate gravitational waves. We thus emphasize that it would be important, albeit possibly out of present reach, to have a better understanding of the hydrodynamic description of gravitational waves and of the gravitational interaction between two bodies. We also argue that it might well be that a non-axisymmetric m-lobed instability is also present in Myers-Perry black holes for rotations below the recently found ultraspinning instability.Comment: 1+22 pages, 3 figures. v2: minor corrections and improvements, matches published versio

    Nonlinear Hydrodynamics from Flow of Retarded Green's Function

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    We study the radial flow of retarded Green's function of energy-momentum tensor and RR-current of dual gauge theory in presence of generic higher derivative terms in bulk Lagrangian. These are first order non-linear Riccati equations. We solve these flow equations analytically and obtain second order transport coefficients of boundary plasma. This way of computing transport coefficients has an advantage over usual Kubo approach. The non-linear equation turns out to be a linear first order equation when we study the Green's function perturbatively in momentum. We consider several examples including Weyl4Weyl^4 term and generic four derivative terms in bulk. We also study the flow equations for RR-charged black holes and obtain exact expressions for second order transport coefficients for dual plasma in presence of arbitrary chemical potentials. Finally we obtain higher derivative corrections to second order transport coefficients of boundary theory dual to five dimensional gauge supergravity.Comment: Version 2, reference added, typos correcte

    Hydrodynamics from charged black branes

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    We extend the recent work on fluid-gravity correspondence to charged black-branes by determining the metric duals to arbitrary charged fluid configuration up to second order in the boundary derivative expansion. We also derive the energy-momentum tensor and the charge current for these configurations up to second order in the boundary derivative expansion. We find a new term in the charge current when there is a bulk Chern-Simons interaction thus resolving an earlier discrepancy between thermodynamics of charged rotating black holes and boundary hydrodynamics. We have also confirmed that all our expressions are covariant under boundary Weyl-transformations as expected.Comment: 0+ 31 Pages; v2: 0+33 pages, typos corrected and new sections (in appendix) added; v3:published versio

    Preimaginal Stages of the Emerald Ash Borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae): An Invasive Pest on Ash Trees (Fraxinus)

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    This study provides the most detailed description of the immature stages of Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire to date and illustrates suites of larval characters useful in distinguishing among Agrilus Curtis species and instars. Immature stages of eight species of Agrilus were examined and imaged using light and scanning electron microscopy. For A. planipennis all preimaginal stages (egg, instars I-IV, prepupa and pupa) were described. A combination of 14 character states were identified that serve to identify larvae of A. planipennis. Our results support the segregation of Agrilus larvae into two informal assemblages based on characters of the mouthparts, prothorax, and abdomen: the A. viridis and A. ater assemblages, with A. planipennis being more similar to the former. Additional evidence is provided in favor of excluding A. planipennis from the subgenus Uragrilus

    Biology and Behavior of Spathius agrili, a Parasitoid of the Emerald Ash Borer, Agrilus planipennis, in China

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    Spathius agrili Yang (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a gregarious larval ectoparasitoid of the emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) and is a recently described species. Both pest and parasitoid are native to China. In Tianjin City, China, S. agrili typically exhibited 3–4 generations per year, overwintering as a prepupa in a cocoon inside the host gallery. The multiple generations of S. agrili overlapped with its host, as did the emergence dates of the overwintering generation. From a single host, 1–18 S. agrili successfully developed to the adult stage (average 8.4), but in all cases the host was killed. The sex ratio (female: male) of the parasitoid adults emerging from field-collected cocoons was 2:1, whereas the sex ratio of parasitoids reared from field collected eggs and larvae was greater than 3:1. On average, adult females lived 29.1 d, and males lived 23.6 d when fed with 20% honey solution, significantly longer than without a nutritional supplement. Sexual reproduction is the normal mode of reproduction, but in the laboratory females did reproduce parthenogenetically, producing only males. The average fecundity was 23.3 eggs per female in the laboratory. S. agrili developed through five larval instars, and the larvae fed gregariously on the host hemolymph. The generation time from egg to adult wasp was 27–28 d at 22–26°C. Natural parasitism rates were as high as 60%, and in October they reached over 90% in some stands. This study showed that S. agrili is a promising agent for biocontrol of A. planipennis

    Type IIA orientifold compactification on SU(2)-structure manifolds

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    We investigate the effective theory of type IIA string theory on six-dimensional orientifold backgrounds with SU(2)-structure. We focus on the case of orientifolds with O6-planes, for which we compute the bosonic effective action in the supergravity approximation. For a generic SU(2)-structure background, we find that the low-energy effective theory is a gauged N=2 supergravity where moduli in both vector and hypermultiplets are charged. Since all these supergravities descend from a corresponding N=4 background, their scalar target space is always a quotient of a SU(1,1)/U(1) x SO(6,n)/SO(6)xSO(n) coset, and is therefore also very constrained.Comment: 31 pages; v2: local report number adde

    Biology and Life History of Balcha indica, an Ectoparasitoid Attacking the Emerald Ash Borer, Agrilus planipennis, in North America

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    Balcha indica Mani and Kaul (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae) is a solitary ectoparasitoid attacking larvae, prepupae, and pupae of the emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae). Its fecundity, oviposition rate, longevity, and development time were determined in the laboratory under standard rearing conditions (25 ± 2° C, 65 ± 10% relative humidity, and 14:10 L:D). Adults lived a mean of 59 days with a maximum of 117 days. Lifetime adult fecundity averaged 36 eggs with a maximum 94 eggs per female. The egg stage lasted for a maximum of four days with ∌ 50% eggs hatched within two days. The development time of the first instars lasted for a maximum of nine days; 50% of the first instars completed their development (i.e., molted to the next instar) within five days. Instars of the intermediate and final stage larvae (after molting of the first instars occurred) could not be distinguished until they reached the pupal stage, and 50% of those larvae pupated ∌ 62 days after adult oviposition. Under the standard rearing conditions, 50% of B. indica took ∌ 83 days to complete the life cycle (from egg to adult emergence) ranging from 47 to 129 days. These results suggest that B. indica may not have more than two generations in the mid-Atlantic and Midwest regions of United States, where normal growing seasons—with average temperature above 25° C—are normally less than six months (May–October). Because of the long life span and oviposition period of adults, however, B. indica is likely to have overlapping generations
